
Chapter 15 - Servitude. The role of a feisty red-head’s butler!

A few minutes later found Gohan exiting what he definitely knew to be Kimi's room with his cleaning equipment in either hand by his sides. A small breath parted his lips as he trekked back to the living-kitchen room of the apartment.

Walking back through the open space connecting it to the hallway, his eyes landed on Azuki, who was sat down on the couch opposite the tv near the balcony. Her right leg draped over her left, with her back reclined relaxingly into the cushiony area of said couch, with one of her arms propped up on the top of it, holding a drink can of some sort, while the other was aimlessly flicking through the channels with a remote in hand.

He would've cleared his throat or something to get her attention, but she'd already heard him come in, and turned her head to eye him appraisingly. "The rooms are cleaned, like you asked."

"Oh?" Placing the remote down by her side, she rose up from the couch and took a small sip from her drink as she eyed him challengingly. "I'll be the judge of that."

Quickly moving past him while motioning for him to stay put, she made her out of the area, leaving Gohan on his own as she went to inspect his handiwork. It barely took two to three minutes before she came back in, passed him by and plopped her round buttocks back into the sofa with a slightly impressed smirk. Her body moving back into the position he'd seen her in when he'd walked inside. "So you have. A job well done I suppose." She conceded dutifully.

Admittedly, she had thought he'd miss at least a thing or two, which would give her the go ahead to order him to clean each room all over again. However, he had done it all perfectly on his first try, so that was worth some recognition. It would seem he wasn't just well-trained for combat or the books, he knew how to grease his elbows for some menial labour too. "You can put those away now."

Gohan nodded, doing exactly that. Returning them back to the cabinets before making his back over to her, standing off just to the side of the couch on her left. "So… what do you want me to do now, Mistress-sama?" He asked evenly. Though inwardly, he rolled his eyes at having to call her that.

She smiled toothily hearing him say that. She was already beginning to love him calling her that. The only thing that would make it better is if that twerp was here too, under her thumb like she'd been to her. Still, this was more than satisfying as it was. "Well, it is getting close to dinner time… Know how to cook?"

If by cook, she meant stick some meat on a stick and spit roast it over a fire, than yeah he did. He'd done that plenty of times when training with Piccolo all those years back. However, he knew that wasn't what she meant. "Uhm… no, I'm afraid not."

The look that Azuki gave him after he'd said that, with her quirked left brow and bemused smile read out like an open book: 'Are you taking the piss with me?'

It was obvious to him now that that had actually been a rhetorical question. Something that he was just supposed to say 'yes' to, and just get on with whatever she wanted made. She'd expected him to know how to cook…

Heat rose to Gohan's cheeks as they tinted red again. This time not from arousal, but utter embarrassment, as he turned his head away from the fiery red-head lounging on the couch. Suddenly finding himself unable to meet her eyes. Finding whatever was off to the side far more appealing, as one of his hands subconsciously rose up and rubbed the back of his head nervously.

Meanwhile, Azuki didn't know whether or not to laugh at learning that of all the things this guy knew how to do, cooking, one of the more essential skills to know in her opinion, was not one of them.

Still… that wouldn't stop her from having him do it anyway. "Well, there's no better time like the present to learn how!" The boy flinched, but didn't move his head back to look at her right away, missing the feral smile that scrapped its way over her face. "Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do, all you have to do is follow my instructions." Either the boy would succeed under her guidance despite a lack of experience, which would lead to a good meal, or… he could screw it all up regardless and have it blow up in his face, which would serve as humourful entertainment for her.

"Oh… uhh, okay then.. here's hoping for the best…!" Gohan finally turned to look back at her, his face still showing his embarrassment and nervousness mixed together like tea and milk. Still, there was a bit of relief in his eyes that Azuki didn't miss.

She couldn't help the small upturn of her smile as their eyes met once again. Oh, she couldn't wait to see how this turned out…

About seven minutes later… with Kimi and Chacha…

"Huh, didn't expect it to end on a cliff-hanger like that!" Remarked the white-haired, extremely well-endowed, olive-skinned beauty with a laugh, as they reached the end of this week's edition of Kimi's latest romance manga she'd gotten into about a month or so ago.

Kimi nodded her in agreement, her small smile indicating a slight bit of annoyance at it ending like that, as she closed her issue of Shonen Jump. "Yeah, I know. Talk about pulling the rug out from under us! We were just about to get to the bit where they both confess! And the author chose to end this week off like that? How disgraceful!"

"Yeah, no kidding!" Chacha giggled, seeing the light frustration in her friend's eyes at being denied the romantic ending it had been leading up to for another week. "Guess you'll just have to get next week's edition too!" Hopping off with a spring to her step, and to her humongous bust as her two melons jostled around, barely contained by her tube top, the olive-skinned girl gave a lop-sided, carefree smile at her petite pal as she too rose off the bed.

