
Ending A Dream

Entry 119:

Linus Ozias POV:

You know, I really should thank Rob for giving me the essence of the binder, as it has taken an immense load off of my shoulders as I no longer need to fear for my loved one's safety.

While I'll always worry for them, I now can monitor them 24/7 while also granting them specific parts of my essences, nothing too ridiculous, just the various defenses from ROB insurance and the plot armor from generic Isekai protagonist.

The only offensive aspect is the broken limiter essence. As such, I unshackled their potential, so now, similarly to me, their potential is limitless. They will not grow nearly as quickly as I can, but they no longer need to worry about plateauing.

Although I definitely have to think ironically about the H protagonist essence, which allows me to give them essentially mental and bodily immunities to manipulation. As well as defenses from various H tropes.

  Even now, I can sense them through the bindings, and they are seemingly enjoying themselves as they explore the world of Remnant, and I need not fear anything in this world attacking them or even being remotely a threat.

From last I heard, Rose is in Vale studying their library while Ingvild is searching through their musical history for new song ideas. Kunou and Ophis are doing a cuisine tour of the various kingdoms with Yasaka chaperoning.

I can feel their individual emotions if I focus hard enough, but I am always around one of my loved ones as Gaea sits with me as I study the aura those in Remnant can use.

Ironically enough, for the primordial of the earth, this woman is very excitable with new things as simply being here shocked her, as from what she said, the planet isn't alive and has no consciousness, which surprises her.

She also explained how that comes with caveats on how the planet is not able to defend itself from external threats, which is most likely how the gods were able to exist in this world.

But such things are theories as we sit together and enjoy the moment, and she is especially enjoying it as she constantly feels me up. Because most of our conversations were mental, there were no physical feelings at least, and now that she has a form, she is definitely taking advantage of it.

We have not engaged in physical intimacy quite yet, as I want to get further along in this world before we consummate our relationship. 

But it's not without a lack of trying on Gaea's part, and in all honesty, I think she is slightly getting off on it. 

"This is nice, my angel, just being here with you. I hope you know that." I smile and lean in closer as I say, "Yes, enjoying such moments is why I continue to seek strength and further along my goals."

Gaea frowns cutely as she says, "You are supposed to compliment me, you giant dummy." She then pots as I grasp her in my arms as she yelps in surprise while saying, "Ohh no, it's the perverted angel about to sully me?!" 

"Why does she remind me of a certain paladin?" I think to myself  as I begin to whisper, "You should be more careful with yourself as a man could take many meanings from those words, and my patience is not as infinite as you think it is."

I can feel the woman physically shudder in arousal as I continue, "I understand that you desire me, and I do desire you in return, But I believe we should not continue as we have a listener behind the door."

With a wave of my hand, I open the door telekinetically as Sienna falls through and looks at me as she says, "I apologize if I am interrupting something." Her blush essentially becomes atomic as she notices our current positions. I simply chuckle along with Gaea.

Sienna looks like she's about to die of embarrassment as I ask, "Is there something you require of me, Sienna, or is this a social visit?"

Sienna then dusts herself off as she regains her composure. Gaea looks ready to laugh as she says, "The city has begun to become populated, and nearly all of the cells I've contacted have made it back to Menagerie, but there's been a complication with one of the cells."

I raise my brow as Sienna says, "The Branwen tribe in Mistral has attacked the village where my operatives were stationed, and only half survived and made it back to Menagerie." She says the last part with gritted teeth as I just stare at her.

After a couple of seconds, I stand while placing Gaea back in her chair as I give her a look, and she nods at me with a hard look in her eye.

I then look to Sienna, who nods, understanding what I'm about to do as I simply state, "I'm going to go deal with a couple of pests. I shall return."

I then opened a portal above the kingdom of Mistral as I used my magic sense to scan the continent in a couple of seconds and found the source of the spring maiden's magic being held by their leader, Raven Branwen. 

I then appear in front of their hideout in my more human form, which looks similar to a rich Englishman with a monocle and a fancy suit with a cane similar to the one from Bloodborne.

My reason for appearing like this may be due to the influences from the essence of the reality marble, making me appear more similar to the average Magus from the Clock Tower in Fate. That or I want to do some Kingsman cosplay. Who knows?

As I walk towards their camp, one guard shouts to me, "Hey! This is Brawnwen tribe territory! Leave now, or we will return you in a body bag!"

I almost chuckle at the threat as I continue to walk forward with I can, making a clinking sound as it hits the ground. I simply say, "Well, that would be intimidating if any of you actually held a threat against me."

The guards then climb down from their wooden walls as they approach me with their weapons pointed at me. "So we have ourselves a joker on our hands, so you gonna say anything else that makes me laugh."

I simply walk toward them and proceed to use my telekinesis to lift them into the air and choke the life out of them. As I walk into the camp, their necks soon crack under the strain.

As I enter, the other tribe members look at me and point their weapons at me as I simply say, "Don't do this, or none of you will leave here alive." They begin to laugh as I sigh at their lack of foresight.

My cane then extends and wraps around the group of them, cutting them into pieces in a couple of seconds. Before any of them could react, I jumped at the rest of the tribe members and began cutting and slashing my way through all of them, feeling nothing.

As much as I hate to agree with Ozpin and Qrow, this tribe is nothing but a bunch of murderers, thieves and parasites that live off the work of good people or simply take advantage of towns destroyed by the Grim. There's nothing glorious here.

