
An Aftermath And Rematch

Entry 90:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I sit in my residence with my hands in a tank of bacta, the healing is shortgoing but understandable as I was barely even able to wield half of that Noble Phantasm's true power, or else I would burn up.

I do have to thank Senji Muramasa for allowing me to use this blade and infuse my own with some of its energy. Who knows, the blade Encarmine may become my own Noble Phantasm.

It's now April 2nd, and I have five more charges to spend, which I use to increase my natural healing factor as an angel has a more effective healing rate.

The change can be seen immediately as my hands begin to heal much faster, and after 30 minutes, I remove my hands from the tank and notice a scar on my right hand in the form of a blade.

I guess this is my reminder, and seeing as I have changed the future yet again, there will be entirely different pathways now.

But now, with my sword having an innate ability to cut those influenced by Fate, I hope I need not use that Noble Phantasm again, as even now, I can still feel the burns.

Then, I hear a knock at my door, which I move to answer, and as I open the door, I find Rossweisse looking somewhat worried as she says, "Anakim, are you alright? I heard what happened at the palace and what you did to Fenrir."

As she says that, she notices the bandages and burn marks fading as she takes my hands and tries a healing spell, which, while nice, is unnecessary. "Rossweisse, it's okay. While I was injured, my wounds are already healing."


She then continues to use the spell. As we sit down at the table, she says more quietly, "I got worried. No one fights Fenrir and survives, and yet not only did you do that, you killed him, which should not be possible as even Lord Odin has been sitting in his throne room for hours."

Now, that may be worrisome as I may have to deal with some bothersome questions, but not anything I did not expect after what I've just done.

As she continues to cast the spell for the next 15 minutes, we sit in silence as I say, "Thank you, Rose, as it's been a while since I've been in such a state." The nickname seemingly brings a blush to her face, but she continues on, and after a couple more minutes, she finishes, and while the sword scars are still there, I wave It off.

"I apologize that I must ask you this and Anakim, but I will have to ask that you report to the palace and explain what happened to Lord Odin." She looks genuinely concerned, and I smile and nod as we leave my residence and arrive at the palace.

As we head towards the throne room, we are not interrupted this time as the door this time opens by itself, and a host of other deities are present, from Thor to Freya.

Odin, noticing our presence, welcomes us with a look of almost trepidation on his face. "Ah yes, the angel of the hour, I apologize to have called you on such short notice and when you suffered such injuries, but I believe you know the questions I hold." 

I nod as he asks, "For one that's the blade of yours, what is it as it does not feel like any weapon I have seen or felt before?" I then pull out the blade Encarmine, and the gods are shocked at its presence as I say, "This is the blade Encarmine, a weapon I created and forged to battle threats greater than one singular faction, a weapon that I may pass down and have it be remembered my own Excalibur in a way."

This information sends murmurs through the Council of Gods and Goddesses as Tyr, the Norse God of War, comes up to me and holds out his hand, to which I place the sword into the ground and beckon he tries to grab it.

He smirks and tries to grab at the blade and poles, but he cannot move it, not in the sense that it is too heavy but in the sense that the sword itself rejects him, and I am actively keeping the blade from harming him.

Honestly, I never wanted to forge a blade with an ego that constantly states in my mind, "I crave war crimes, my Lord." While the Telesto spear is a lot more regal in a way, a lot more controlled, like the Moonlight Greatsword from the Dark Souls series.

The God of War ceases his attempts as he cannot lift it. Returning to his seat, he is almost miffed that he cannot hold the blade. Odin then asks his second question, "That blade is a  marvel worthy of the dwarves, Lord Angel, and I can sense its power, and it's seemingly growing stronger by the second. Even my son's hammer pales in comparison. Now I must ask, is this a weapon to wield against your enemies or the world?"

I make the sword disappear as I address the council. "All of my weapons are meant to deal with threats to the world. I do not have plans for world domination, Lord Odin, because, in all honesty, I would not be able to deal with all the paperwork, and while I do seek the success of both Heaven and the human race, some would seek to sow chaos, and as such I forged my weapons to combat them."

The mention of paperwork brings chills to everyone in the room as well. Gods can deal with it more quickly than most other races, but it is still not an enjoyable activity as Odin just smirks. 

"Yes, the responsibility of ruling is a difficult one, Young Angel, but I can sense that your statement may be proven wrong, and I would like to see it play out, but enough suspicion let us celebrate!"

In an amazing show of magical prowess, all of us are teleported to the main hall with food and drink abound on every table as nearly every warrior and valkyrie is present.

But before I can join in the festivities, I feel a tap at the back and see that Thor, the God of Thunder, wishes to finish our spar. With a nod, we leave the hall, followed by a couple of other deities and valkyries.

As we enter the arena, Thor swings his hammer with some showmanship as he says, "You may have been able to defeat the wolf, which I do congratulate you for. Let us see how you deal with a true fight."

I then take out my sword and ready myself as I respond, "I would not have it any other way, Lord Thor, and let us see if you can fight with the same ferocity that your thunder rumbles through the sky or if you're just full of hot air."

The last comment provokes a dangerous smile from the God of Thunder as we charge at one another.

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