
Chapter 8 "Groom of Light"

Cold winds of the night brought a fresh change to the once passionate bedroom, which served as the shrine for their lustful ritual.

"O' Goddess, thank you for blessing me with this opportunity. Through endless nights and moons, I've endured my carnal desires, and finally, you've answered my prayer. In the name of Lumiere, Amen." Elia's hands glowed in white Light as she finished her prayer.

Her pale skin glistened with sweat, and her voluptuous body was only covered in a white blanket. Ioki could never fathom how much other Players would pay simply to have a second of their life swapped with Ioki.

[Sister Elia's Affinity Level toward you has been Maxed!]

[Goddess of Light has blessed you with "Shroud of Light."]

[Shroud of Light (Passive)

The holy shroud of Light now envelops your presence. The virtuous follower of Light will grow through good deeds.

Bonus Damage to the Unholy/Devil alignment of enemies; Each good deed you've done will accumulate toward your Virtue Stats; virtue Stats will boost your total damage.]

[Goddess of Light is grateful toward you once again.]

[Groom of Light | Grade: Divine

By the Heavenly decree, not even the Devil will stand between your holy relationship.

Bonus: +15 Charm, +15 Charisma, Your attacks will be imbued with Lumiere's Light if you pray, Your stats will be boosted by 30% when the Bride of Light is nearby.]

[Congratulations! First to get the Achievement bonus! Honor +300.]

Ioki's head was racing with lots of thoughts while his heart was mixed with many emotions as he read the blue windows before him.

"That was amazing! Seems like young Mister here knows how to do a thing or two behind his innocent look, huh?" Skye teased while pinching Ioki's cheek, "Hey, do you guys want to take a bath together?" She asked while glancing over the two with a bright smile.

Skye was no exception. Her naked body was sparkling in sweat under the Light of the room. The shadows and the lighting truly highlighted her lean body. Ioki truly admired her body because he knew how hard-working you must be to achieve such physique.

"Oh yeah, don't mind us, Skye. Just go take a bath while we cuddle here," Elia replied with a teasing smile.

"I---I want to take a bath..." Ioki spoke softly while trying to get up from the bed.

Elia held him back from waking up with her arm pressing on Ioki's shoulder, forcefully lying him down against the bed again.

"But I don't want to, sweetie. I want to cuddle with you till morning... If I go take a bath right now, then your scent will fade away." Elia's voice lingered in the bedroom as she snuggled toward Ioki.

Skye shook her head upon hearing Elia's words, "What scent? The Guided Souls don't have any natural scents lingering with them. Stop lying and just say you are too lazy to take a bath."


Skye slapped Elia's bubbly butt. Her butt was visibly jiggling through the blanket.

"Hey! I think your hands touched my body far too much than Ioki, to be honest," Elia complained while glaring at Skye.

Hearing her complaint, Skye approached Elia and started putting her hands under the blanket.

"Wh--- Sto--- ah~ Skye~" Elia's plead fell deaf to Skye's ears as her body groped violently.

Ioki was in awe once again, seeing how wild Skye could go against Elia. The creaking of the bed and the way her body squirmed under the blanket is quite a sight to see.

The two beautiful and powerful women of Ruina were laid bare before Ioki with their guards down, and all of their raw emotions poured from their hearts in front of Ioki.

"Umm, I think it might be bad if people hear your moan..." Ioki softly spoke.

Hearing Ioki's words, Skye went even wilder on her actions. "You hear that? It would be bad. Shouldn't you listen to the Child of Light?" Skye teased on Elia's ear.

The relentless assault on her body left her weak. She could only try to cover her mouth with her hand as her expression slowly started to enjoy it.

"Miss Skye, please!" Ioki stopped her by grabbing her arm.

Hearing Ioki's plead, her attention is now fully shifted to Ioki instead of Elia. "Miss? Miss? Is that all I amount to after how you moaned and begged my name, young Mister?" Skye teased.

Skye dragged her body across the bed and went to Ioki, with another stare fully expressing how she could eat Ioki at any given time.

She grasped both Ioki's wrists tightly and looked at him dead in the eye, "Seems like young Mister right here had another idea on how things work around here after how the day has passed with him begging like a dog." She said firmly.

Instead of letting himself be teased once again, Ioki returned back the glare. "It's because Goddess Lumiere somehow just decided. Right now, I am Sister Elia's groom!" Ioki exclaimed.

Hearing his words, Skye found herself surprised. Elia was no exception; after Skye's relentless groping left her weak, she finally focused on Ioki.

"What? Are you high right now, Ioki?" Skye asked while putting her palm on Ioki's temple.

"What do you mean by that, sweetie?" Elia tried to confirm what she just heard by grabbing Ioki's shoulder.

