
Ch 58 Garden Stroll

I walked off towards the massive Harrenhall gardens.

After about fifteen minutes I walked through a massive archway that led to a beautiful and spralling garden that seemed to extend for miles in every direction.

There were Dozens of Fountains being fed by the nearby river, They we're all at least twenty feet high and Forty feet across as loving couples sat around them as young Lords did their best to woo ladies which they were escorting for the day.

I instantly spotted Shadowmare splashing around in one of the largest fountains as two little girls with black hair threw water at him playfully, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

A small gray dragon flew overhead as it tried to catch birds in flight but clumsily missed and roared cutely in anger.

there were twenty Targeryen Soldiers surrounding this particular fountain so that no man dared approach approached.

I saw Ashara sitting a few feet away on a bench alongside Elia as they talked and giggled together happily.

I walked down the long row of Flowerbeds as the noble ladies who were with their partners stared lustfully at me and ignored their dates.

The men were upset but when they saw the massive man who caught their attention they just sucked it up and put in extra effort to woo the women.

As I neared the fountain where Ashara was the Targeryen guards looked at each other for a split second then Spread apart to allow me to pass...only an idiot would refuse the only man the King doesn't distrust, and no one wanted to lose a cock today.

I also spotted two Kingsguard, Ser Arthur Dayne, and Barristan Selmy who were protecting the Princess and her dog sized Dragon.

When Arthur saw me a smile spread on his face and he gave me a nod as a greeting but Barristan only gave me the stink eye...he loved Ashara from the moment he saw her but I swooped in and took her away.

A Kingsguard cannot marry....but a man can dream...and I crushed his dream.

As I neared my women Rhaenys jumped out of the fountain while dripping in water and ran towards me. "UNCLE ALUCARD!!!" She squealed and hopped into my arms as I cast a drying spell on her.

"Hello little princess, I didn't expect to see you here?" I told her as I took out a bar of chocolate from my Dimensional store and gave it to her.

She squealed in happiness then I set her down and she ran to her mother.

I saw Allyria Dayne who was about fourteen stepped out of the water and I quickly cast a drying spell on her to which she marveled at the magic.

"You must be Allyria....I am Alucard Von Cathicus your soon to be brother In law." I told her as I gave her hand a peck.

"Nice to meet you....you're as handsome and tall as my sister said." she responded, not seeming to be charmed by me....oh well.

I then walked towards Ashara and Elia who were now standing.

"My Love I missed you~" Ashara spoke as she jumped into my arms and our mouths instantly locked as we swapped spit with wet noises spreading throughout the area as Rhaenys said "ewww!!!" and turned to go splash water at Shadowmare who was still in the fountain.

Allyria said 'get a room' and then walked to talk with her older brother Arthur who was standing guard.

after a few minutes we separated and a trail of spit stretched between my lips and her sweet mouth as I set Ashara back on the ground. "I missed you as well....and I'll never get tired of your sweet mouth...." I told Ashara

Then I remember that I forgot to greet Elia, I cast an illusion spell so only Ashara could see our greeting.

I walked up to Elia and brought her dainty body close to mine as I began kissing her savory lips.. as Ashara's eyes widened at the sight.

"Good to see you again Elia...I missed you as well." I told the caramel colored beauty and she just hugged me and buried herself in my arms.

I turned to Ashara who had a shocked look on her face. "Elia is not loved by her husband....we grew close during my visit to Kingslanding." I told Ashara.

"That's fine but people are watching!!!" Ashara scolded me but Elia and I just laughed.

"Your husband has powerful magic....no one can see what we are doing Ash hahaha" Elia laughed and Ashara pinched my stomach.

"Don't scare me like that! and you should've told me you were fucking my best friend."

She pouted but I just brought her into a hug as well as both of their soft bodies pressed against mine as I took in their combined sweet and spicy scents.

"Why don't we go 'Dragonriding' again Elia, Ashara your sister can join as well if she wants." I spoke and Elia quickly nodded while Ashara asked why that question sounded a bit strange.

