
Weekend in the library

As I wake up in the morning, I let my three pets out of 'Dimensional Home'.

Anluan became the big brother of the Kneazles, who liked to use him as a climbing tree.

I was thinking of naming the two after the roman goddesses of the moon and stars,

but then I remember that Luna isn't the best name for a male cat. In addition in a few years

Luna Lovegood will appear and even if I think she wouldn't mind, I am original enough to find my own.

Okay, I use the names of deitys from mythology, but it's more of a homage.

So the final names were Mani for the male silver one after the nordic god of the moon.

I must tell you in most religions the moon is attributed to a goddess, so to find a male name

under 10 letters is a whole lot of work.

The female one is easier, but at the end I choose Asteria, Greek deity of the stars.

Both are so cute when they are tumbling together on the ground.

Adult Kneazles are the size of a muggle lynx, but they have bigger ears, which are around 20 cm in lenght.

The to I bought aren't even one year old from the size they have.

Next to the Irish wolfshound they look even tinier. Their favourite foods are fish and rabbits, but they are

still to little to hunt themselves.

I plan to make a river and forest in their habitat with fish and rabbits they can eat.

Both species multiply fast, so a few initial couples of different fish and rabbits should be sufficient.

After feeding the three, I also get hungry, so I make my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

To my delight there are a few seniors on their way, so I follow them and try to memorize the path.

I ain't great at directions, so maybe I should copy a map of the castle and grounds.

It doesn't need the abilities of the Marauders Map, but a simple drawn map of the different ways to the classrooms that I could expand in the future when I explore the grounds and later the Forbidden Forest.

Not many are up so early in the morning, so I got a quiet corner on the Griffindor table and

eat some toast with egg and bacon. Simple but I like it. I pick up some apples for later and wanted to make my way to the library for a map to copy as my head of house came in my directions.

"Good morning, Mr. Tonks."

"Good morning, Professor McGonnagal. Is something wrong?"

"No, dear. I simply wanted to give you the lesson plan and ask if everything is alright.

We didn't had a situation like yours in many years. Are you sure you don't want to move in with your seniors?", she asks in a courteous tone.

"To be honest, I prefer it that way, professor. That way I have a place to retreat if it should get to noisy around me. I can communicate with my fellow students in the day and sleep soundly at night.", I reasure her with a little smile.

"That is another way to see it, but fine. If you have a problem in the future you can ask a prefect or me.

You aren't alone in the house, don't forget that.", she reminds me.

"Thanks, professor."

The conversation ended and I could finally make my way to the library, which isn't a great distance away,

so after asking only two seniors on the way, I reach my destination.

On the way I look on my course plan. First years really don't have much to do.

Maybe to get used to the environment and the schoollife. I mean all the students are confused to find their way in the beginning weeks and purebloods haven't had a schoollife before, so even the concept of homework is new to them. As such we only had Flying, which would start in october, and Astronomy one time a week each and the other six lessons three times, while each course had one double lesson and one single lesson over the span of a week to make a final of 20 hours a week.

As I step into the library my heart skips a beat. Not because of the view, even if it is breathtaking.

No, what lets my heart skip in happiness is all the knowledge on beasts I can find here in the future.

The library is so big, that even within that specialised field, I feel I need more than seven years to cover it all.

'Madam Pince' stands on a plate at the desk of the librarian, who looks bewildered that a new griffindor student is in the library at this early hour. I even beat those Rawenclaw students.

"Good morning, miss", I greet her.

"Morning", she responds. "Can I help you find a book?"

"That would be extremly helpful and nice of you, if it doesn't disrupt your time. I need a map of Hogwarts that I'm allowed to copy. Addinionally any book on magical beasts would be welcomed, Ma'am"

"Aren't good with directions, I presume? In that case a modern one with the used rooms for new classes should be in the second row to your right on the highest shelf. Wait, I come and help you find it, because you can't levitate it down and I don't want another student to climb the bookshelves this year."

I follow her to the said shelf, but can't see a single book in it. It's full with scriptures and scrolls filled with maps and some diagramms, I think are used for Ancient Runes.

"Wingardium Leviosa", she chants and two scrolls float down to her raised hand.

"This one is the one I talked about with the now-used classrooms and the other one is an older one that you can use as frame with all the important aspects of Hogwarts castle on it. From Great Hall and this library to the hospital wing and headmaster study. If you want details on the surrounding grounds, there are some other maps.", she explains.

"No, I want to explore them myself thanks. But if we talk about surroundings, do you happen to have a map of the surroundings like the Forbidden Forest or Hogsmaede here?", I try to ask as innocently as possible.

With an estimating glance, she says: "The Forbidden Forest is as the name said forbidden. I have a few maps on Hogsmaede though."

"One map should be enough, thanks."

After my answer, she levitates another map down. "Draw your map. If your finished bring those three to my front desk and I search for some books on magic beasts in the meantime for you."

"Thank you, Miss Pince"

"No problem, but take proper care with those and any future book, so we don't get a problem with each other. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, I promise."

Between those three scrolls I spent my time till I finished just a couple of minutes till lunch.

I brought the maps to the front desk and Madam Pince and she looks over my work to make sure I didn't copy it wrong. She really is a nice lady, but don't seem to be approachable on a first look. Maybe she invests her time in me, so I show my housemates how to treat books better.

But did she really choose me, because I was here this early or were stunned when I entered?

No plan honestly. Doesn't change anything though.

I also used to be the rest of the weekend in the library outside my three mealtimes.

I already finished my map, so now I mostly learn about magical fauna.

I wanted to visit Hagrid at his hut, but he seemed to be gone out.

Really wanted to compare Anluans size to Fluffys. But maybe it's better this way.

Don't need a half-giant who shares my secrets so everyone in Hogwarts know it in one week.

In the afternoons I also take some time to prepare for my first classes on monday.

The time in the evenings were distributed to play with my familiars.

The only communication I had in this time was with Madam Pince and some students at mealtimes.

One time I sat with my sister and Cedric at the Hufflepuff table, but the always patting of my sister brought some weird glances in our direction. It made her happier though.

With such events, I start a new week.


Hello readers,

new chapter with slight delay.

I plan to publish another fanfiction this week to refine my writing style,

before going over to original novels maybe next month.

I'm trying to write one chapter a day, but if there isn't enough time

you will get two chapters or one longer one the next day.

Hope you had a good start in your week.

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