And like any parasites, all of them need to be removed from the root as none of them are leaving it alive. I've already placed a barrier blocking their exits, and anyone attempting to leave will disintegrate.

After around 15 minutes of cutting and slashing my way through all of the members of the tribe, I am super set by lightning coming from Raven's second-in-command, Vernal. She looks furious as I simply stare at her.

"What are you? There's no way one single person could take down leave the entire tribe by himself!?" I simply look at her and walk towards her, and she tries to hit me with lightning, which does strike me but does nothing as her fear takes hold of her, and she falls down.

As I bend down to be at eye level with the woman, all I can say is, "Your tribe's dream of harming those with impunity ends just like any other dream has. Eventually, all of us must return to the waking world, so now be silent."

Vernal is left sputtering on the ground as I see my target, and Raven Brawnwen stares at me with utter and complete contempt, but all I see is fear as I can feel her mind beginning to plan ways to leave and abandon her tribe.

Or she is simply trying to think of a way out of this situation, or maybe she's trying to beat me. I do not know, as I do not wish to read her mind because I do not want to sully my memories with her cowardice.

From what I knew from the original show, it's never truly explained why she holds this tribe in such high regard, as all we really know is she views this tribe as her family or she simply owes them for keeping her alive and training her to what she views as strong.

But in all honesty, I do not care as that is simply semantics, as her tribe would have been eliminated anyway, and I'm simply accelerating the process.

"I would ask what you would want from My Tribe, but seeing what you've done to all of them, that question would be a bit redundant. Now identify yourself before I send your head back to where it belongs." 

I sigh as I say, "Again, with the meaningless threats, none of them matter. All of you are too weak to even scratch me, but you all made this personal with what you've done."

Raven looks confused as she says, "What do you mean are you here to avenge your family member or a village? They all seem to blend together eventually." 

My anger grows at such a disregard for innocent life as the sky darkens as I simply say, "That last village had a cell from the White Fang that was helping them recover from a grim attack, and you took advantage of it and killed half of them and the village."

Raven's eyes widen at this news as she says, "I've heard in the winds that the White Fang has gained a new leader. Are you that person?" I do not even give her an answer as I blink toward her using soru, and as I appear in front of her, she tries to slash at me with her blade.

I dodge her swipes and slashes easily while saying, "Slow." I dodge, "Sloppy," and I dodge again "Sad.

The slashes and stabs continue to fly, and after a couple of minutes, I grow bored of such a conflict as I catch her sword, Omen, with one finger.

"I can understand the need for loyalty for those you view as a family or those you believe have brought you to the strength level you have gained, but you must have expected this as well. You are a coward. You are not a fool, Raven Brawnwen, mother of Yang Xiao Long."

The mention of her daughter's name sends the woman into a rage as she tries to rip the blade from my fingers, but I do not budge, and I continue. "You had a husband and a daughter and a life many would dream of, and you simply let it slip from your fingers, and before you argue how I would not understand your circumstances, I don't want to, and that is the beauty of choice."

I then let go of her blade and flick her backward, and as she crashes through her tent, Vernal goes to check on her as I set fire to the entire encampment. "I am trying to build a better world, and people like you make me sick as even the beasts care for their young."

The emotions from the camp begin to attract the nearby Grimm as I simply look in their direction and use my new sorcery trait gained from the essence of the reality marble, which I shall refer to as the Mystic Eyes of Genesis.

These mystic eyes allow me to deny existences and concepts in my vicinity, also enhancing my ability to analyze Magic and martial arts. They also have been enhanced by my Divine and Angelic nature as I am able to see the threads of both sin and purity around a person.

It looks similar to a scale from Egyptian mythology when they weigh the heart to the feather of truth. The darker someone's aura is, the lower their karmic value is, and in all honesty, the only beings that care for her existence are what keeps Raven from being completely forgotten.

The nearby grim are erased from existence as I deny their darkness entirely as I approach Vernal and Raven, and when Raven attempts to escape using her portal semblance, I deny its existence as well, and it disappears.

"You do not get to run away this time, and your semblance even proves your very nature as your portals only exist to run away and never to use in combat, and I can sense your powers as the spring maiden."

And as easily as breathing, I rip the power from her soul while I slowly begin to repair it as now she will not die, but she will feel utter and complete agony as Raven cries out. "The cycle ends here. We must be better than this Raven."

The woman then passes out from the pain as I look at Vernal, and I snap my fingers, erasing her from existence, as no one here deserves to continue living. 

I place the woman in one of my imaginary number spaces as I head to the village Sienna mentioned and find it all in ruins, and while I am tempted to bring them all back, I can already sense their souls being sent to the Heaven System to be reincarnated in better lives.

As I reconstitute the bodies of all of the fallen, I place them all in caskets to return to Menagerie so that they may be buried, and all of them will be given a named burial as none will be left nameless in my world.

That bandit tribe has been erased from existence and is one less threat to my new world, and while I did not enjoy any of what I have just done, it was a necessary step.

I then returned to the Silver Citadel. I found Sienna and Gaea sitting at the table, laughing as I joined them. Sienna asks, seeing the look on my face. 

"Are you alright, Anakim?" I nod as I state, "The tribe has been eliminated, and I have retrieved all of the fallen White Fang members to be given named burials." Sienna sighs as she smiles and says, "Thank you. All of them deserve such respect."

We then continue to discuss the status of the world and future endeavors as I plan my next move.

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