
Chapter 124: Marching

"I didn't mean to do it. I was just trying to peck her on the cheek." Xiaoyun panicked as he realized what he had just done.

"I wanted to give brother my first kiss okay? I-It's not his fault. I was the one that moved." Lily clarified.

"Lily you're still too young for this kind of stuff!" Nami grabbed Lily's backpack and held Lily's hand as they walked out of the house.

"They really look like a mother and daughter you know... almost like me worrying about how my daughter might get stolen by a man." Leyan commented as if she wanted to poke fun of Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun realized what Leyan was trying to say and awkwardly scratched his head.

"Anyway, we probably should get going now." Wuli got up from her seat.

"Right." Xiaoyun got up from his seat.

Leyan followed the two walked all the way to the living room and stopped at the doorway.

Xiaoyun turned around to look Leyan in the eye.

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