Kimi actually grumbled a bit at that. Not because she didn't want to have to buy the next issue, but because she had expected what the story had been promising with the main leads hooking up for weeks now to happen today, only to have the rug pulled out from under her. "Yeah, I will. Just would've preferred if we didn't get smacked with a cliff-hanger like that…"

"Hah! Wouldn't we all?" She agreed with a nod. "Any who, I think dinner's soon, and I'm starving!" The busty lass exclaimed with an overly-exaggerated whine, clutching her stomach with both arms and hunching over as if she was to the point where it was beginning to bring her physical pain. Going so far as to shake her hips from side to side in comedic fashion just to punch her point home.

Kimi only giggled at her friend's antics once more, completely ignoring the sight of her best friend's titanic tatas bobbing from side to side in tandem with her hips, almost looking like they could pop out of her tube top at any moment! Something that assuredly would've had every boy in Tenbi drooling if they could see it. "I suppose I'm a little peckish too. Perhaps Azuki-san has already had Gohan-san put something on?"

"heh, why don't we go see?" The voluptuous white-haired girl broached, her lop-sided smile returning as she stood back up straight, with her hands on her shapely hips, as though she hadn't just been acting overly-dramatic about how hungry she was.

Kimi smiled further at the suggestion, unfazed by the flip-flop in her friend's demeanour. "Okay then!" Nodding her head in agreement as she too rose off the bed and made her way towards the door.

Chacha followed behind Kimi, crossing her arms behind her head lackadaisically as she hummed to herself. When the door opened and they both walked out of the room, the sounds of something being sizzled, along with the oven being on reached their ears. Accompanied almost immediately by a fairly loud, commanding voice that belonged to Azuki.

"Make sure that bacon is nice and cooked on both sides! What, are you trying to give us food poisoning or something!? Use your head!"

"Y-yeah alright! Sorry Azuki-san!" Came the obvious voice of Gohan, who sounded a little distressed.

"I'm sorry, what did you just call me!?" Azuki's voice rose further, this time with an edge to it.

"Ah!? I-I mean mistress-sama!" He quickly amended nervously.

"You better have!"

Chacha and Kimi turned their heads towards the other, sharing a look as a sweat-drop fell down both their heads, before both quickly made their way over to the living/kitchen area of their apartment.

As soon as the two walked through, they were met with the sight of Gohan in the kitchen, standing over the oven, which had a pan and a pot over it with something sizzling away inside the pan, and boiling inside the pot. The pan on the left, which he'd grabbed on to the end to stabilise as he swiftly brought a red coloured flipper toward the items, aka the bacon, within said pan.

"Oi! What the heck do you think you're doing? You use the tongs for the bacon, not the flipper you dumbass!" The two girls immediately turned their heads to the red-head upon hearing her shout that out, seeing their scarlet-haired friend sat on the couch, a can of what Chacha identified as root-beer in her left hand, with her other hand pointing over near Gohan at the tongs close to him. A table now placed right in front of the couch with her legs resting over it, one draped over the other.

"S-sorry!" The boy immediately amended his mistake by dropping the flipper back where he found it and bringing out the tongs close to them.

"Sorry to what? The sky? The couch?" The tomboy sniped with such a level of sarcasm that even the densest person on earth would know what she was fishing for, as her narrowed eyes levelled on him rather sloppily turning the bacon over.

"Sorry mistress-sama!" He replied back, inwardly groaning at her making him call her that still.

Chacha and Kimi just stood there looking between the two, the buxom one of the two smiling more awkwardly then usual, while the smaller of the two looked on in surprise as Azuki continued barking out orders on what he should do. A larger sweat-drop falling over both girl's heads as their gazes went to Gohan, who was by now frantically following the tomboy's orders to put spices on the food, flip it again, check inside the oven and stir whatever was inside the pot on his right, etcetera. Then, they went back to Azuki, who despite her tone in the way she shouted out orders, was grinning ear to ear, looking to be thoroughly enjoying this…

"W-Well… we weren't wrong I guess…" Kimi stuttered, not sure what else to say to the scene before them.

Chacha chuckled light-heartedly. "Spose not…"

Kimi didn't bother correcting her friend's slip of the tongue like she normally would've, the current dynamic going on between the two members of Maken-ki before them acting as a good distraction.

"Oh! Hey you two!" Azuki exclaimed happily, now looking over at the two as she noticed their presence. "Good timing! Dinner should be ready in about five-to-ten minutes, take a seat!" She offered with a toothy smile, motioning to the space free on either side of her on the couch.

"Well, if you insist!" Chacha was the first to reply, already back to her usual mood, smiling care-free as she walked over and sat her plump ass down right on Azuki's right.

Kimi spared one last look, a sympathetic one, right at Gohan before she too made her way over, and sat down on the tomboy's left.

"Alright then Gohan! Open up the oven and pull those suckers out! Then turn them over before sprinkling some seasoning on them! Then shove it back in before bringing out the bowl! It's time for the eggs!" She exclaimed, getting a nod from the boy despite his nervous demeanour as he did just that.

