

When Gary and the expedition group arrived at the battlefield, Yuga's match with the challenger was already nearing its end, with only the challenger's last Pokémon left on the field.

The challenger's Pokémon was a fire-type Torkoal, while Yuga had his Lilligant in play.

Yuga's Lilligant had the common ability Chlorophyll, but the challenger hadn't taken that into account. In an attempt to boost Torkoal's attack power, he recklessly commanded it to use Sunny Day. Perhaps because the match wasn't going in his favor, his mind seemed to short-circuit.

Sunny Day may strengthen fire-type moves, but grass-type Pokémon also thrive under those conditions—especially one with the Chlorophyll ability, like Yuga's Lilligant.

With the speed boost from Chlorophyll, Lilligant moved nimbly around the field, effortlessly dodging Torkoal's fierce attacks. It was only at this moment that the challenger realized his oversight.

No matter how powerful Torkoal's attacks were, they meant nothing if they couldn't hit.

However, by the time the challenger came to his senses, it was too late. Torkoal finally fell under the onslaught of Lilligant's rapid-fire Energy Balls.

In truth, if the challenger had remained a little calmer, there was no way Lilligant could have beaten Torkoal.

As a pure grass-type, Lilligant was extremely vulnerable to fire-types, and Torkoal was particularly strong. Both the power and the speed at which Torkoal unleashed its fire-type moves were above average, making it nearly impossible for Lilligant to approach at the start of the battle.

Moreover, most of Lilligant's attack moves were grass-type, which Torkoal heavily resisted. It would have been impossible for Lilligant to take down Torkoal in a short period of time.

Yet, despite all these advantages, the challenger still lost.

As soon as the match ended, Yuga heard applause coming from the audience. He then noticed the expedition group in the spectator area and immediately spotted Gary sitting in the front row.

Yuga gave the group a slight nod and then recalled his Lilligant, walking over to the challenger.

"Unfortunately, I can't award you the Verdant Badge this time. Train hard and come challenge us again. The Verdant Gym is always open to you," Yuga encouraged the challenger.

The challenger responded nervously, "I understand. I'll do my best."

"Alright, when battling in the future, you need to think things through more comprehensively. You can't only focus on your own side; you also have to analyze your opponent's strengths and weaknesses..." Yuga pointed out some of the challenger's shortcomings and offered suggestions.

After seeing off the challenger, Yuga finally had time to receive the expedition group.

"I'm terribly sorry, a challenger arrived unexpectedly, so I couldn't meet with all of you earlier. I hope you can understand," Yuga apologized to the group with a regretful expression.

The leader of the expedition group waved his hand dismissively and said, "It's no problem, work comes first."

The leader was Haruhiko, a junior to Professor Birch and a student of Professor Oak. He was also a professor, though not as famous as Professors Oak and Birch.

Unlike the slightly round figure of Professor Birch, Professor Haruhiko was tall and slender. His personality was also quite different from Professor Birch's constant cheerfulness and easygoing nature. Haruhiko gave off an impression of being quiet and efficient.

In fact, compared to Professors Oak and Birch, Yuga thought Haruhiko more closely resembled the typical image of scholars who spend all day in labs conducting research.

Of course, that was just Yuga's stereotypical impression. In reality, renowned professors were usually quite witty and humorous, far from the silent, serious type. Even Professor Haruhiko only appeared that way on the surface; when he was with familiar people, he was actually quite talkative.

After some small talk, the group quickly got into lively conversation. Apart from Professor Haruhiko and his assistant, the rest of the expedition group consisted of new recruits from Professor Oak's lab, who were around Yuga's age, making it easy for them to get along.

Most of them had heard of Yuga's reputation to some extent, and during their conversation, they would often slip in a few compliments, leaving Yuga feeling quite flattered.

Everyone enjoys hearing nice things. Since they were praising him, Yuga naturally returned the favor. A little mutual flattery? Yuga was well-versed in that.

So, the group got along very well.

However, there was one exception—Gary.

While everyone else was chatting happily, Gary remained silent, almost as if he didn't exist. Anyone who didn't know better might have thought he was being excluded from the group.

But exclusion was definitely not the case. Everyone in the expedition group knew Gary's identity—who would dare to exclude Professor Oak's grandson? That would be sheer stupidity unless they wanted to jeopardize their future under Professor Oak's mentorship.

