
Jazz and RnB


"Thank you Ethan," I smiled brightly as I reached across the table to hold his hand, "You don't know how much that means to me."

"It's my pleasure," he lifted my hand to kiss my knuckles, "Now stop being gloomy and let's focus on the moment. If you want you can check on Malia to give you peace of mind."

I shook my head, "It's alright. I know she's fine, the help would have called if something was wrong."

"I'm sure it must feel nice to have some hair on your head. Hopefully it doesn't feel so cold," he chuckled. 

"And there's the Ethan I know," I rolled my eyes even though I was smiling, "It does feel weird I won't lie. My head feels lighter and sometimes I flick my hair back then remember I don't have any which is something new. People must think I'm crazy."

His laugh flooded through the restaurant warming my heart, "Never cut your hair again. I don't think Uncle Vasili will approve."

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