"Soooo…. What's on the menu?" Chacha was the first to ask. Curiosity seeping through her tone as she gave Azuki a sideways glance.

"Nothing too special. Just some fried rice with spiced up bacon and egg thrown in with it-" In that moment, Gohan pulled the tray out of the oven, placing it on close to the top of the oven, near the rest of it as he started turning what was on it using a towel so as to not burn himself. "Along with the other dish, a couple kebabs and some juicy meat balls." She explained with her ever present grin.

"Heh, looks delicious!" The most well endowed girl of the trio remarked hungrily, staring over at the food.

"B-Bacon and egg with rice? That's certainly a bit of an odd choice… especially with meatballs and kebabs along with it? Seems like two different meals just mashed together…" Kimi couldn't help but note oddly, glancing to her side at Azuki, who just shrugged at her words.

"Eh, what can I say? Felt like switching it up a bit today. A little odd? Sure, but tasty nonetheless. Ain't that right, Gohan?"

"Oh! Ah… absolutely! You won't be disappointed Azu-Mistress-sama!" The boy swiftly correcting himself, remembering that until this day was over, he had to continue to call her that, as he continued on with his best attempt at cooking for the first time. A part of him wishing that he'd helped his mother in the kitchen whenever she'd been cooking so he'd actually have some experience going into this rather than going in blind. It got him to feel a certain sense of apprehension at possibly screwing this up, and combined with his annoying hormones that were still nagging at him in the back of his mind, it only made it more difficult for him. Thankfully, he had managed to get through it to this point without any mishaps other than going to use a flipper for the bacon rather than tongs. Even if she was barking them at him, he appreciated her coaching him through this, otherwise he'd be way worse off.

Following her words, he threw the tray back in the oven and closed it, before bringing a bowl out up close to the pan and the pot, along with a skillet, which he put smack dab in the middle between them. He turned the temperature up under it to medium-high, before going over to the fridge and opening it up, flipping up the top of the eggbox and scooping several of the oval shaped shells out and brought them over to the bowl, cracking each one against the surface to get it's contents out into the bowl, before disposing of the shells. Spotting the whisk to his left, he grabbed it and started stirring the eggs around. Once he felt he'd stirred it enough, he went to pour it into the skillet.

"Hold it there, bucko, aren't you forgetting something?" He looked over to Azuki at her quip, still having the whisk inside the bowl held up to his chest now, but no longer stirring. A slightly anxious look adorning his face as he stared at her, trying to remember what she'd told him to do earlier on when it came to the eggs.

Seeing him standing there for a few seconds trying to recall what she'd said, Azuki rolled her eyes at his forgetfulness. "The cooking oil genius, the cooking oil!"

"Ah crab baskets! How did I forget something that simple!" Gohan gave an awkward grin as he rounded over to the press, opened it up and brought out the cooking oil, squirting some of the yellowy liquid into the skillet before placing it back in the press, and pouring the egg yok into the skillet.

It was precisely an exact eight minutes later, following Azuki continuing to order the half-breed left and right on what to do and at one point, him almost burning the bacon that everything was finally ready. Gohan couldn't have looked more relieved, his lack of any real sort of experience cooking, along with the arousal that still bit at his psyche and made it more difficult for him to focus only made preparing the food all the more taxing, and yet he'd done it.

It honestly didn't look too bad for a first go if he were being truthful. Could've been a lot worse, and would've been if he'd gone in completely blind. Now, all he had to do was assemble them in their bowls and plates, and serve them up! He did hope though they allowed him some of it too, given he'd made it and all, and he starting to feel a little hungry too.

Once he put everything where he needed to, he placed them all on a wooden plank that Azuki had left for him when he was done, along with several pair of chopsticks and brought them over.

Bringing her legs off the table, Azuki gave him a humoured smile as he placed the food down in front of them. "Well, you managed to get through it without setting the kitchen on fire at least." She joked, looking over the food. Three bowls of egg rice with seasoned bacon, and two plates with kebabs on one, meatballs on the other. "Food looks good too, Thanks to my instruction naturally."

She wasn't lying either. As much as he didn't appreciate the joke about setting the kitchen on fire, there was a high chance that may have happened if he'd gone in blind, like his father had that one time when his mom had gotten particularly annoyed at his father one day, and had made him cook the food instead of her. Sufficed to say, as much as he loved his father… the man had damn near burned the house down that day. Before today, he could look back on that and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Now though? Probably not so much…

Wasting no more time, Azuki threw her now empty root beer can across the room into lone trash bin inside the kitchen area flawlessly, before she dug in to the egg rice mixed with bacon using her pair of chopsticks, bringing the small fraction of each bit up to her lips and gave it a light blow to cool it down before taking it into her waiting mouth. She closed her briefly and took on the look of a poised food critic evaluating the taste as she chewed on it.

Upon swallowing it at the same time as both Chacha and Kimi took a bite out of theirs, she re-opened her eyes and let out a calm breath. "Hmm… not bad, but could do with some work. The bacon's a bit too overcooked, and the egg feels like it's separate from the rice, instead of being properly mixed together with it." She explained as she looked back to Gohan. "Still though, for your first shot, it's okay I guess."