Of course, Ioki thought Elia would already know because of how close her relationship with Goddess Lumiere was. The cat is out of the bag. These words have altered their life and set them on a tedious path filled with sacrifice...

"By the heavenly decree, Lumiere said our relationship has been blessed... w---we are married right now..." Ioki finished his explanation nervously.

Hearing his explanation made their eyes go wide. They stared at each other for a moment in awe of the revelation they had just heard.

"You know, if you make this all up just so you can have me by your side, there will be lots of punishment for you. There are many ways to make me stay by your side, but not like this..." Elia's voice lingered in the air with a hint of doubt.

"Then tell me, what did you see from earlier that made you rush at me like that when I just entered the Diner? You saw something different in me, right?" Ioki inquired with an intense gaze at Elia.

Hearing his questions, Elia exchanged glances with Skye for a few moments, with doubts and curiosity hidden behind their expression.

"Cast Silent Space again," Elia said firmly.

"There are too many shadows lingering around. It won't be a surprise if they send someone to creep inside my space at this moment." Skye replied roughly.

With a move of her hand, Elia cast an unknown buffing skill to Skye as her body shone in a white light. "I'd love to see them try intruding on Lumiere's domain."

Hearing Elia's assertive tone, Skye cast Silent Space once again. The whole room was enveloped in a white barrier this time around.

Seeing the room was fully enveloped with Lumiere's power, Elia finally opened her mouth. "The first time I saw you, you radiated an amalgamation of divine lights. Rare case, but not impossible... it just means the Divine Beings love your existence."

"In those flickering lights, I could see Lumiere's presence along with the foul presence of other Beings." Elia explained before she took a deep breath, "This morning when you came through that door. The presence of Lumiere's Light shines brightly along with a golden light overpowering the other presence..." Elia continued with a serious tone.

"It's because..." Ioki then explained all the things that happened to him before he logged out last week.

Every single thing, starting from his duel with Ragthar, his brawl with the Pack Leader, toward the end of his fated encounter with Arwen...

Hearing his story made them experience a range of emotions, ranging from how they found themselves in awe over Ioki challenging Ragthar in a duel to how the Fortune Squad was formed.

The look of disbelief upon hearing the existence of an Elder Kobold being Gaia's Witness and laughing over how Joki was such a goofy companion.

Ioki was having fun recounting his story to this beautiful listener before him; all his life, he needed someone who could listen to him as much as he listened to others. Alas, life is cruel...

Finally, nearing the climax of Ioki's first day on Ashen Fantasy, he took a deep breath. He looked at Elia sympathetically... mix of emotions could be seen clearly was shuffling on Ioki's face as he tried to open his mouth.

The image and voice of Arwen's encounter were vivid in his head... he is afraid of such things that lead Arwen into such a state that would make Elia end up the same...

Seeing his worries, Elia hugged him tight from the side with her chest pressed against his arm while caressing his head. Strangely, no feeling of lust was invoked by that moment... it was purely warmness of comfort...

"Hey, take your time... it's fine..." Skye tried to comfort him as she tried to caress his cheek in Elia's embrace.

After a while, Ioki took another deep breath and finally opened his mouth. "I met a great man... the reason why you see the Light of Lumiere shone more brightly than others is probably thanks to my encounter with him..."

"Who is he?" Elia whispered while still caressing his head.

"Saint of the past... Mr. Arwen." Loki spoke softly.

Hearing his name, Elia let go of her hug and grabbed Ioki by the shoulders while staring at him with a mad expression.

"DON'T YOU DARE JOKE WITH ME, IOKI!" Elia shouted out of anger.

Ioki had no clue why she was mad upon the mention of Arwen's name. Of course, Ioki was shocked when his whole body was violently held by Elia.

"Hey! Listen to his story first. You have the ability to discern lies as well. Don't overreact!" Skye tried to comfort Elia while holding her back.

Suddenly, Elia's eyes were enveloped in white Light as she stared at Ioki.

[The Goddess of Light tells you not to worry.]

[The Goddess of Light tells you to help Her child.]

"Y---you are not lying... how?" Elia covered her mouth out of shock.

Seeing how Elia reacted, Ioki picked up the clues told by her emotions. Ioki tried to piece it together and come to a conclusion that she honored Arwen for his sacrifice... a true Saint living his life for others...

He reached for Elia's hands and moved them toward his chest, "It's because I met him, I fought him, and I ended his sufferings with the help of Goddess Lumiere."

[God of Destruction is reminding you to know your place.]

[Goddess of Fortune felt sad by your remark.]

Ignoring the blue windows before him, he continued. "Mr. Arwen is a great man. It's a shame his sacrifice led him to his death..."