Of course, there were definitely people who were not fond of Gary, but no one was foolish enough to show it openly.

Gary had only recently entered the academic world. His participation in this expedition to Hoenn was entirely thanks to Professor Oak's influence. Since Gary had only recently switched fields, Professor Oak wanted him to gain more exposure, which is why Gary was able to join this expedition team.

The expedition team was organized under Professor Oak's own lab, and adding or removing a member was entirely up to him. Naturally, Professor Oak could bring in whomever he wanted.

Under these circumstances, it was inevitable that some people would resent Gary. Even though he hadn't taken anyone else's spot, a privileged position is still a privileged position, and someone would always be unhappy about it.

Gary was well aware of this sentiment but didn't care. After all, as a third-generation heir of a wealthy and powerful family, Gary carried some of that air of entitlement. Let those who dislike him stew in their bitterness; if they don't like it, that's their problem. If they're unhappy, they can just hold it in—let them suffocate on it if they must!

Yuga had noticed Gary's silence, but since they weren't acquainted, he didn't approach him to make small talk.

At that moment, someone suddenly said, "Speaking of which, Gary used to be a trainer, and a pretty strong one at that."

Gary glanced at the person silently and replied, "I am still a trainer."

Hearing this, the person added, "Then this is perfect. Gary, how about a friendly match with Gym Leader Shimizu? It's a rare opportunity."

Others quickly chimed in, "Yes, yes! Gary, how about having a match with Gym Leader Shimizu? After all, you're Professor Oak's grandson..."

Gary did want to seek some advice from Yuga, but that didn't mean he was happy to be pushed into it by others. So, he felt a bit irritated by everyone egging him on.

Yuga noticed the displeasure on Gary's face and, with a lighthearted smile, said, "A spar with Gary? I'm getting up in years; it's not right for me to bully the younger generation."

Haruhiko also caught onto Gary's reluctance. He cast a glance at the instigators and sternly reprimanded them, "What are you all making such a fuss about? We just arrived here, don't you know better than to act disrespectfully?"

Since Professor Haruhiko was already regarded as a strict figure by everyone, his scolding made the younger crowd too afraid to continue, and the matter was dropped.

The next morning, after Yuga finished his early training with his Pokémon and took a stroll with Roserade, he happened to see Gary sitting idly in front of his shop when he returned.

By that time, several customers were already coming and going from the shop. Each of them couldn't help but glance at Gary, curious about when this new "gatekeeper" appeared at the entrance of the Yoyo Day Care.

Gary was sitting at the door, staring blankly at the Flygon resting on the rooftop, its eyes closed in a light nap. When he noticed Yuga returning, he asked, "Is this Flygon also one of your Pokémon, Gym Leader Shimizu?"

Yuga glanced at the lazily lounging Flygon and replied with a chuckle, "Hmm… I guess you could say that. It mostly just watches over the place."

Upon hearing this, Flygon cracked open one eye and shot Yuga a glare, as if to say, "What do you mean 'just watches over the place'? I'm your security chief!"

"Oh, it seems pretty strong," Gary commented before lapsing back into his daze.

Flygon, though its eyes remained closed, couldn't help but flick its tail in satisfaction. Yuga knew it was feeling quite smug inside.

Noticing Gary's gloomy demeanor, Yuga casually asked, "What's up? Not getting along with your companions?"

Actually, Yuga had already felt something was off yesterday when everyone was teasing Gary.

"Not really," Gary shook his head. "It's just… I find it all kind of boring."

He was well aware that some people in the group didn't like him—like the one who had led the teasing yesterday. But despite their dislike, they would still turn around and act all friendly, trying to curry favor with him. Gary suddenly found those kinds of people rather pitiful.

Of course, Gary wasn't about to share all this with Yuga. If Yuga had known what Gary was thinking, he'd probably just think Gary was still too young. People like that were far too common; it was nothing out of the ordinary.

When Gary was still a trainer, he didn't have to deal with too many people, so he didn't have these interpersonal concerns. However, as Professor Oak's grandson, if he joined Professor Oak's lab, the people and matters he would encounter in the future would only become more complex.

Seeing that Gary wasn't planning to say more, Yuga naturally didn't pry further. He wasn't some kind of confidant, and since he wasn't that close to Gary, asking too many questions would seem intrusive.

"By the way, when is your research team heading to Petalburg Woods? Are you just sitting here daydreaming without any preparation?"