"Because the first time he fucked me, we flew on his Dragon." to which Ashara began laughing out loud.

"Alright...let's go 'Dragonriding', I want to see you fuck my best friend while flying." Ashara spoke with a smile.

I turned and called Rhaenys. "Little Rhaenys do you want to go Flying?" I called aloud

And instantly she shrieked and ran towards me while shouting "YES!!!"

Then I called Shadowmare over and cast a drying spell since he was soaking with water, and my saddle was also soaked through.

He neighed as thanks and stopped in front of me.

I hopped into the saddle and pulled Ashara up with me as her fat ass pressed against my cock.

"The three of you Meet us at my tent.....Elia please take care of Allyria for now...FAST BOY!!!" I shouted and Shadowmare kicked off like a bullet down the long row of flowers.

when Ashara rode him he only went somewhat faster than a regular horse so as to not have her fall off, but now that I was on he showed me what he really had In him.

Ashara screamed aloud as her body pressed into mine from the sheer momentum and the hard wind blowing her back but I just held her with one arm as I held the reins with the other.

We raced down the gardens as his heavy hoofbeats pounded against the cobblestone, row after row of Flowerbeds passed us quickly and soon we passed the massive archway and onto soft earth.

Shadowmare galloped down the busy pathway as we narrowly avoided people and Ashara screamed for us to stop but Shadowmare only went faster.

Soon we headed towards a potato cart and on the other end was an open field which we could cut through so Shadowmare charged the small cart as its owner jumped off in fear for his life.

With a great heave from his thick legs we took air as we soared over and landed hard on the other side.

I had shoved a finger in Ashara's mouth to keep her from biting her tongue off in the landing and when we landed her teeth clenched hard but there was no damage.

We barreled down the field for half a mile as Shadowmare reached his top speed while soft earth was crushed and sent raining behind him with every hoofbeat.

Before long we reached my tent, Ancalagon lazily laid down behind it..... his four yellow eyes locked onto us for a moment before he closed them again and fell back to sleep.

Shadowmare barreled towards our tent and came to a sliding stop as his hoofs dug into the soft earth and left a long trail underfoot.

I grabbed Ashara and dismounted with her still in my arms as her hands trembled from the adrenaline.

"That was very impressive Shadowmare....good boy....Go off to the stables and visit your mares." I told him and he rose on two feet while neighing then galloped away into the distance while neighing happily.

"What the fuck was that..." Ashara asked me as she breathed heavily and slumped into my arms as I picked her up in a princess carry.

"You yelled it this morning didn't you? 'Show me what you can do' Were your exact words...I wanted to show you how capable he really is Love." I told her and kissed her forehead.

"Let me get you a proper coat and shawl for dragonriding, wouldn't want your perfect skin to sunburn." I told her and licked her on the ear which drew out a little moan.

"If you already slept with Elia then why don't you sleep with me?" Ashara asked as I set her down on the bed and searched my dimensional store for clothes.

"Because I want your first time to be special....I could just fuck you right now...I'd rather us be married before we do however." I told her and kissed her cute forehead.

She seemed to like my answer because she blushed and nodded.

"Can you tell me about your other women?" Ashara asked.

"Of course....but it will take a bit of time." I responded as I sat down and served us both a cup of refreshing Moscato.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"so you saved Lily from rapers?"

"And you killed her evil aunt and uncle?"

"So that's why you chopped Corbray in half"

"What do you mean Melisandre is more than Three hundred years old?"

"You stole the imp's first love?"

"The maids are mother and daughter?"

"You tookThe Stark mother and daughter as well?!?!"

"Catelyn Tully too hahaha poor Brandon"

"so not the King's wife...I can see why."

"What? Olenna Tyrell....well I guess she is still plump for a few more years."

"You bought The Royce Girl because you wanted to drink her milk!?!?....well she does have huge...."

. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... . . . . . . .

I conversed with Ashara for an hour as we waited for Elia and Rhaenys to show up....I wanted to fill the Caramel beauty after all.

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