
Training results and questionable potions

That battle was not the only one Rune had been subjected to as thanks to my new ability it had never been easier to streamline the training process as I could find healing plants and materials that let me experiment with my alchemy skill to create various potions of healing and even directly see what effect they had when used. Thanks to this both my poke medic and alchemy skills were skyrocketing alongside the power of my battle ready team members. Vulcan had trouble finding worthy challenges in this area but did find a few that really helped it grow while Gaia and Rune easily had the biggest gains.

[Pokemon: Charmander(Rune)


Moveset: Growl(a) , Scratch(a) , Swords dance(a) , smokescreen(a) , tail whip(a) , thunderwave(a) , Thunder shock(a) , quick attack(a) , shock wave(a) , double team(a) , thunder punch(j) , spark(j) , agility(a) , dragon rage(j) , thunder(j) , flashing rain(n)

Variations: Royal , Shiny , Elemental(electric)



Sp. Atk:125

Sp. Def:80


Ability: Volt absorb(j)]

[Pokemon: Pupitar{Gaia}


Moveset: Bite(E) , Leer(A) , Sandstorm(E) , Iron defense(Egg Move)(E) , screech(E) , rock slide(E) , scary face(A) , thrash(A) , dark pulse(A) , payback(A) , rock polish(E) , metal claw(A) , sand bomb(A) , crunch(a) , stone grasp(a) , wrecking ball(j)

Variations: Royal , Shiny(stage 2)



Sp. Atk:74

Sp. Def:77


Ability: Sand veil(J) , shed skin(J)]

[Pokemon species: Entei(Vulcan)


Moveset: Bite(E) , Leer(E) , Ember(E) , roar(E) , fire spin(E) , Stomp(E) , flamethrower(E) , sunny day(E) , crunch(E) , extrasensory(E) , lava plume(E) , magma coat(A)

Variations: none



Sp. Atk:121

Sp. Def:100


Ability: Inner focus(A)]

This was what my teams statuses looked like by the time we completed our training for the gym challenge. I have to say that in their own ways they have grown spectacularly as a result of all of our hard work and we were prepared for this challenge. I was especially proud of Rune who really went above all my expectations during this time and even reached level sixty while creating a custom move with my help. The move was called flashing rain due to the way it appeared to look like it was raining light.-

Basically I had rune take inspiration from the move sunny day and create an orb of condensed electrical energy that he sent high into the air. Unlike the weather move however this move turned out purely offensive as electric type energy very much disliked being confined or controlled in a small space. I got a spark of inspiration when I saw how the incomplete move sent electric energy in all directions after rune stopped focusing on it and had Rune purposefully create many small holes on the orb and add a spin to it when he spat it out.-

This caused the orb to release an absolute fuckton of electrical sparks as it flew through the air thus creating the rain effect it was named for. Don't underestimate those sparks either as due to the amount of energy condensed in the orb each one hurt like a bitch and had a chance to inflict partial paralysis where they struck. Partial paralysis was my new favorite way to cause problems for my opponents by the way as it caused a small area of muscles in their body to lag behind the rest which made coordinated movement a fucking nightmare as Vulcan can attest.-

Like you go to throw a punch but a few muscles in you arm lag behind and you miss because they move a bit later than the rest or gods forbid you try and run with the stuff in your legs , faceplant central that one there. That was one of the reasons Vulcan HATED that move when he sparred with Rune. Vulcan liked to leverage his stupid high speed to effectively overwhelm his opponent from up close and personal. Obviously that didn't work when you are tripping like you took bath salts.-

That was assuming you could somehow prevent the hundreds of small sparks from hitting you all over your body which just straight up causes paralysis. Speaking of Vulcans preferred method of prolonged conflict I had a sneaking suspicion that it was getting REALLY close to meeting the requirements for the move extreme speed , whatever those were. Every forum I checked had conflicting information about the way to learn the move as some said it came naturally and others said it had to be taught amongst other methods. I was confident that Vulcan would figure it out eventually which will make it a force to be reckoned with.-

Enough about my pokemons though , lets talk about what I've accomplished shall we? See thanks to my mad scientist way of collecting damn near everything i could get my hands on and then mixing them in weird combinations I created three potions that I am quite proud of. The first was what I dubbed the berserker serum that when ingested caused a pokemon to temporarily lose their rational thinking in exchange for a massive also temporary boost to their fighting ability. I used it on a recently defeated level fifty Numel and the damned thing even had Vulcan on the ropes until Rune and Gaia jumped in to assist putting it down.-

I don't mean killing it but merely holding it down until the effects of the potion wore off and it dropped like a rock from the backlash. I theorized that the potion removed the limiters that all creatures have in their bodies in exchange for a highly vicious and aggressive state of mind. My team all agreed that if it looked like we were outmatched in a dangerous situation that they would use the potion in hopes of breaking out.-

The second potion was actually beneficial without any draw backs and was called tears of blood. It was basically a sort of ocular medicine that needed to be dripped on the eyes to nourish them like liquid eye drops. It was named as it is due to the excess potion dripping from ones eyes like they were crying and as the potion was crimson in color it looked like one was crying blood. This potion helped me recover from the strain that my new ability placed on my eyes which was super useful. The final potion was actually one that I wanted to consider a failure because it didn't do what I wanted it to but did have a "good" effect so technically wasn't.-

It was called demons whisper and was a super potent aphrodisiac to the point I almost wanted to consider it a crime to use it. I refused to use the stuff personally but after giving a drop to a breeding pair of Minum and Plusle the two went at it for nearly an entire day which showed me that the potion was chillingly effective. I didn't watch or anything but had the pair tell me how well it worked after the fact and demand extra payment for their soreness and exhaustion.

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