"You talk like you know what happened. Did you truly meet him? Tell me what truly happened, don't skip anything... please, Ioki... I need to hear the truth..." The sorrowful voice came out of Elia as she begged Ioki.

Ioki continued his story once again as the night deepened. Soon, he will discover what a terrifying path will be paved before him and what Arwen means as he says his goodbye before resting in peace.

Hearing Ioki's story once again, the two of them are in awe of this boy's strength in crushing through the mountain of problems that stands before him.

Just knowing Ioki was fighting Arwen himself would be a difficult task, not to add Jezetein's disruption on top of that... they were left in disbelief upon hearing Jezetein's head soared through the sky because of Ioki's fist.

Ioki then joked around to tell them how close Joki was getting with Mr. Arwen to lighten the mood.

Skye laughed a bit at hearing how Joki was holding Mr. Arwen's head while Elia smiled bitterly.

Toward the end of the story, Ioki finally tells everything, including the visions and the monologue Mr. Arwen acted out of despise as he voiced his hatred toward the gloomy Heaven...

Perhaps the storm had been calm for far too long; finally, rain poured from the enigmatic grey eyes... the ocean of her eyes flooded with no sign of the storm calming down...

Ioki tried to comfort her, but she insisted on telling him to finish the story while sobbing.

Approaching her, Ioki hugged Elia tightly. "Then I hugged Mr. Arwen like this and told him his journey is already over... on behalf of the ungrateful citizens he sacrificed his life for, I thanked him." Ioki spoke softly in her ear.

With his soft voice lingering, before she could say anything... her heart gave in and poured everything out. Elia cried like a child... Ioki had someone cry for him, but this was the first time he had someone cry on his shoulder...

"D---did you *sob* at least g---gave him a painless*sob* death?" Elia tried her best to ask about Arwen's fate.

"Painless death? Elia... I gave him the answer to his prayers..." Ioki spoke again while she caressed Elia's back with the help of Skye.

After a while, Elia was finally calm after she poured her heart out. Not for long...

"W---what is it?" Elia tried her hardest to ask, with the constricting feelings in her throat more evident as her voice got worse over time went by...

"I exorcised the Devil's influence on him. I sent him to Heaven where he belongs..." Ioki spoke while hugging her tighter.

Elia was about to ask Ioki whether he was lying or not, "This boy... Goddess, I'm really thankful for the chance of letting our paths cross. If he is truly the answer to all my prayers, then let me be the answer to his in return." She prayed in her heart.

After finishing her prayer, Elia started sobbing again. This time, this is not the cry of pain nor the cry of helplessness. This is the tear of joy... after hearing the conclusion of Arwen's fate.

As the night grew, the gust of wind started to blow violently, bringing along droplets of rain... hopefully, it was enough to wash the sadness of Ruina away...

"Thank you... thank you, thank you! Thank you so much, Ioki!" Elia hugged Ioki tightly while she kept repeating her gratitude. "Thank you for saving---"

Ioki's eyes widened, while his expression changed into shock as if he did not believe what he just heard.


The sound of thunder echoed through the night sky as the storm washed the sadness and filth of Ruina away...

The calm before the storm? This is the storm before the disaster.


"What is it now?" The woman in black asked again with a doll of Ioki in her hand, repeatedly stabbed by her.

The shadowy figure that just emerged cautiously kneeled and reported with a firm voice, "Brood Mother has issued a command."

She let go of the doll in her hand before standing and replied, "What does Mother want?"

"After you finish your business in Ruina, Brood Mother wants to have a detailed report on this Guided Soul, Ioki." He answered in a cold voice.

"How does--- Yes! I will report all my investigation results about Ioki to Mother. anything else?" She asked after regaining control of her expression upon hearing Ioki's name.

"The Kingdom of Light lately has been active and having secret meetings with Mars. Our fate resonates as one." He concluded the report before the shadows consumed him and a trace of electricity was left behind.

Soon, another shadow emerged.

"What is it? Another command?" The woman in black asked.

"N-no, another Silent Space has been cast..." She answered carefully.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING? THEIR PLACE IS ABOUT TO BE RAZED TO THE GROUND, YET THEY FUCK THROUGH DAY AND NIGHT?!" She screamed while kicking the table near her violently toward the wall.

The table was broken and sliced into pieces before reaching the wall.

I will tell you this straight away, I've applied for contract on this story. I will take a rest before continuing to update this, if you are already subscribed and joined my Discord you will have full access to all of it in the future.

Like it ? Add to library! Thanks for your support till now! it's impossible for me to keep on writing this one if I never had a single support from you guys, you guys totally rock!

ImmortalRoadcreators' thoughts
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