
A Match Made In Hell

(Devil Pov)

"I'll fucking kill you."

Kota turned to face the monster. His face darkened, his fist prepared, he slowly approached the monster formerly known as Oe's mother.

"It seems the wolf has finally returned to his pack. Do you like the gift I prepared for you?"

Stretching her arms out a malicious smile coated her face with ill intent. The destruction that she caused stretched across the area. Rubble, blood stains, and the crushed bodies of Kota's students.

"Shut the hell up." Kota's voice full of venom responded to the monster's cruel joke. Laughing a bit the monster got into an offensive stance. Signaling the start of the match made in Hell. Putting her hands in the air she planned to initiate a wrist to wrist start.

'Let's see how strong 'The Hound' really is. 5 minutes, that's all I'll take.'


Getting closer and closer, Kota didn't say a word. Slowly approaching until he was in striking range with the monster. 

'I'll start on the offensive.'

A grin opened on her face as she threw a fast punch at Kota's face. 

[The monster who was a calculative person had made a huge error. If the grades were to represent numbers, grade 1 would be an 8. A special grade a 9 and an existence like Gojo and the king of curses a 10. The jump between 9 and 10 was shielded by an iron tight door in the monster's head. This door was now being forced open by an existence he hadn't thought possible.]

The monster felt a sharp pain in her stomach before slowly looking down. 


Her mouth instinctively opened a red liquid pouring out of it at a steady pace. 

'I-is that my blood.'

The crimson-colored liquid poured out to the ground landing with a wet splash. Looking down at her stomach. Her whole body became cold.

'He pierced my stomach.'

Kota's fist was poked out her back. The damage being apparent to any possible spectator. In a split-second Kota had made his first move. In this first move Kota had shown his apparent superiority.

Pulling out his hand the monster body fell forward onto him. Pushing her aside she fell on the ground. Kota looked down at the monster in disgust. 

'How is he this strong.'

Feeling her guts spread out on the ground. Kota hand coated with cursed energy had left a bit in her body. His cursed energy quickly invaded her body. 

'What is this.'

[Reverse Cursed Technique: State of Self]

Feeling his cursed energy circle around her stomach. She instinctively touched it feeling the hole closed.

'He healed me with RCT. No that can't be.'

The reverse cursed energy lingered in her body, becoming part of her. Feeling the boost from the influx of RCT. She was even more confused. 

'This must be his cursed tecni–'

Quickly a foot slammed onto the back of her head. The hard ground and her head collided in a vicious impact. The pain shot threw her head like a plane, but the injury was quickly extinguished with the foreign RCT in her body. 

'What is this monster?'


Trying to look up at him she saw an expressionless face with dim golden eyes. Kicking her sides he made her body rise in the air. Feeling her body lift with the kick. Her body spun midair, suddenly she felt a hard impact to her face. 

'A punch?'

[Reverse Cursed Technique: State of Self]

Once again cursed energy invaded her body. But this time instead of RCT it was plain cursed energy. Trying to get up and force it out some way. She looked at the person behind this effect.

'His cursed technique. It must be his Cursed technique.'

Struggling to stand up from his merciless attacks. While this cursed energy swam through her body he focused primarily on her leg. Suddenly another enormous pain was felt by her but this time it was in her leg. 


Feeling her body fall, her face hit the ground. 

'My leg.'

Bits and pieces were scattered everywhere her leg used to be. Her face that was once full of excitement was now colored with fear. Looking at Kota who slowly approached her, her whole world flipped.

'How am I supposed to defeat this monster.' 

Not saying any words, he slowly approached. Looking at his darkened face, she felt her leg grow back. 

'His RCT is still healing me. Maybe I can use it to win.'

Gaining some confidence, she stood up getting into a combative stance. 

'With his RCT and my RCT healing me maybe I can use it to fight more recklessly.'

As he approached the same event that started the match once again took place. Approaching her, she threw two punches in a quick session at him. Using his hands, he cut off her hand with his left and punched her with his right one. 

'His left hand is as sharp as a knife and his right feels like a boulder. Is this a cursed energy attribute?'

[?????? Cursed Technique: State of ?????]

Getting sent to one knee because of the impact of the punch she felt like she was being outmatched in every category. 

As she landed on her knee. Kota threw another punch with his right hand. Putting her arms up as defense she felt the impact lift her off the ground. The punch sent her flying; her broken arms flew in the air. RCT healed the broken bones before she quickly grabbed the ground while flying. 

Feeling her head spin she struggled to get off the ground. 


Throw up left her mouth as she felt her brain had hit her skull. 

'His right hand. Even if I defend against it, the impact still lingers. It's like catching a rock to the temple.' 

Once again Kota walked to her alluding to an air of dominating force.


'How much time has passed.'

Trying to rack her brain for the solution to her question she quickly threw it out. Looking around to the rubble for the destroyed building. She gained an idea.

(Teacher Pov)

I failed. Walking to the disgusting thing in front of me. My stomach turned as I knew what had happened while I was gone.


An exclamation of excitement played in my head like a tape. A happy youth looked at me with a giant smile. 

"Sensei thank you.'

A low mumble sounded in my head as well. A thanks given from a lonely kid who knew only his fist, looked at me happily.

These sounds were louder than my fist squeezing my skin, the nails digging into my hand causing blood to drop next to me, and my heart pounding out of my chest. 

All of these memories played in my head louder than anything in front of me or behind me. Memories that I could never touch. 

"Big bro you want to go outside to play?"

My breath quickened; my head started hurting like someone was striking it with a hammer. The whole world started spinning.

'Calm down…. Calm down…. CALM DOWN.'

Focusing back on the battle. I threw away all my cares for this one battle. This thing hadn't done this for no reason. 

'Three, there were three of them. Talents of that caliber aren't common. It must've been on purpose. H-he did this on purpose.'

Seeing the thing raise up off the ground. I activated my cursed technique, using a new skill.

[Kota had used his large knowledge of cursed energy and other cursed techniques to improve his arsenal of moves. Using Hollow purple as a basis he channeled State of the world into the right and State of self in the left. State of the world turned him into a battery with a large radius to drain curse energy. This foreign cursed energy was drowned onto his body. Making him stronger and replenishing his cursed energy. While the State of self turned things, he touched into batteries allowing him to inject them with cursed energy that lingered even after he wasn't close. This cursed energy being able to linger as long as Kota wished. This combination allowed for a dangerous combo.] 

The thing quickly got onto its feet and got into another battle stance. My technique earlier split her body into two batteries. One contained normal cursed energy and the other reverse cursed energy. Her leg specifically was changed into the battery containing the normal cursed energy. 

Which I overdosed with cursed energy making it explode. After her leg exploded, I turned her whole body into one battery again causing her to heal. My reverse cursed energy was still in her body. This was to not make the kill too fast. 

'My last gift to my students will be your suffering.'

Getting ready I began my second onslaught. 

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