Gary replied, "We can't go today. We're still waiting for the guardian trainers that Grandpa arranged. We can't go to Petalburg Woods with so many people without protection."

The members of the research team weren't exactly skilled fighters. If they went on their own, they probably wouldn't get far in Petalburg Woods.

"That makes sense. Safety is indeed important," Yuga nodded in agreement.

The research team needed escorts, but that had nothing to do with him. His only responsibility was to provide them with lodging.

Yuga chatted with Gary at the shop entrance for a while, and as they were about to part, Gary asked, "Gym Leader Shimizu, would you have time to battle with me someday?"

Yuga was momentarily surprised, but then readily agreed, "Sure, anytime."

Gary smiled, and the gloom on his face seemed to lift a bit. After taking a few steps, he turned back and said, "Please don't mention this to the others in the group."

Watching Gary's departing figure, Yuga shook his head. So childish.

Gary's personality was completely different from Ash's. If Ash were in Gary's position, he likely wouldn't be bothered by these interpersonal issues at all.

Although Gary seemed proud, he was much more thoughtful, sensitive, and delicate in nature.

In the afternoon, the trainers sent by Professor Oak to protect the research team arrived, and Yuga took some time to meet them.

It turned out to be a pair of twin sisters, both of whom were part of the Oak family. In terms of seniority, Gary should be calling them "aunt."

The twins looked only a few years older than Yuga. The elder sister was named Ruri Oak, and the younger was named Amber Oak. However, the Oak family tended to keep a low profile, so aside from Professor Oak, Yuga didn't know any other members of the Oak family, nor had he heard of Ruri and Amber before.

Still, since Professor Oak had entrusted them with protecting the research team in Petalburg Woods, it was clear that the sisters were quite strong.

The day after Ruri and Amber arrived at the Verdanturf Gym, the research team set off for Petalburg Woods, and they were gone for three days.

Three days later, after resting for two days at the Verdanturf Gym, the research team set out again for Petalburg Woods, this time for another three days.

Going back and forth like this, the research team spent more than a month bustling around Verdanturf Town Gym. Every time Yuga watched them excitedly set out and return exhausted, only to leave again with looks of enthusiasm, he felt that this group of people had it tough.

The reason the research team didn't stay in hotels or Pokémon Centers, but chose to lodge at the gym, was that academic research teams like theirs often engaged in activities that lasted for a long time. Staying for one or two months was quite common, and it wasn't unusual to stay for six months or even a year. It was simply inconvenient to stay in Pokémon Centers or hotels.

To understand the Pokémon ecology of a region, sufficient time for observation was essential.

Yuga wasn't concerned with what these people were studying, nor how long they would stay. Most of their time was spent in Petalburg Woods, and their lives felt like two parallel lines. Apart from residing in the Verdanturf Gym, Yuga had no interaction with them, except for the occasional chat with Gary.

However, Gary himself was quite busy. As a new scholar, he had a lot to learn, so his visits to Yuga were limited. Even their agreed-upon battle had yet to happen.

In this way, more than half a month passed in the blink of an eye. One day, the YoYo Day Care welcomed a few special guests: Ash and May, who had been separated from Yuga for nearly two months.

The Pokémon League competition had been postponed from late summer to late autumn, which made Ash's journey much more leisurely than before. Otherwise, he would have arrived in Verdanturf Town earlier.

While Ash had a relaxed schedule, May was anything but. Even though the League competition had been delayed, the Pokémon Contest was still on schedule since the organizing parties were different. Moreover, with the Pokemon Contest approaching, May still hadn't collected enough Ribbon Medals.

This time, Ash and the others came to Verdanturf Town not only because Ash was challenging the Verdanturf Gym but also for May to participate in the upcoming Pokémon Contest in Verdanturf Town.

"Is this Mr. Shimizu's Day Care?" Ash, who was visiting YoYo Day Care for the first time, felt it was quite fresh. It was his first time entering such a formal Pokémon Day Care. "Why aren't there any Pokémon or Pokémon eggs visible?"

Just as Yuga was about to answer, Ayaka, who was by the counter, suddenly said, "What's vibrating?"

Yuga was intrigued by Ayaka's words and went to the counter. Sure enough, he heard a buzzing sound. Following the sound of the vibrations, he opened the drawer and found the source of the vibrations inside.

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