
A Test And Rocky Entrance

(Alright, my fellow readers, before I begin this chapter of our new volume here, I would like to thank everyone for reading through my chapters. I know I am inexperienced and only do this to write, but I appreciate and read every comment. I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story.) 

Entry 50:

Linus Ozias POV:

After helping a little lost girl, I find myself returning to the tunnel between dimensions, and after a much shorter amount of time between them, I return to the crossroads.

 But instead of finding myself in an office, I find myself somewhere else, a large room with a throne, but unlike the Emperor of mankind, this one feels a lot more biblical. 

And I see the God of freedom looking at the throne as if pondering something, as his expression is unreadable because he's still wearing his armor.

" You know there is one similarity between you and me. We were both Catholics, not devout, but Catholics nonetheless, and we both lived believing that if we did things right and played by the book, we would be welcome in God's kingdom."

The God says this as I feel confused about why he's saying this, but he continues before I can ask any questions.

" Yet after becoming a god myself, I've met many versions of him, some much more cynical and some much more hopeful." 

" Even the one in supernatural I found to be lacking in some ways other than the fact that the man was just a cynical narcissist writer that treated his creations like a playwright would treat his cast."

"I never felt like I indeed saw what I believed to be God in any of them, and that is because he can never truly be defined, in my opinion. "

The God then turns around, addressing me directly as even with his helmet on, I can feel his eyes boring through me.

" Each and every one of us defines what God is and what God should be like, but then the question is asked?"

" How do you define god?"

"Do you find God a lord of predestination, one who plays his hand so far and in such a complicated matter that you always play into his plans regardless of your choices?"

" Do you find god to be ultimately benevolent a creator of all as to simply enjoy the fruits of his labor and the fruits that his creations grow themselves?"

"Do You find God a being that creates not out of benevolence but simply to enjoy the actions and entertainment from his creations?"

"Do you find God to simply not exist in that the creation of the universe was just a happy accident in the void of nothing?"

He pauses as he looks back at the throne, "Or is God just another divine being, a being that can die, a being that can be lost, and a being that can make mistakes?"

I ponder these questions, and honestly, I have found myself questioning along these lines myself.

 The God proceeds to change the room again. We find ourselves back in the office space as he sits down at the other end of the table and beckons me to sit down as I try to answer his question.

After nearly half an hour of thinking, I came to an answer.

" When I was learning the teachings of God, I always thought that in my darkest moments that his teaching was pointless, that the world always proved his teachings wrong and by thinking that I felt unworthy." 

" God is more than just a standard. He is more than just an example to live by. He represents possibility, and in the event, he is a being pulling strings and drawing strokes of fate across a canvas. He may create the broad strokes, but we fill in the lines."

" If I've learned anything from my experiences, everything will end eventually, as every book ends eventually, but the end itself is never truly the end. It's just the beginning of the sequel."

" God is how I define myself as not only a person but as an ideal. I value control. I value seeing all the numbers I place to end up where I want them to be. I am prideful, and I may be short-sighted."

The God beckons that I continue.

" If I see potential being misused or as I perceive it wasted, I will attempt to write the process in a new way so that all may enjoy prosperity."

" Inadequacies and ineffectiveness have defined my life for a long time, and now, with all my knowledge, I decided to do something with it."

The God then asks me," But here's my question: What is your right to interrupt a natural process? You've said it yourself: everything ends, but how you describe things is that you never really want them to?"

I respond, " No man wants to see his work burn in flames, and while I'll never admit to wanting to see things end, I know they will. It's a certainty, but I will ensure the end does not come for a long time."

" That is my answer to the fact that even when the story ends, God never dies because if he is creation, then there are only breaks, never ends, and that is what I hope to be."

The God then stands and places another bottle on the table. "Well, you have given your statement and your answer. Now, could you prove it? I will send you to a world you may recognize, And I want you to test your theory." 

"I'm going to insert you into another individual's body and don't worry about killing the person because I will have just created the story. They are an empty shadow in the back of the room waiting to be filled."

" Your real body will be kept here and will be safe. I give you my word, and the word of a divine being, at least at my level, is worth something in addition to the fact that I am now accountable to your essence, and if I break the deal, I will die." 

I simply do not like this as well. But I know this will be a temporary inconvenience with my essences. I will be able to grow exponentially and much quicker than before.

I accept the bottle and drink it, and instead of feeling a change in my body, I feel like a part of a soul. My soul has changed somewhat and turned into a container with five little lights.

And following my instincts, I use the lights to increase my ability to use mathematical equations. 

Once I do this, one of the lights goes out, and I find my mind expanding as I can calculate the individual sizes of each atom in the air without using my enhanced vision.

It's like seeing an entire New World, and that is one, and I feel like I could put more into it.

But before I can get too deep into my new ability the God puts his hand on my shoulder to remind me it's time to begin my new mission.

And in one motion, he pushes the soul out of my body, ancient one style, and then thrusts it into a portal, and I disappear.

Yet before I went to the portal, I swear I could hear and see the God beginning to laugh which means where I was going was very terrifying or annoying for me.

Then, once I am through the portal, everything goes dark, and I am knocked out.

General POV: 

Across the world, multiple divine beings live in what could not be described as harmony but mutual respect if only out of strength, but things have changed.

Those who can see the future are now blind, not physically but in terms of their future sight, and they cannot find out why. 

But as multiple divine beings search for the change that has caused an anomaly in the future timelines, they come up empty as they feel like something is diverting them.

In addition to the fact that their knowledge of the future is gone, and to some, that is terrifying as they have always lived knowing what will happen next, and to others, it is a boon as they feel a weight lifted from their shoulders.

And during this chaos, a white-winged being opened his eyes and said one word.


(I hope you enjoy this introduction chapter to our new world and the conversation between the God of freedom and my main character. It may seem a bit preachy, but it also comes from a bit of personal feeling. I hope this was a decent enough start.) 

(Also, if you guys are wondering why these gods had their memories removed of the future, it's because they would be able to search their minds and find the difference very quickly, and it would be a boring story.)

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