
Cause And Effect Shounen Version

Entry 71:

Kunou POV:

Being the daughter of a faction leader is an amazing thing, but it is simultaneously also one of the worst.

While I am blessed with plenty of advisors, a loving mother, and plenty of resources so that I never need to struggle, I also lose certain things like time to spend with my mother and the possibility of having friends.

Every time I leave the shrine, I have to worry about being kidnapped or ransomed to another faction with some greedy Devils even attempting to reincarnate me, and let's just say they return to the underworld in jars.

I love my people, and I love my mother, but sometimes I find myself thinking of everything I'm losing by being who I am.

And as the days wore on and became more and more boring, I met an interesting character.

A large Angel showed up in Kyoto, and I was so excited to meet a new person. He was so nice. He even let me ride on his shoulders, and I could see all around me nor could I be made fun of for my short height.

He even made jokes with Uncle Nura, and none of what he said were ever lies, as I could tell due to my innate ability to use Senjustu, and he was just genuinely fun and comforting.

And then those human magicians attempted to kidnap me again, and he placed me within a barrier, and it felt warm, and in a couple of seconds, he had knocked them all out as if he was a puppet master cutting strings.

It was so unique and so cool. In addition to the fact that he put on his armor almost instantly, it looked intimidating but so metal.

Yet when he released me, and I climbed on him, he welcomed it and even patted me on the head, which felt amazing by the way I fell asleep, which was luckily only for a couple of minutes, and the Angel even kept Uncle Nura for reprimanding me for it.

It seems my new Angel friend understands the importance of naps.

He is definitely a keeper, and when I woke up, I noticed that Susanno was trying to slash my new Angel friend. I was worried that he was going to get hurt, but instead, he caught the blade. But I didn't even feel the impact.

It seemed my new Angel friend placed a barrier that kept the impact from affecting me while protecting me from the blade.

This is a nice feeling because while I feel safe in my mother's presence, this Angel is different. If I were to compare my mother to a solid warm flame, this Angel is like a welcoming stronghold.

He must be trying to take me off his head to return me to my mother, but I don't want to.

And then my mother came over to my new Angel friend and whispered in my ear, "Kunou, if you do not get off the angel, he won't be able to come back."


I immediately jumped off the Angel, but not before giving him a hug, which he returned. And it must have been a hilarious picture, as his one hand could essentially cover 3/4 of my body.

And a few hours later I heard that the Angel could come back whenever he wanted and had something to do with him helping out the faction with our problem relating to the various magicians trying to kidnap me.

Also, I had a plan forming in my head as I saw the way the Angel was looking at my mother and how my mother was looking at the Angel after he left.

Once I found him leaving the bar with Uncle Nura, I asked him how he thought of my mother, and his words genuinely affected me as very few people are so honest, and it wasn't just his desire. It was pure admiration.

But this is perfect if he becomes my mother's boyfriend; he'll be able to stay all the time, and I'll always have him walk me on his shoulders.

I am sometimes frightened by my own genius.

Ah, yes, I can see it now. No one can ever make fun of me again for being short for my age.

And before he left, he gave me this small piece of paper with this interesting symbol on it as I had never seen this before and told me to "Keep it secret, keep it safe."

While also telling me that if I ever needed help, I simply touch the paper or tear it with intent.

I kept the paper around all the time as it felt like him, and it was very warm.

I have also been in contact with him as he goes to meet those devils in Kuoh, and he has also been asking for advice on how to deal with nature energy, which I have been trying to explain to the best of my ability.

Sometimes, I like to contact him before I go to sleep so that he may tell me stories, as he's an amazing storyteller. Some of the more memorable ones included various genres, from action to philosophical.

Personally, my favorite is the one about the boy wanting to be Hokage. But when I asked him what happened after he became Hokage, the Angel said nothing and cut off the call.

He must be trying to think of a story for it. That's why he did that. 

Now, I am currently walking through Kyoto, trying to find something to do. I have my guards around me this time.

I hope Anakim comes back soon so that I can ask how the story went, but something feels off.

My feeling is proven as the space around us warps, and we find ourselves in a part of the Dimensional Gap!

This is bad as we have no way out of the gap, but then I feel myself growing weaker, and I can barely move.

Then I see them as they injure my guards, leaving them near dead as a message, most likely.

I tried to reach for the paper Anakim left for me, but I could not reach it as whatever kept me weak also restrained my movement.

I was knocked out before I could say anything, and everything went dark.

Please help me. I don't want to die.

I still need to get Anakim and Mom together.

It's cold.

Linus Ozias POV:

Something is wrong. I can sense it something is going to happen, and what is odd is that Kunou has not contacted me in two days now.

This is worrying, and since it has been two days, I have placed my ten charges. Placing six charges into my new scared gear canceller magic, which, while somewhat taxing, I can use it across the planet for a couple of minutes.

I split the other four into my Senjustu and Healing Aura, with the former increasing its potency and range and the latter becoming more noticeable and effective.

Regarding my meditation session a couple of days ago, I contacted the primordial of the earth herself and apparently gained her undivided attention and found a particular cat on my lap.

While awkward, the cat was only there to inform me of the fact that the devil's desire was that I hunt a stray Devil with them later in the week. 

Although they neglected to tell me which stray devil was, as I have already hunted dozens of them in this town alone, it's like this town is just a magnet for these things.

The only benefit is that I have been able to study the evil pieces they leave, and I'm getting closer and closer to understanding the process and then learning how to reverse it.

I then feel a communication line trying to connect with me, and I allow it, and I hear something that chills me to the core. 

"Anakim-Sama, this is Yasaka. I bear terrible news Kunou is missing!" I stand immediately and prepare my weapons and armor.

"I will be there in a moment, Lady Yasaka." As I say this, I call Lapis to take my place in Kuoh to watch the abandoned church, which she accepts, hearing my tone.

I then teleport to Kyoto and fly to the Yokai Quarter with a speed that nearly blew the people away, but I kept that from happening by removing air resistance.

It's time to purge some heretics.

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