
Second Summoning And Orleans Bound

Entry 141:

Linus Ozias POV:

The fact that we are going to France in the early 15th century, while exciting, presents its own issues as I am currently creating movable housing and vehicles to use when we are unable to fly as it presents a stealth risk.

Even with the suits, I do not want to take any chances, so I have prepared capsule housing in the form of multiple smaller homes from the DBZ tech tree, along with a stealth ship that looks like a quinjet from the MCU.

Is it a bit much? Maybe, but I do not want to risk not being fast enough or us being separated in addition to both of our suits having built-in transdimensional communicators that the imperium used to communicate to beings in the Warp and real space.

When I showed the suit to Ritsuka, she liked it but requested a change in color to white and orange, and I showed her the suit could change color via mental command. To which she proceeded to run around the facility with her suit showing rainbow colors. I then gave her the communicator after she was done telling the staff to taste the rainbow.

Luckily, I can refuse calls, or else I would have Ritsuka in my ear all the time, and that is a hell I will not enter. Thankfully, the servants have a mental communication they can use via the contracts we have with them.

"So we are heading to France? Do I need to retake French again?!" Ritsuka asks as I tell her, "Luckily, no, you do not need to retake French. You can, but the suit has a built-in translator, so anything they say will sound in English or Japanese, but I would still recommend learning languages on your own time in case the suit malfunctions."

She breathes a sigh of relief as she says, "Thanks, Oz, that helps so much, but what about the suit? How do I take it off?" I then motion to the watch that acts as the communicator. "Essentially, just issue a mental command to the suit to dematerialize into the watch, and it'll do the rest." 

She then dematerializes the suit, and as it disappears, Ritsuka asks, "So what can the suit do?" I then hand her the manual I made, and she looks at me as if I just stabbed her.

I smiled as I left her to read it. Even if she did not, the suit had its own as she yelled, "OZ, WHY!?"

I return to the lab to finish creating the vehicles and housing and make sure to have multiple copies in case the others are destroyed, which is unlikely as it will take the force of a nuke to damage one of them.

I showed the design to each of our servants so that they could give their review, and so they could design their own interiors. After taking their input into account, I soon finished the housing, with Tamamo favoring a plain log cabin-esque design, and Murasaki taking a more oriental style.

Ritsuka essentially wanted to recreate her childhood home, which was nice, and I asked her to provide details and an address, to which I used my magic sense to scan it and recreate it to a T.

She actually smiled and thanked me as she took it and said: "Thanks, Oz, for making this for me as while my parents did die before the incineration, which I'm happy about, I always missed my old home." I also told her that she couldn't lose it as it was essentially matched to her biometrics and would return to her if lost.

Ritsuka then gave me a hug as I told her, "While we may be in a foreign land in a foreign time, one can always use some familiar sights as it helps to keep morale up, so if there is anything you want, let me know within reason, of course."

She then let go and said in response, "Understood, Oz, but you promise to let me test some of those weapons Da Vinci Chan told us about."

I am so very tempted to refuse because imagining this fiend with my weaponry is a terrifying prospect as I say, "Maybe, but only in the targeting range and on missions, understand?"

She nods fervently and walks away to study the suit I gave her. hopefully, I return to the lab with Tamamo in my shadow as the fox says in my mind, "You seem to care about her?" I nod as I say, "Regardless of her eccentricities and excitable attitude, I see through it. It's a mask, and while it may not be entirely fake, it's her way of coping with this stressful scenario, and besides, I've dealt with worse."

Tamamo chuckles as she says, "Well, we seem to be ready. Has the human doctor found the coordinates for ray shifting yet? I am itching to show my amazing powers, mikon." I smile as her catchphrase slips and says, "He says he should have the coordinates done by tomorrow, but we still have to do today's summonings to see if we can call anyone else to our side."

Tamamo gasps in faux surprise. "I am already being replaced. How can you do this to me, Lin!?" I sigh as I say, "I'm not replacing you, my dear Shrine Maiden. We are simply looking for additional help."

The fox woman laughs as she says, "I understand, my dear inventor, but who knows, you may just roll 10 more of that mapo tofus, which I have no idea how that works." I nod my head, and neither do I.

So, as the day comes to a close, Ritsuka and I return to the summoning room with Mash and Tamamo, with Murasaki standing with her, discussing a possible autobiography. As I walk up to the summoning circle and say the chant, the circle glows, and a figure is revealed.

