
Escape (Part-4)

With Lisa safely cradled in my arms, I kicked the door shut in front of us, only to be met with a gruesome sight.

"What the hell happened here?" (Alex)

It looked like we had entered the castle through that door, but I didn't expect to see this type of hell.

The room was filled with the lifeless bodies of soldiers, their necks bearing dark marks while the rest of their bodies remained unscathed.

I went close to one of the dead soldiers' bodies and carefully examined it, but it was of no use as I couldn't understand a single thing.

Perplexed, I turned to Lisa for insight.

"What do you think, Lisa?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern.

"Alex, I think I've seen... That venom somewhere," she replied softly.

"Venom?" I repeated, puzzled.

"Yes. Didn't you notice?" Lisa gestured towards the hands of the fallen soldiers, revealing three distinct bite marks. "Looks like they've been bitten by something."

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