

My exams now weren't as bad, but I need to learn a lot for my O.W.L.s, which are one of the only two exams taken next near.

Maybe I sacrifice a couple of hours in the summerbreak.

I didn't want all of my grades to be Outstanding (O), but I want to pass them at least. They aren't important to me as only knowledge counts for me and I have an idea how to earn money later, but it if I had later an opportunity that I couldn't take part in because of my laziness now, then I can't change it.

But a few hours studying now wouldn't hurt.

Back to the topic you hope for.

The big event is just around the corner and honestly I could just wait for it to be over to achieve my goal, yet I wanted to know if my wings changed fate.

Being present is hardly achievable as Quirellmort's two noses would sniff me out. A way for me was using 'Share sense', but I didn't want to bring my pets into danger. Well as a few know, the chamber with the mirrors has two entrypoints. One to walk in like Quirellmort and Harry, as well as a window in the ceiling, which was used by Dumbledore or better said his Phoenix.

So getting Ash to this windowsill to be a quiet watchman was a way to see without being perceived. And even if he got spotted, even though rare an animal wouldn't have his attention if it ain't a Phoenix.

Now finding that window wasn't the hardest part, but Dumbledore wouldn't leave this entry unprotected. I reckon it is another use of intend-warding, as he wouldn't harm a bird that got in contact with it.

And so with some popcorn from the helpful elves, I watch the final fight of Harry's first year in birdview. Literally.

There wasn't much difference as although Harry got a lot more practice from the studygroup he took part in a few times, he had a headache which is fatal either way. So it turns out like before.

Bad guy monologue and trying to rope the hero in.

A passionate statement from the protagonist.

A fight which ends in the ashes of the evil puppet.

Mastermind fights back and cliffhanger.

At least for some as in this moment another firebird swipes

next to Ash into the room. I don't know why he doesn't use flame travel,

but I was to engrossed in what followed to care.

Dumbledore transports Harry to Madam Pomfrey.

Now most would use this timeframe of him being there to achieve their goal, but I couldn't because of two things. Dumbledores explanation to Harry would happen in a few days, so now he is only distracted for a minute or two. And lastly I wanted to wait a little for the loveable puppy to get banned by the schoolboard as otherwise it would feel like I steal from Hagrid and like this he would be thankful instead.


Three days later.

The schoolboard worked harder than expected and even though the paperwork wasn't finished Hagid was already informed about the nearing export of his magical beast. Today Harry wakes up and I planted Ash at the window again. This time at the hospital wing.

I waited in the tower of stairs to move as soon as he woke up.

It was clear Dumbledore saw Ash last time and as he had access to the list of pets McGonnagal created, he knew Ash was my pet.

But since I didn't do anything on that day, he waited, but I was sure another talk with him neared.

But now was the time to act.

Fluffy didn't protect something now and was as well-behaved as I met him four years ago in his barn. A big mountain of fluff with a personality to match. He was so excited to see me that I nearly forgot my timeframe from his 6 eyes that wanted attention.

But I pitched myself and got on with the kidnapping, if you want to name it like that. My first step was to tame him, which was easier than anticipated. I thought his long loyalty to Hagrid would get me a setback, but spending so much time with him over the years gave me a chance and he is smart enough with three brains to understand, what it means to be a tamed beast. At least to some extent. But what was transmitted to me after the taming process, was happiness to get a bigger family. I wouldn't complain and after getting him into my space, I went to inform Hagrid.

He was surprised, but thankful that he gets to be in contact with his Fluffy.

And that is how the schoolyear ends.

Or at least I thought it would, but the headmaster called me in before the feast. Don't get me wrong, I predicted he would, but only after or maybe in the break. Not before it would start.

But I guess another argument with the worlds strongest wizard lies before me.

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