"Paracelsus von Hohenheim at your service. I have been summoned upon your request. Please, be friends with me. May the blessings of ether be with you. The world is full of blessings. In any and all times." 

The man says, wearing a rather fancy white suit with a black undershirt as the overcoat is lined with black stripes and golden markings.

I give the man respect as he is one of the very few modern magus who holds a place on the throne of heroes for his actions and achievements. 

He was and still is a powerful magus (Average One) who manipulates the five elements, a master of Jewel Magecraft, and a person who influenced and was deeply involved with the development of alchemy as a magical foundation. 

In the significance of the magical foundation of what magi far and wide conveyed as "alchemy" in the modern era, there is a possibility that this man is the pioneer who deeply engraved alchemy into this world.

"I greet you, Lord Hohenheim. I am Linus Ozias, last of House Ozias, and we are honored to meet your acquaintance." The man smiled as he stepped out of the summoning circle. 

He then states, "There's no need for such pomp and circumstance, Mr Ozias, as I can sense your abilities from here, and from the contract, I can sense an overwhelming amount of power. It feels as if you could destroy the world in one punch."

I simply smile and respond, "I am still a learner, as there's still so much to be learned, and I would feel honored if you were willing to show me your ways." The man gains an excited gleam in his eyes as he says, "And I'm fully willing to teach anyone willing to learn as knowledge should be shared after all, and I already feel like this will be a worthwhile endeavor."

I then began to give him a brief summary of the events that have transpired, and he soon gains an almost forlorn look, which is understandable given this man's general outlook on life. While he is a magus, he is one of the rare few who actually has a heart and genuinely believes in human compassion. 

"Such a dire scenario while I feel at a slight loss as to what machination requires such a sacrifice, but I will expect all of my energy to find out." 

The magus says, looking rather motivated as I say, "And that is all that we may ask and do know that we are not alone in this endeavor as we have a very competent team which includes the house of Animusphere,  Leonardo Da Vinci and a rather whimsical doctor."

[I heard that Ozias, and please send Mr. Hohenheim to the command room as Olga is getting excited to meet him/ I am not! Ignore the fool!]

Hohenheim smiles as he says, "Well, that is definitely one form of welcome, although I would ask to have a more private conversation with you, master." I raise my hand and say, "There's no need to call me master. You may refer to me as you see fit. We are equals here."

The magus looks almost shocked and says, "Well, that is unexpected as most would see servants as such servants, and I believe I can get used to such treatment."

The man then leaves the room after introducing himself to the other two servants, who give him a polite welcome as Ritsuka takes her turn and rubs her hands together. "Alright, circle momma needs a new servant, hopefully, one that can help me read Oz's manual."

She then says her chant and the circle glows, revealing, and I kid you, not an IOU on a piece of paper as I wonder if ROB is messing with us as the circle glows again, and six times in a row, we get mapo tofu to which Ritsuka says "Come on! Show me the hotties!"

Soon enough, after summoning a set of black keys that I take and on the last roll, the summoning circle glows again, and from it, a new servant is revealed.

A woman with purple hair and a blindfold on her face almost indifferently says, "The monster Medusa... A monster with snakes for hair and a petrifying gaze, right? That isn't all that far off...You have strange preferences. If you require a sacrifice, do feel free to command me as you wish to master."

Ritsuka is almost shocked as I place a defense over all of our eyes to block any petrification using my holy power. Medusa then looks at Ritsuka and says, "You seem surprised. Is my presence terrifying to you?" Ritsuka then immediately says " So cool! You have such a cool aura!"

Medusa was almost taken aback at the praise as I welcomed her. "Welcome Medusa to Chaldea. This is Ritsuka Fujimaru, and I am Linus Ozias." She looks at both of us and bows as Ritsuka says, "Tell me, Medusa, is the blindfold a fashion choice, or do you really turn people to stone?"

Medusa then answers and says, "The blindfold serves to hide and suppress my mystic eyes of petrification, and they are rather ugly."

I wish to call bullshit because I can see right through the blindfold, and she has lovely eyes, but such a thing must be taken one step at a time. For now, we have reached the limit of the system.

(So let it be known that the amount of servants that can be sustained during singularities is comparable to their magic potential, so a normal Master like our friend Ritsuka can maintain two servants at a time outside of Chaldea while my main character can basically power Chaldea itself.)

For now, we have all we need for the next singularity. Orleans, here we come.

And I genuinely hope that my theory is not correct, or else this is going to be a somewhat awkward singularity for me. For now, though I have to stop Ritsuka from forming a Medusa Fan club.

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