
Calm Before The Shounen

Entry 66:

Linus Ozias POV:

The last Angel, what is such a title? What does it mean? Does it hold some significance? These are but some of the questions I ask myself.

For now, I am hanging out with the Yokai Lord at a bar, which feels like the beginning of a joke. An angel and a Yokai enter a bar, but the bar residents keep looking at me.

Some come to greet  Nura while asking me to arm wrestle.

In all honesty, thanks to their senjustu, and some even use touki, some do decently while also allowing me to analyze how it works.

Touki is reminiscent of armament haki from One Piece as it is one using their life force and spirit to coat their bodies, and the more Life Energy and the more concentrated that life energy is, the more powerful Touki can become.

Senjustu seems like the manipulation of Life Energy in a rougher form based on what I have witnessed as you open yourself up to the evils of the world and purify it or use it in its base form.

From what I learned from the Yokai, it seems that those who can be deemed as sages are those who are able to take in the evils of the world and purify it within themselves, but what makes it different from Naruto is that they're not able to release it.

And instead of turning to stone due to exposure to natural energy, it just drives one crazy.

All the data I'm getting is being sent to the servers that are at our main base, as I'm wearing contact lenses that record everything I see.

Sadly, the energy that the Yokai use is simply more ineffective than the chakra seen in Naruto.

But those punch ninjas are all types of ridiculous, so it's understandable.

Imagine having Naruto the actual Naruto in DxD. He would talk no Jutsu all the Khaos Brigade.

The very thought of that brings a chuckle to my lips as I down another glass of sake.

Since I have a broken limiter, I am not affected by the alcohol, even if some of it is magical, which is actually very lucky as I am not a fan of getting drunk.

As time passed by, the sunset was rather a beautiful sight in this country due to the nation's innate natural beauty and the skyline.

As Nura and I leave the bar, he pats me on the arm and says, "You did good work, young angel, and I hope we can do this again."

I snort in amusement as all the Yokai that arm wrestled me lost, which Nura then used to take bets with him, winning all of them.

"If old age does not get to you, Yokai Lord, we may do this again, but next time you're doing the arm wrestling." The Yokai laughs at this, melds into the shadows, and returns to wherever his residence is.

Now that I have permission from this nation's resident deities, I am able to pull out my wings while also placing a minor illusion around myself so that normal mundane beings will not notice.

But before I can fly off, I feel something attached to my back, and it is a familiar feeling.

"Are you leaving?" I hear a small voice ask as I simply say, "Yes, I have a mission to complete, but I will return Kunou-sama."

"Kunou! Just Kunou, we are friends now, and hey, maybe you can be my mom's boyfriend."

I nearly topple over as I consider if I did get drunk and respond, "Kunou, your mother is an amazing woman, and I would be lucky to be in her eye, but I am simply Anakim."

Kunou just chuckles at my predicament and says, "Really, what else do you like about her?"

I feel like this is a trap, but I will indulge her. "Well, young fox, in addition to your mother's natural beauty, there is an intellect that cannot be denied that I greatly admire as she has been able to keep this place in order for hundreds of years while also combating various factions."

I pause as Kunou thinks on this, "And between us, little fox, your mother has been a bit of an infatuation on my side for a little while as her demeanor has genuinely affected me since the first time I saw her as she stood there at the top that shrine I felt a regal presence one befitting true royalty."

As I say this, I see a glimmer of mischief enter her eye as she asks, "What else, Anakim?"

I smile as I continue, "Well, the fact that she is such an amazing mother who is able to both balance her work and take care of you is something to be praised for, as work-life balance is a hard thing for a lot of beings, and since you're lovable self I believe she's done a good job."

I can feel the smug energy radiating from Kunou as she pats my head as if saying I did a good job.

"But sadly, Kunou, I must depart as I have a mission to do, but here take this."

I hand her an Imperium paper and explain to her how it works. She then hops down and hugs me, which I return as she says in my ear, "See you later and go get them."

I then give her a smile and bow as I return to the air.