"Tastes fine to me!" Said Chacha, grabbing the half-breeds attention with her cheery tone. It wasn't the tastiest she'd had by any means. Not even close. The effort was there though, and he'd done a decent job of it for his first time she'd say!

"I-It tastes fine to me too…" Kimi commented softer than the other two, but Gohan heard her all the same. She did have to admit though, it being his first time showed… the ingredients weren't properly mixed together at all, leading to certain flavours clashing with one another, when they should have been in harmony. All the same though, it did still taste fine, just not nearly as much as it could have.

The kebabs were a different story, since they didn't have to mixed with anything, other than have some seasoning placed on the meaty part to give a little extra kick to them, they ended up tasting better.

As for the meatballs, they were also a bit overcooked like the bacon, but it wasn't anything severe. As each of them took a bite of one after spearing their chopsticks into it, all three of them noted that they tasted rather dry, as it would seem the juices weren't properly maintained in them, which was a shame.

"Doesh anyone have ketchup or shomething? I could do with something to dip thish into…" Chacha said whilst still chewing on the meatball, holding the rest of it up by her face on the tip of her chopsticks.

"You heard her butler boy, get the ketchup would ya?" Gohan only nodded his head at Azuki's command, and quickly made his way to and from the kitchen with a bottle of ketchup in hand, giving it over to Chacha, who gave him a thumbs up for his service.

When she squirted some of the red liquid on to the remaining chunk of meat spiked on her chopsticks however, a small drop of it ended up sliding off the meat as she brought it to her mouth. Gohan's eyes watching suddenly with rapt attention as it fell and splattered down into her olive-skinned cleavage, a bit of it sticking onto the top side of either huge globe, whilst the rest of it dribbled down the chasm of her enormous and bountiful boob flesh. The cold substance eliciting a small shudder from the incredibly well-endowed girl, whose bosom rivalled that of Haruko's in size. Her breasts jiggling slightly in causation to this, which only made the somewhat sticky red substance piddle down her giant chocolate melons a little more along their edges, as if it were trying in vain to slowly slither its way down to where the tube top cut off the rest of her perky, tear drop shaped mounds.

Gohan struggled to gulp down a small ball in his throat this time, as he felt two different hungers claw at him. One for some food to fill his stomach, and the other… involved him getting more than well acquainted with Chacha's tatas. His manhood longing to take that ketchups place slithering down between her delicious chocolate bunnies, and enjoy the feel of them enveloping his length…

A longing that only grew worse as Chacha grinned sheepishly at her mistake, before bringing her pointer finger down to her chest, and scooping all of the sticky red substance she could off her boobs. Her digit literally sinking in between her mouth watering mambas, as she dragged it down to pick up the ketchup with it, causing both massive mounds to wobble like two gelatinous globs that had just been poked, scraping up what had fallen down her cleavage as well, before bringing the finger back up to her mouth once she had all of the red substance attached to it. Her lips parting as she bought into her warm mouth and ran it along her tongue before bringing her lips back down around the finger to suck the rest of it off. The scene being capped off with the darker-skinned, voluptuous vixen giving Gohan a teasing wink, showing that she knew he'd been looking, and clearly didn't mind in the slightest.

Thankfully the other two, especially Azuki, had not spotted the instance. A silver lining for the Saiyan as he wrenched his head away from the sexy, tube-top touting lass as he felt his cock ache more than ever today! His inward battle to keep a hold over his hormonal side being victorious for the moment, though it was absolutely getting harder, like it always did.

From that point on, Gohan just watched them eat, feeling his gut rumble as the question of if he could have some too nagged at him. It was as they were about halfway through their meal, that Gohan just had to ask, as he could feel his stomach growl even greater. "Uhm, would it be okay if I had some too?"

Hearing his request, each of the trio looked at him as Azuki took another bite of the rice, Chacha chomped on another kebab, and Kimi ate about half a meatball. Both the busty white-haired lass and her petite pal looked over to Azuki as they nodded their heads, showing they didn't mind. Looking back at them, before looking over to Gohan, the red-head decided to throw him a bone. "Sure, you can have whatever's leftover."

It didn't take long for them to finish, with one kebab, two meatballs, and about half a bowl of the egg rice with bacon left in total. Not for long though, as they essentially gave him the go-ahead to eat it.

"Alright, wash up the everything by the sink when you're done." Said Azuki as she saw him eat his way through the remaining food rather quick.

He nodded to this as he continued eating, thanking the stars that since he hadn't trained all that much recently, his Saiyan metabolism hadn't kicked in and turned his stomach into a never ending abyss that would take a truckload to satisfy.

Still, he did end up scarfing it down rather quick even in spite of this, but was relatively sated for now with that, as he took the wooden plank up and brought it over to the sink to wash the plates and bowls clean.

