
Chapter 131: Naturalistic Savagery! Pt 5


Sasuke's POV (Northern Mountains of Irminsul - Terra)

"Thousands?" Sasuke questioned, now somewhat interested as the two trekked down the mountain towards the next peak. "If that is the case, how are there so few summoning clans? Surely, the others could achieve the same with some cohesion."

"Well, as I said earlier, to become a summoner clan, you ideally need a convergence point. Some clans manage without such, perhaps they manage to send a summoning scroll into your world or a summoner manages to find their way into ours, but it is a rare occurrence, to say the least. Furthermore, the very nature of life in this world keeps any said cohesion or collusion from occurring. See, every clan, summoner or not, has no love for another clan. There is some level of cooperation between the major clans, but that is merely to avoid violence from them. For example, the toads and slugs are well known to be friendly to one another because their summoners are teammates. But even then, the two do not fight each other's battles or even share resources. In fact, those of the "lesser clans" tend to be more, well, as you humans would say, savage. Due to their low chakra ability without the resource of convergence points, they are often less intelligent and more animalistic. They live life pursuing food, safety, and power. They worry not about the complexities of life you and I bother ourselves with. They are happy as long as they can eat, raise their young, and gradually grow in power. However, due to the difficult and rare odds of becoming a summoning clan, they often war with each other violently. Convinced less suitors of the convergence points will increase their chances."

"I'm assuming, with the warning you gave earlier, the clans we will be meeting with are the violent type you speak of." Sasuke guessed.

"The worst of them, debatably." Muri agreed. "Due to the harsh conditions of this biome and their rivals, the three clans that call these peaks home are harsh and powerful. There is, firstly, the Crescent Moon Bear *7* Clan, large bears known for their ability to cause avalanches with their roars. They are easy to spot due to their large size and white crescent moon marking on their chest. They are known to be incredibly fearsome if provoked but are unlikely to attempt to kill us outright. In fact, they will likely be interested in you swaying to become a summoner. However, we will be in trouble if we do manage to upset them. Due to the potential for a peaceful encounter, we will seek them first."

"It's Easy enough, so we deal with the bears and then seek out the others, correct?" Sasuke asked.

"That is the plan; however, we may need to fear encountering the second clan. The infamous Snow Weasel Clan." *8* Muri said while glancing around as if worried merely saying their name would bring them to the forefront. Sasuke could not help his brow raising in bewilderment at the comment. "Do not take them lightly! They are known to be one of the most ferocious of beasts! While small, they travel in large groups and have fangs capable of piercing any armor. Even escaping them isn't a great option due to the speed at which they travel through the snow. They are known to eat whatever they encounter and never fail to fall for their selected prey."

"I do not underestimate my foes," Sasuke assured. "Merely recognize no being is unstoppable. Every foe has a weakness…" Sasuke trailed off as his mind drifted back to the days when he had heard such wisdom. Before his mind could entirely drift, he felt a twinge in the air. His chakra bristled as he suddenly felt a presence… more than one. "How would we know they're coming?"

"Well, obviously, I would sense them but we just got here so I haven't bothered… oh no."

"Even his summon is a goofball…" Sasuke complained as he willed Besmirched Flambe to his hand and lowered himself into a loose stance. Muri oddly transformed into a large raccoon, displaying his fangs as he did so. It seemed combat would not be avoided.

Before Sasuke could blink, the snow around them erupted, and several slender weasels flew from the air. Unlike the smallest ones Sasuke had seen before, these were monstrous. Each was three feet long, covered in bright white fur; said fur seemed stained with blood; their eyes were bloodshot and locked onto the two. Each flew towards them, mouths wide open and full of knife-like teeth. Sasuke felt no fear, however.

No one would stop him from aiding his family…


Mishiro's POV (Irminsul Wildlands - West River Plains)

Mishiro and Leifazu had arrived at a large flat stone stretched in the middle of a large river. In fact, as far as Mishiro could see, small stretches of trees and land were often split by a system of large rivers. Even glancing, Mishiro could know a litany of aquatic life within the water. The buzz of insects as they flew around. The land was raw and natural in a way the world at home simply wasn't. Without the destructive touch of man, the land was wild and overgrown.

