
In Motion

Without a car, "how are we supposed to get to Canada?" I begged the bodyguard to wake up by opening the car door because he had missed the entire fight, only to discover that he was already dead inside. I twirled on the ground, throwing up.

"What?" As I pointed at the car, Ethan questioned, "Man, I really enjoyed Geo!" He spoke while showing signs of rage.

I screamed, "I'm sorry," and stood up. But how will we travel to Canada, you ask? I repeated my demand.

I suppose by bus? Leo said, which made me sigh.

"I detest buses!" We strolled toward the lone bus station for several miles as I grumbled. I took the rifle from my brother while standing against the pole. I pulled my shirt down over it and tucked it in my waistband.

I moved over to the phone booth to call it in so council would be aware of the issue, and as I did, Ethan said, Babe, it's just a little while longer, and you'll be safe."

The woman said, "Hello.

"Hello, my name is Sarah, and my pack tried to kill me. The five of them were dead, and I'm headed your way. If you want to deal with the dead bodies, I'm now in Washington, close to Seattle," I responded, hanging up and heading back to the bus stop.

Who did you speak with? As I leaned on the pole once again, Ethan questioned

I said inaudibly, "The council, so they can take care of the inhuman bodies," as he put his arm around my waist. I observed the bus arrive and let us on. The full tip went into Canada on our dime. I sat down and rested my head on Ethan's shoulder while I dozed off. ---

Ethan's shaking woke me from my sleep. I noticed that we were in Canada, but I could see that it would take us a long journey to reach the council. To prevent humans from learning about us, the council was built at the top of a mountain, high in the highlands.

I remarked, "You better like heights," as we exited the vehicle and handed the officials our passports. We moved through the small community. Once we were off the main road, I changed into my Lycan form and let Ethan board. Leo, who had a nearly identical Lycan form to mine, followed me up the route. We wouldn't be recognizable at all if not for our eyes. We hurried up the mountain; our paws trampled the snow below.

"So, how far is it?" To me, Leo growled.

I said, "Like fifteen more minutes," as we slowly ascended the snowy mountain. My focus was attracted to my brother as he was being tackled by another Lycan. I shouted, "I have to go after him," as Ethan leaped off, gripping the rifle. My heart was racing as I ran after my brother, my paws quickly crunching in the snow.

As I moved toward my brother, I heard Ethan shout, "Sarah, be careful." Uncertain of their whereabouts, I noticed blood all over the snow. I cautiously followed the blood, keeping my ears perked. When I discovered my brother in human form laying there motionless, I knelt low and barred my teeth. I went to him after changing back into human form, tears streaming down my cheeks. My knees dug into the chilly snow as I kneeled next to him. I turned to face my brother, who was lying on the ground in a heap. I gently stroked his neck with my fingers. While taking his pulse, I held my breath.

"Please, don't be dead." I gasped, my eyes overflowing with tears. He was still breathing, albeit his pulse was feeble, so I heaved a sigh of relief. I fell into a deep pit of terror as a result of my anxiety. He had a cut across his chest, and blood was collecting around him. I instantly spun around when I heard someone coming and focused on Isabelle.

She replied, "Come with me," as wrath swept through me.

I firmly replied, "No, I won't let our brother die," while applying pressure to his wound and fixing my gaze on Isabelle.

She hissed, "I had to protect the pack," as I glared at her.

"How was killing a seventeen-year-old keeping us safe?" I growled, my irritated nose wrinkling.

She spewed with such contempt for him, "He was strong enough to kill us all."

"If you forgot, I did too!" I yelled, my words laced with wrath.

But he poses a greater threat than you do. My eyes hardened as she added angrily, "He killed the men we sent to find you.

"I murdered them!" As her look changed to one of disbelief, I exclaimed "I was defending my family while they attempted to kill us."

She responded, "They were ordered to bring you home, not attack," and as tears streamed down my face, she said

"Nate threatened my mate's life," I murmured, my eyes filled with grief. Is that what you mean when you say you won't attack?

"I'm not going to let you get to the council. I gazed at my brother's face as it was fading in front of my eyes, and Isabelle whispered, "If I let you leave, it will destroy our pack, and more importantly, my husband and I."

I muttered, "Hold on, Leo," as tears rolled down my face. I located the rifle Leo had as Isabelle approached us. Quickly reaching it, I leveled it at her chest while continuing to hold my brother's gushing wound closed with my other hand.

Are you going to murder me as well? She insisted on assuming the victim role.

I pleaded with her huskily, "Not if you leave us alone," hoping she would understand.

"I can't do that!" As I put the gun down, she said. My sister and I cannot be killed; if they really want us dead, then so be it.

I muttered, "Leave Ethan alone," as she charged me with the magical knife. I closed my eyes and surrendered to death's gentle embrace. As the sword slipped through my flesh, I felt it dig into my chest, making me wince. Death, my friend, take me now and kiss me tenderly.

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