As he did this, Azuki leaned back into the couch again and let out a light, content breath. "Hmm, okay now what else can I have him do? He already cleaned all the rooms, did the washing for us, and made us dinner…" Was there anything else she could have him do? He hadn't even been here three hours and he'd already done pretty much everything that they usually did for themselves.

"Heh, that wasn't bad at all, but I could still do with some dessert!" Remarked Chacha with her typical exuberance. Crossing both her arms behind her head in lackadaisical fashion once more.

"H-How about some ice-cream? I-I think we still have some vanilla still left in the freezer." Kimi added with her own joyful grin.

"Sounds like a plan." Azuki added herself, looking over at her two roommates, matching the grins on both of her friends faces as she then turned towards Gohan who'd just started washing the dishes. "You here that? Once you're finished cleaning those, bring each of us a bowl of ice cream butler boy!"

"Yes mistress-sama…" He sighed back in acknowledgement as he washed and wiped each plate and bowl one by one in quick succession.

Within less then two minutes, he cleaned all of them up, and quickly carried them all back to the press, placing the plates whilst keeping the now squeaky clean bowls out for the ice-cream.

"What else can I have him do aside from that though? There has to be something…"As the scarlet-haired tomboy saw him open the freezer and begin onloading the scoops of vanilla ice-cream he found in there to the bowls, something seemed to draw her attention to his broad shoulders. Eying them, her mind clicked with recognition as she recalled how she'd given him a brief massage on those muscular shoulders back when she was his maid. Right then, as she looked down below her for a brief moment, an even bigger smile etched it's way on to her face. "heh, lets how good you are, when it comes to giving a massage…"

As he brought all three bowls of ice-cream to them for dessert, Azuki gave him a toothy grin that threatened to split her face in two, as she propped her legs up on the table after taking her own bowl from him, stretching out and display her dainty feet as she gave him an expectant look.

"On your knees." Both Chacha and Kimi looked over at her again, this time with curiosity. Gohan simply obeyed doing exactly that on the other side of the table, tough from the look on his face it was obvious even he was unsure of what she was going to have him do.

"What do you want me to do now, mistress-sama?"

Oh, she just couldn't resist doing this now! Feeling that same swell in her gut that made her feel good every time he referred to her that way, she made the toes of both her pale feet wiggle around as she brought her bowl of ice-cream up to her chin, the spoon that accompanied it now in hand as she prepared to dig in to the delicious dairy treat. "I want you to give me a foot massage while I have my dessert."

"She wants me to do what now?" Gohan blinked in surprise at the request, his eyes hovering down to her feet, which were wiggling their toes at him, before looking back up into Azuki's expectant purple pools. "You want me to… massage your feet…?"

"Yep!" Raising her left foot up a bit, she wiggled her toes even more before his eyes. "Now get to it!"

"Is she for real?" Finding his right brow twitching a little, Gohan closed his eyes for moment in thought, upon having seen the look in her eyes that made it obvious she was indeed serious. "But… I don't even know how to give one…" The only experience he had with massages was the one Azuki had given him a while back, and that was for his shoulders... He could still remember the sensations her fingers had brought over his tense muscles as they gripped them and worked them over. The way he had almost melted into her touch. It was crystal clear that she knew what she'd been doing.

It was clear to him where this command had come from. Pretty much everything Himegami had had her do, she was having him do a variation of it. She gave him a reluctant, but very relaxing shoulder massage that eased away all the tension he'd been building up to a degree, and now he had to give her a foot massage as payback…

Perhaps he could just copy what she did to a extent? It was all he had to go off of…

"E-hem!" Gohan was snapped out of his small reverie by the clearing of a certain red-head's throat, who'd gotten annoyed at him just kneeling there like a statue for a solid minute instead of doing what was asked of him. His eyes zoning on to her foot as she raised it up a little more and gave it a small, impatient shake. "My feet aren't going to massage themselves you know! Hop to it!" She instructed with a little more bite to her tone, going so far as to point her spoon at the raised appendage, and jab the rounded part of it in it's direction, in case he didn't get the memo.

Chacha and Kimi just looked on in bemusement, each taking a spoonful of their icy vanilla goodness as Gohan let out a grumbled exhale bringing bot his hands up to the offered foot. Gently placing his fingers and thumbs along the sides and sole of her foot, he proceeded to copy what he believed Azuki had done. Whilst rather awkward for him, and it showed as such on his face, he began rubbing his thumbs along the bottom of her soft foot, lightly pressing into it at the same time, whilst his other fingers caressed the sides and pressed down a little deeper into her dorsum.

"Mhmm! A little lower…" Azuki moaned slightly in relief, as she took a spoonful of her dessert into her, mouth the slightly frozen, creamy feel of it melting on her tongue, and at the same time relaxing as his digits made her foot tingle. This only improved as Gohan did as he was told without a word, thumbs lowering down to the lower half of her planum, whilst his other finger glided along the other half of her dorsum closer to her ankle. "Yeah… that's the spot…" Fully leaning back, the usually rambunctious tomboy became more subdued, a shiver going along her foot from his working digits, all the way up her toned, yet curvy leg and all the way up to her spine. One of increased relief, and a small bit of pleasure as she felt his thumbs briskly trace deep circles along the more sensitive area of her foot that held the most tension. "Mhmm…!"A content smile plastered itself on her face as she let out another moan whilst taking another spoonful into her warm mouth, one that came across Gohan's pricked up ears as a little more sensual than he would've expected.

