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As time passed, Diana began to miss her family. She understood now why they were so overprotective of her, but right the moment she entered that world, even early. There were people trying to harm her family and, she was going to find who. But first, she needed to learn about that world.

She looked to the side, observing Chad while he corrected a mini-test he did her. Even being in the same room made her feel safe and made her forget all her problems. She didn't know if it was because he was the first person she talked. Or was it something else?

"Is everything fine?" he asked, worried. "You're right! We've been studying for too long. We should take a break."

"There is no need for that." she said, tying her hair quickly before taking a book from the pile."

"Once you understand, everything will be better and, you will be able to defend yourself." Chad said, smiling. "What a worker. You are like this in everything?"

"I wished. There is a lot of stuff I cannot do."

"Such as?" he asked, stopped writing, looking at her, curious "Go on."

"I hate doing exercise." she said while chewing on her pencil, thoughtfully. "I do not know how to cook either."

"That's bad." he explained, seriously "How are you going to fly if you don't like to make efforts."

"Really? I told you that I hate exercise, but learning magical stuff is another thing."

Chad laughed, then he grabbed her hands and got up, forcing Diana to do the same and following him.

"Where are we going?"

"For a change of scenery." he explained.

As they entered the garden, someone came behind and scared her.

"Who did that?" she asked, looking behind. As she saw the person, she was astonished.

"Nice to see you again, sister."

"You... You have a cloak!" she shouted "For how long?"

"I only have the power of light. I don't want to give you the details."

"How is our mother?"

"Want to see her?" Peter asked and she smiled, happy.

"I will guide you to a secret portal. They send you right where you want to be."


"I never heard of it!" Peter said, suspicious.

"Of course not. It's a privilege as a warrior prince."

Peter walked into the middle of them until they were inside the living room, then Chad touched one of the walls and a door appeared. Diana was amazed.

"Can I learn that too?"

"None of you can. It is just like I said."

After Chad opened the door, they saw an empty room with a gold color portal.


"Where to?" he questioned as he touch the portal.

"My house." both the sibling said.

Following Chad's instructions, they placed a hand on top of each shoulder and closed their eyes, concentrating. When they opened them again, they were taken by surprise, especially Peter."

"Why are we in my sister's bedroom?"

"Maybe because it was only the place I knew from the house."

"You were here?" Peter asked before lauching towards Chad, The two fell on the bed and Peter started hitting him, giving him just enough time to defend himself.

Diana didn't know what to do, but as she was about to panic, she remembered some stuff she had learn with Chad.

"The dark that involves me and the light fluing inside, make them stop."

As she said that, both of the boys were involved with a yellow half transparent sphere and both got worried, looking at her.

"Henry will not like this." Chad said they got out of it "Diana... You can't use that spell."

"Why not."

"You will die."

"What are you doing inside..." Diana's mother started to say as she opened the door, but got quiet when she was who it was "What are you doing here, Greenwood?"

"What is it, Lexie." Edwin did the same as his wife, as he got inside.

"I missed you all." Diana said with a trembled voice, scared "Are you angry at me?"

"Of course we are." them both they said before Edwin approached and slapped her.

"Do you know how worried I was?" the father asked as he grabbed her arms "Where were you. Your brother was crazy looking for you."

"I was with Green. His girlfriend."

"Green, as the fairy?" her father asked, looking to Peter "You have some explaining to do too."

"As if. I am tired enough as a guardian. I don't need you to teach me lessons."

"You know what her mother thinks of us. We are lucky that she only knows about you Peter."

"Well... about that...!" Diana started by saying as she got far away from her father "She kinda did a ritual to know my power."

"And?" Edwin asked, worried "You got like your brother, right?"

"No! They even tried to arrest me."

Edwin walked to the bed and sit down with both of his hands on his face, then he he gave a silent scream and looked at Diana, serious.

"What did you get. Any of you boys know?"

"No. Not a clue."

"It was three powers." Diana said, making the father suddenly get up and punch the door. It gained moss, leaving Diana in disbelief."

"Just like me." he said lowly but everyone heard. Then he looked at her daughter and walked over to her. Grabbing her face "Tell me which ones you have."

"Fire... Dark and Light, I think it was it."

"She can make sphere of light, father." Peter explained, worried.

Edwin touched his forehead with Diana's before walking out of the room, saying.

"I didn't have all this work for them try to arrest my baby. They will see."

Here is the edit version. Enjoy

Andrew_Stuartcreators' thoughts
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