
Snuffing Out Two Morons

Entry 124:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I look at the relics before me, all I can say is, "How crude. The craftsmanship and makeup are pleasing, but they are quite literally  crude concepts given form and, as such, can only use a percent of their true power."

When gathered, the four relics created by the brother gods will call them to the world, but I wished to study them, so I took them from their vaults. For Atlas, since they were using the relic of creation as a power source, I replaced it with a reactor powered by badassium.

Also, I wished to release Jinn as she/he would be killed when I combined the relics, and I did not want that, so I uttered her name, "Jinn."

All time seems to stop as a blue smoke wafts from the lamp-looking relic of knowledge and soon takes the form of a beautiful blue woman with blue eyes with black surrounding the bright blue.

Jinn looked at me as she seemed to be studying me as she said in a smooth voice, " Well, this is unexpected, a new god summoning little old me. Are you here to ask a question?"

I shake my head as I state, " No, Jinn, I ask if you wish to be freed from this existence of being trapped in this lamp as I am about to call the Brother Gods back and face them in kombat."

Her eyes widened as she asked in an almost interested tone," In all honesty, coming from anyone else, I would be laughing, but from you, I can sense immense power, and even the brother gods would probably not even be able to scratch you."

I smile as I ask again, " So I ask you, Jinn, will you allow me to free you from this relic? I understand you are a sentient being, and I would rather not kill an innocent sentient being."

She looks almost surprised as she asks, "You do know that I am only a construct created by the lamp, correct?"

I then simply say, "If a construct can gain sentence, it is still a being as I like to follow the simple mantra of if I think I am and you are thinking so you do exist, you are not just a construct." 

Jinn simply sighs and lies upside down in the air as she says, " You seem to be like those stubborn types of men, so I don't even think you would accept no for an answer, and I am genuinely interested in exploring the world."

I laugh as I cut the connection between her and the relic and used my creation magic to form a body for her to use as a vessel bound to me, of course.

It looks almost exactly like her, but if she wishes to, she can alter her form in order to blend in if that is required.

As she enters her new body, I give her clothes to wear and not just the belly dancer lingerie she was wearing. After a few seconds, she opens her eyes, feels her face, and says, " So this is what it feels like to have a physical form. It's interesting, to say the least, but I do hope you have a plan for me other than just making a body." 

I nod as I introduce her to the library of Heaven kept up to date by Jibril and her entourage, and I kid you not, the second I let her in, she was off to the races as she and Jibril took to one another like fish to water.

I sigh as I think, " I'm not gonna be able to get those two away from each other now, am I? What have I done?" but now that Jinn is safe and the relics analyzed for later, I combine them in a bounded field.

The relics then disappear into dust and form a portal from which the two gods exit.

We stand there staring at one another as the God Of Light (GOL) says, "I do not know why you called us here interloper, but your meddling has come to an end as your presence upsets the balance of this universe."

Then the God Of Darkness (GOD) adds, " Without you, humanity will never unite and are unworthy of existence. Now step aside, interloper."

All I can do is laugh in their faces as a universe is not a space made from cards, and ever since I have come here, the balance has radically increased in power as I look at these two idiots.

This seemingly upsets them as they take their dragon forms. I simply stand there looking bored, just thinking, "Okay."

I don't even want to be here, but these two would just muck up any chance at evolution, so I need to eliminate both of them.

I do record the fight for Salem to view later as I crack my knuckles. As they rush me with their powers of creation and destruction, I grab and flip him over me as I simply flick the snout of the other one.

As I hold the Gold Of Light in my hand, I can only say, "Is this it? You two are thousands of years old, and all you can do is charge me." 

They growl at me as I continue, "I am going to make this quick as, unlike everyone else in this world, you two are not worth my time."

I then grip both of them as with my knowledge of divinity, controlling it becomes simple, and these two have not trained at all.

So, I simply make my best Palpatine impression as I blast them both with divine lighting. They scream out in pain as I continue to shock them.

After a few minutes, I sigh and say, "This is boring. You are boring me. I am gonna finish you both off now, so I hope you both know that you will die knowing how useless you two have been to this universe."

I then take out the Blade Encarmine and take them into my reality marble as I stab both of them, absorbing their strength into my sword and where their consciousnesses will suffer as they disintegrate into nothingness.

But both will be cognizant enough to see how, under my influence, humanity shall flourish as these two shall die knowing how they both failed.

It's a little anticlimactic, to be honest, but when you reach this level of strength, it's harder to find challenges. But instead of feeling bored, I feel satisfied, as if I was sent to this world first. These two would have been my final challenge.

And now, after all the years of training and building, I can treat them as if they are nothing but ants as I build wonders. 

For now, I have real priorities to focus on, with those being increasing my influence and finding a gift for Ingvild, as her birthday is coming up on the 23rd of April.

It's funny as I am more focused on her birthday gift than the two gods, which really shows my improvement. Soon enough, both god's power will be mine.

I just need to wait for the Blade to absorb the energy, and while the power of destruction is incompatible with me for now, who knows? For now, I feel my mission is complete, but I feel one change is left to be made.

I snap my fingers again, and a light shines briefly as I teleport to the Silver Citadel. In my eyes, RWBY is conquered as all I need to do is wait for my company to overtake the SDC, which, after Jacques's crimes were exposed, his stock is tanking.

But it's all for my gain and for the betterment of the world as a whole.

I wonder how they are reacting to my little change.

Ruby Rose POV:

" I wonder how Dad is doing as he called us out of the blue?" Yang then puts her arm around me as I attempt to remove her.

"Yeah, he sounded serious, but maybe he lost Zwei or something?" That could be it, and while that worries me, the way Dad sounded, it was like he was seeing a living dream.

As we land at the Patch station, we return home to find something impossible.

"Mom!" I yell out, seeing her sitting on the couch along with a black-haired woman with red eyes. As Dad cooks dinner.

  The two then look at us as Mom uses her semblance to rush us both and grab us into a hug as she says, "I'm home, my little rose cookie." I began to cry as only Mom knew that nickname, and I wondered how this was possible.

After crying for over an hour, I calmed down enough to ask, "How?" Mom then says, "In all honesty, Ruby, I don't know, as one minute I was in the dark, and the next I was in front of our home."

Raven then gives us a knowing look as Yang glares at the woman as she says, "Before we begin yelling, I know who did this, and you already met him, Yang."

This confuses my sister, as she then asks, "Who did I meet?' Raven chuckles as she says, "You met a god, my daughter, and he decided to take pity on us."

That statement was almost degrading, but I don't care as I have my Mom back, and Yang asks, "Who was he?" Raven then turns serious and almost reverent as she says, "His name is Anakim, a God Of Creation and Weaponry."

Oh, storytime! And did she say weapons! I need to meet him.

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