On the bright side, he was definitely doing it right. On the bad side though, he could feel his cheeks tint red again as his heart thumped a little louder in his chest. His manhood twitching at the wondrous sound of her soft moans as he continued working over her left foot.

He took no notice of the way Chacha was now looking at him as she continued eating her own helping. A playful smile worming it's way onto her beautiful face. "Looks like he's got some good hands to him…" Giving her scarlet haired pal a sideways glance as she saw the normally ill-tempered girl begin to melt into his touch, an idea struck in that moment as she took another spoonful into her mouth, one that made her eyes practically glow with a mixture of glee and mischief.

A foot massage was nice and all… but she had something better in mind…

Kimi on the other hand blushed as well in embarrassment as his hands caressed Azuki's foot, hearing her friend sigh contentedly and somewhat erroneously from the ministrations. She knew it wasn't all that proper for her to be thinking this but… the way that Azuki was reacting to it right now reminded her about a scene similar to this in of her more… risqué mangas…

The petite, raven-haired girl quickly shook her head of those thoughts. That was erotic fiction! Not real life! What was she even thinking! Besides… the one in her manga had involved a full-body massage, rather than a simple, if rather relaxing one on the feet…

Knowing Azuki, recent events having happened or not, there was definitely little, if any chance at all that she'd allow to get to that level with Gohan…

"…Ahh…! That's the stuff…" She closed her eyes as a sigh of relief cut through her lips yet again. One that was more erotic than she intended it to be, but she failed to notice that. "Don't forget the toes…" She moaned a little deeper.

A darker shade of red now dusting his cheeks, the boy obeyed, twisting his hands upside down, as his calloused fingers slid down to her wiggling toes. His thumbs rubbing lines back and forth over her top end of her foot dangerously close to where her the five digits of her foot protruded out. His hands almost going off on their own as their movements became more dexterous, lightly squeezing around each toe, able to find the mark each time release the stress around each of them.

"Fuck… he's really doing well here…! I didn't expect him to be this good with his hands…! My foot's almost gone numb…" Letting another groan flutter through her parted lips as she opened her eyes again, her purple pools took note of the fact she was halfway through her ice-cream at this point. Well, guess there was no better time to get the other one now was there? "Alright… now the other foot…!" She smiled serenely, raising her other foot for him to take after relieving stress from the first for about five minutes.

"This… has to be the weirdest moment in my life…" Thought Gohan with a slight grimace, as he pulled his hands away from her left which fell back to the table, and bringing them over to her right, where he repeated his ministrations. It was awkward enough just giving a foot massage, but the fact he was also getting more aroused while doing it just made it all the more wrong. Yeah, it was mainly her unintentionally salacious moans that was causing that, but it didn't change the fact that he was still getting hornier from giving the fiery red-head a foot rub…

Oh Dende… why was he getting more depraved as the days ticked by…? Things were so much simpler before he came to Tenbi… all he had to worry about back then was if he didn't pull anything important during training… had enough food to eat… studied enough for the day…

Oh what he wouldn't give for a day where he didn't have to worry about his hormones getting him to go places Muten Roshi could only dream of… Alas, he doubted he'd ever get that back. Hormones were a natural part of the body, so whether he liked it or not, he was stuck with them…

"Mhmm… now this is the life…" Gohan was cut out of his self-deprecation by his 'patient's' blissful remark. The usually hot-headed girl having melted into his touch, and sounding like she had never been more relaxed in her life.

Turns out, Gohan may have zoned out longer than he thought whilst his hands, as if they had a mind of their own, had continued going over her right foot. Azuki, as well as Chacha and Kimi, had all just taken their last spoonful's of dessert.

Gazing up at his 'mistress' as she gave the softest sigh of bliss yet, he found his breath hitching in his throat. The girl had her eyes closed again, with the back of her head resting against the back of the sofa, a few tresses of her chin length scarlet locks resting over the sides of her face, one in particular reaching the left side of her pink lips, which held without question the most intoxicating smile he'd ever seen. One that gave him yet another stark reminder, as if he didn't have plenty of those already, that his hormones were going haywire.

Those lips of hers… they looked so full and soft… it made him wonder what they'd feel like when they were finally wrapped round his- "No! No! No!" The boy rapidly shook his head away from that thought, even as his manhood groaned strenuously, as if disappointed that he was resisting. "Not now… Definitely not now…"

After another minute of this, making it about ten solid minutes he'd been rubbing out the kinks in the smooth, pale skin of both her feet, his 'mistress' decided she'd had enough for now. "Hahh… alright butler boy, you can stop now."

