
Herr der Zerstörung (Teil 1)

"Where are we? Who are you? And more importantly, am I dead? Is Lith also dead?" asked Solus. She felt like she was about to faint, yet it was impossible for her to do so in her current state.

"You find yourself in a place where no living being should be—in my consciousness. You know me by many names: The Allfather, the Great Mother, but I believe 'Mogar' has gained popularity lately," the Elina-like being replied.

"Wait, what? Why am I here? If I'm not dead, why can't I access any of my powers?" Each answer she received only added to Solus's confusion.

"Had you retained your original form, you would indeed be dead, yet Menadion has forged you a body of resilience, one that no simple lightning can destroy. Besides, your life force is intertwined with the human's.

"You teeter on the edge of death, and as I was present at its brink, the humanity within your mind has instinctively returned to me. You have no need for powers here; you are safe. Unlike him."

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