
Chapter 570: Phone Call to Force Concession

Lily Gray's face suddenly turned cold.

If the other party was so rude, she wouldn't be polite either.

"When you call someone, shouldn't you introduce yourself first? Who are you and what do you want from me? If you have something to say, say it quickly. My time is precious."

"You... Lily Gray, don't be so arrogant. Do you really think you are still Mrs. Lucas? Hmph, let me tell you, I..."


Before the other party could finish, Lily Gray hung up the phone.

On the other end, Hannah Ford was still cursing and swearing.

She suddenly realized that there was no sound coming from the phone speaker.

It turned out that Lily Gray had rudely hung up on her!

How dare Lily Gray?!

At the other end of the phone, Skye Brown came over, "Whose call was that? Why did you hang up?"

Lily Gray pouted, "I don't know who it was, probably some lunatic. They just started cursing without even saying who they are."

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