"Thank Dende…" removing his hands from her other foot, the boy let out a calming sigh, controlling the beating of his heart, and squaring down the blush coating his cheeks. He could do nothing, sadly, for his dragon which had only become more restless from that little show. Thankfully though, he could still keep it in check, so that was a silver lining, even if only a small one.

"That was pretty good, I'm not gonna lie. Wasn't expecting you to be that good!" She praised, giving him a thumbs up with her right hand. "You must have plenty of experience with this sort of thing, and here I thought that all your hands were good for was menial labour and fighting!" She laughed.

"Uhh, hehe… thanks?" He rubbed the back of his head, an awkward smile on his face as a nervous sweat-drop fell over the back of his head. Best let her think whatever she wanted to, he just wasn't in the mood to tell her all he did was copy her technique.

How long did he have to stay her till again? He hoped it wasn't that much longer… he didn't want to give whatever power in the universe that loved screwing with him another chance to send his instincts into a frenzy…

"So girls, wanna have a go?" The red head asked, turning toward her roommates who'd been mere spectators up till now. "Whoever taught him knew what they were doing! You won't regret it, believe me." A part of Gohan wanted to chuckle at that, since technically speaking, she had taught him to do that., yet she was utterly clueless to that fact.

"I-I'm not sure…" Kimi was the first to reply, her cheeks still red from watching him do it to Azuki. She was stuck between saying yes, and enjoying what Azuki had gotten, and saying no simply from feeling a little too embarrassed over the whole thing.

Chacha on the other hand, gained a devious smirk hearing her friend's request. A glint forming in her eyes as she levelled them on Azuki's purple orbs. "You know… a foot massage is nice and all… but I think I'd prefer something more…"

Gohan stiffened at her words. Something about the way she'd said that didn't sound good…

Both Kimi's and Azuki's attention was drawn to the smirking olive-skinned lass as she said this. The former of which let out an 'eh?' whilst looking at best buddy's back in confusion. The latter of the two however, blinked in befuddlement as her smile dropped to a wary frown at the busty tube top touting girl's words. "What do you mean by that?"

Azuki only felt herself become uneasy as Chacha's smirk became a full on, foxy smile. Her eyes boring into her with a look that oozed a certain level of perversity that even she hadn't seen before. "Well~ I was thinking that he could work out all the kinks we have-" She started, whilst tracing the fingers of her left hand up the side of her body, from her thicc thigh, all the way up to her neck, as she inclined her head in his direction to give a saucy wink. "-By giving us all a full-body massage…"

….."Hahh!?" Chacha had to stop herself from busting a gut in laughter as she saw the expression that fell over Azuki's face. Cheeks flushing red as her mouth fell open, and eyes widened to almost comical proportions.

Now that was the reaction she'd been looking for earlier… she knew it was only a matter of time before she coaxed that out of the tomboyish girl!

Kimi was even worse one might say. If Chacha had bothered to look behind her, she wouldn't have been able to hold in her gut-wrenching laughter anymore, as the petite girl's face had turned such a vibrant shade of red, that it would put the ripest raspberries and tomatoes to shame. Steam filtering out through her ears from how hot she suddenly felt like a kettle that was set to boil! Her eyes finding the floor remarkably interesting all of a sudden.

"Ch-Chacha, what the actual hell!? Y-You can't be serious!?" the scarlet haired 'mistress' exclaimed in a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

"Why wouldn't I be serious?" Tilting her head, the most well-endowed of the female trio gave her a questioning grin. As if to say that her small outburst just now had been silly. "I think it could be fun!"

"Fun!? What do you mean fun!? Do you have any idea what you just suggested!?" Shock still ridden over her features, Azuki grabbed her shoulders with a look in her eyes that made it clear she was hoping her friend was just messing around, as per usual.

Unfortunately for her, Chacha wasn't messing around this time. "Yep! I most certainly do!" She cheered, pumping one of her fists into the air for emphasis, which was met with a horrified expression from her cohort.

"Ch-Chacha… Th-There's no way we're doing that!"

"Aww, come on Azuki-chan! If he had you putty in his hands just from doing your feet, just imagine what it'll be like when he's massaging your whole body! It'll be great!" The smile she gave her pal as she said this could've lit up an entire room with sunshine practically.

"I!?-He!?-You!?-Ack!?-Nngh!?" To say that Azuki had devolved into a sputtering mess at her white-haired roommate's retort was an understatement. Her hands faltering in their grip over her shoulders, slackening as she pulled them away with a gob-smacked expression on her now beat red face that matched her hair colour! Her mouth failing spectacularly to form any sort of coherent word.

"Come on! You know you want it~." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "I know I do, anyway!"

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Azuki schooled her expression and her emotions as best she could, which admittedly wasn't the best, considering her face still matched her hair in colour. Breathing in and out through her cute button nose as she tried to formulate a response to Chacha's ludicrous request.