Mishiro and Leifazu first scanned the area using Mishiro's considerable sensing ability to ensure no hostels were close. Though she struggled due to the latent chakra in the air. Once done, Mishiro set Leifazu to begin preparing their camp. As they would not leave until accomplishing their goal and with no clue how long it would take, it would be wise to have some safe ground in their control.

The two of them worked with tireless efficiency. Well, Leifazu did anyway; while she worked on creating a home base and pooling resources, Mishiro worked with a seal she had written into a large scroll. A flat rock was used as her workstation; the seal was simple. A chakra detection tool, it would track any notable chakra signature from a human or creature. And shouldn't be affected by the chakra in the air. Ikam had created this seal which should allow it to operate even in the odd scenario. It would be necessary for their goal; while a summoning clan would be valuable and certainly gained for them, they were looking for something much more promising.

Ikam had thought of the plan during the exams. A way to weaken their enemies while increasing their strength. Ikam had discovered the existence of the Okama clan in a long-forgotten hidden Uzumaki hideout. And while her Love had failed to gain their allegiance, the hidden crypt of knowledge had mentioned something piqued his interest. A land that connected all summoning clans, and mentions of a way to control it…

Impossible to know if it was true, but if it was… oh, the possibilities. Mishiro loved the cunning and cruel mind of Ikam, and even better, he had chosen her to ensure his plan became a reality. Mishiro would not fail him…

But before searching for the supposed item, they had to find a clan to question and gain allegiance from. Finding them would be straightforward, though only some animals would do. Ikam had a certain one in mind, one that, if truly real, would be perfect. However, it would take time for the seal to be complete, and even then, it would be difficult to find a good clan; they would be left to manually check each they detected. Since it could not sense specific chakra only amounts. Henceforth why, Ikam had hired the Kamizuru clan, extra hands and eyes. Yet somehow, Ikam's transport seal must've malfunctioned, for Leifazu and her had been left somewhere separate from them. Or perhaps the absurd amount of chakra present had interfered in some way…

"Alrighty Mishiro~!" Leifazu called as she leaped from the finished camp to Mishiro. "I finished camp and a perimeter just as you rudely ordered. Detection seals, barrier seals, no animal or person can get in here without alerting you. A little beneath a lieutenant of Ikam but-"

"Do you question my orders?" Mishiro asked as she gave an eye to Leifazu. While both were loyal to the same master, the two could not be more different. Leifazu, with her unique ability to leave her body and inhabit another with proper preparation, was nearly as old as Ashira. And considered after many deaths due to her ability to be eccentric bordering on insane.

"Are you still mad I flirted with our leader?" Leifazu asked with a giant smile making it clear she was enjoying Mishiro's frustration. "Come on now, I was just trying to have fun, I knew our leader would never, and I would never be foolish enough to step on your toes."

"Even suggesting such was a mistake," Mishiro replied hatefully. "I should still slay you for such. Besides, wasn't your original body that of a man?"

"One, we only have one extra body for me. So waste it, if you will. Secondly, my gender changes with my body. *9* And as someone who gets to experience both sides of the gender coin, I prefer to keep my choices open. After all, I have experienced how fun it can be for both sides." Leifazu replied with a smile as she examined herself with a crazed smile. "Besides, are you telling me I'm not a total babe now?"

"You're a foolish degenerate," Mishiro replied evenly. "Just remember your place… a slutty corpse that should be long gone."

"Yeah, yeah." Leifazu agreed breezily. "Anyway, what's next? I wanna get this mission done so I can chase some male tail. Neither side is safe from Leifazu!"

"I'm glad you're so energetic," Mishiro said with a smirk. "I'll leave the discovery of our Kamizuru allies to you. Find and bring them here."

"Always the grunt work…" Leifazu complained. "Though I suppose that blonde one was kinda hot… alright, I'll find them. Might have some fun before they find some way to be killed."

"Don't you dare! We have no time for pleasure, merely business!" Mishiro warned snappishly.

"Everyone says that, but they don't really mean it~!" Leifazu sang as she raced off to find the others.

Mishiro sighed but let it go, instead focusing on her seal. Content with the isolation and silence, she allowed her mind to drift as she worked on her seal. Thinking of only her love…

Sorry about being super late! My Wifi has been out for nearly two days! As of a result we'll be posting on our days off this week as well. Thanks for reading either way and Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts
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