But what I did not know was that there was another presence listening to the conversation, and she was blushing rather hard, but that was for another time.

Kuoh, here I come.

Amaterasu POV:

Being a goddess isn't simply more than just having divinity; it's an understanding of responsibility. While the Greeks and Romans may delve into debauchery, they still spend time maintaining their domains and keeping themselves well within the psyches of mortals.

That responsibility can include a multitude of things, from protection to punishment, and today, I am reminded of that responsibility.

As Susanno and I sit at our table in the Yasaka Shrine, there is only silence, but then it is interrupted as my fellow God slams the table cracking it.

"This is an outrage! A terrorist group within our own borders was wielding those damn sacred gears. If that Angel that had come today was weak or prideful, I would have slain him where he stood!"

I simply sit with my tea and think about the situation as well. We are Gods. Those sacred gears were meant to slay beings like us, and that spear is a threat to all the supernatural as not only can that spear slay gods and Devils easily, but it holds the last will of the biblical God.

And if our reports are correct, that spear also has the effect of weakening the powers of women in its vicinity. These are dire times indeed.

In addition to the fact that the dimension lost is keeping them hidden from us, luckily, we have a new piece in play: that Angel.

His presence was unlike any other Angel I've ever met. Not only was he humble but understanding and strong while also wielding a presence that simply was warm and protective, not unlike my own aura but less hot and more protective.

If he were to grow any stronger, he may well be on his way to becoming the head of a Pantheon, and unlike all of the other archangels, his aspect of control is rather interesting.

But his eyes were what intrigued me the most as they were a bleeding red when he used his aspect that shined like rubies that had been polished to perfection while being simultaneously beautiful and deadly.

Oh, if I were a younger goddess and he was not an angel, I would have shown him the warmth of the Sun.

The situation that requires our attention as well is that we are not very hands-on when it comes to the Yokai. This presents a threat to both the Shinto gods and all Yokai.

The possibility of traitors within our ranks is a veritable threat, and while I wish I could have asked that Angel to use his device to check out other members, it would have been rather more damaging than helpful.

While also the fact that we would not have been able to ask that of him as we are not officially allies.

But then, a stray thought enters my mind, which causes me to grin as my brother sees this and backs away.

"Ama, what are you thinking? You have that I have a sinister plan face?" Susanno asks while also holding his katana.

"Whatever do you mean Su-Su? I have no plan, as I am only thinking about that Angel Anakim."

This causes the God of storms to smile as he says with almost pride, "Ah yes, that Angel sent by heaven, he was an interesting sort. Unlike his brethren, the look in his eyes is different. While he never spoke a single lie, his eyes were different. They were excited when I took that slash at him."

"But I do commend him for protecting the little fox first before going into battle, even if seeing that giant angel with the little girl on his shoulder fighting would have been an interesting sight, but I would not want Yasaka to burn me to cinders with their foxfire."

The thought does bring a small chuckle to my lips, as having such a tall and broad angel with such a small child on his back while fighting my brother would have been an interesting sight.

That Angel's visit has been one of the most interesting events in a long time, and it seems like he has a small infatuation with our resident Nine Tails, and from that Nine Tails expression, it may not be one-sided.

As I am thinking of the possibilities, the door opens with Yasaka having a slightly red face.

I smirk at this while the nine tails trying to speak, "I have put my daughter to bed so that we may speak of other matters."

My brother chuckles with amusement in his eyes. "And would any of these other matters have to do with our resident angel?"

My brother may be blunt, but it seems like he finally hit the nail on the head as she blushes even harder.

I would be laughing, but I do not want to make her embarrassment worse.

"Lord Susanno! There is nothing at all going on between me and Anakim." Yasaka shouts while Foxfire builds behind her.

"Just Anakim now, huh?" Susanno says as he chips at his blade.

The nine tails just sighed and sat down with me, patting her on the back as she looked at me with hope. "Just letting you know I am naming the first kid."


Being a Goddess is not all business. It's also fun.

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