After about a moment or so, she was finally able to find the words she was looking for… "Have you lost your mind!?" She bellowed in a mix of fury and distress, her head enlarging to comical proportions, as though she were part of an early Saturday children's cartoon with slapstick humour, her voice alone carrying enough wind behind it to cause some strands of white hair to billow back as though there were a fairly strong evening breeze. "There's no way I'm letting him touch any of our bodies!!"

Did she really just make that claim after getting a foot rub? "You didn't seem to mind when he was all over your feet a minute ago…"

"Th-That was different!"

"Different how?"

Head shrinking back to regular size, as though it had never grown to such comedic levels in the first place, Azuki found herself on the defensive. "I-It just is, okay!?"

"Noooooo, I don't think so~." Bringing up her hand, she began wagging her finger towards her face in a chastising manner. "The feet are just as much a part of the body as the rest. You can't argue him not being allowed to touch us when he's been touching you already, and I didn't see you complaining then… so why complain now?"

"There's a big difference between rubbing someone's feet, and massaging their whole body Chacha! Did you hit your head this morning?" She scoffed, crossing her arms in defiance, unable to believe the asinine logic being thrown at her.

Yet still, Chacha didn't budge. "True, but that's why it'll be so much better! Come on… it'll get rid of all your stress~."

Oh she didn't doubt it could. His hands had worked wonders for her feet, and would likely do the same for the rest of her. It was certainly tempting… But that would mean she'd have to… strip down. That alone was something she would be readily against with a boy, especially Gohan of all people as witness, even if it was to give a massage. And that was without adding in the humiliation she still felt inwardly from being exposed by that wench Yan Min, which had every boy in school that she'd passed ogling her like she was their favourite porn star… "I-It's not happening Chacha! Y-You know how guys are! H-He won't be able to control himself! He'll be groping us more than anything!" She yelled out indignantly, hoping that that got through the caramel tanned beauty's thick head.

Meanwhile, Gohan, for his part remained silent. Not uttering a sound throughout the entire conversation thus far. One need only look at the somewhat scrunched up expression on his beat red face, and the way his hands shook as they gripped nervously over his knees. The boy still kneeling even now, listening in to every word, yet wishing he could've turned his ears off. His mind had almost blanked out entirely when Chacha had made her suggestion, and was only further compounded by his 'mistress's' responses, most notably her latest one.

A part of him, the more gentle, caring and above all else, rational side wanted to protest her accusation about him groping her as if he were some perv who couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Had this been before Tenbi, he actually would've risen up by now and protested it quite readily. Now though? After everything he'd done so far? She had no idea how much she was understating it. He was absolutely becoming a perv who couldn't keep his dick in his pants, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. Damned hormones… groping would be the least of her worries if his more primal side took hold…

"Pfft! You worry too much…" Chacha waved off her concerns. "Not all guys are like that, you know. Besides…" Turning her head more towards him, she gave his staring coal black orbs a cheeky grin. "…If he is that type of guy, and can't stop himself from getting a little… frisky… then so be it. I don't mind if he gets a bit adventurous with those hands of his… who knows? It might make things even more interesting…!"

Gohan froze at the insinuation there, feeling his little head groan painful against its restraints.

"O-Oh my…!" Kimi had to bring up her hand to her face to stop her nose from leaking blood with how lewd her thoughts had suddenly become, even as her ears still filtered out steam hot enough to split the rocks!

Azuki, upon hearing that response, felt her jaw drop to the floor, face turn several different shades of scarlet, and eyes widen once again, this time like saucers as she stared back at the voluptuous vixen dumbfoundedly.

Sure, Chacha was never known for subtlety, and more often than not could end up being just as blunt as her in her own way… but that!?... That was crass and over-the-line even for her!

Said girl finally let out a string of giggles at her friend's reaction. Oh god this was hilarious! She'd never had so much fun teasing her before! It helped that she wasn't lying and genuinely wanted that massage… she knew she could do with something to take away all the stress in her body, and if that ended up leading to something a little less 'wholesome', then she wasn't opposed. Heck, she got the feeling just from looking at the chiselled butler, that he'd be the kind of guy who could give her a wild ride! Now that would be a first time to remember… If, it went that far…

"Ch-Chacha…" Finding a way to re-hinge her jaw after it's meeting with the floor, Azuki struggled to find a retort. After a moment of trying, and failing, to come up with anything to dissuade the girl, Azuki let out a defeated sigh as she lulled her head back. Finding the ceiling infinitely more appealing right now than anything else. "You're not going to let this go, are you…?"

"Nope!" Was the reply she got. One that carried an all too happy tone to it.

"Ughh…" Bringing her hand up and face-palming her temple as though she had a fierce headache, as she realised the futility of arguing this. Her body full on sagging back into the couch as she groaned up to the ceiling. "Fine…"

Hearing her surrender, Chacha grinned ear to ear excitedly. "Thanks! I'll go first!" She said, rising from the couch and practically hopping over the table, landing right next to Gohan with a spring in her step! "Come on, Gohan-kun! It's time for you to really put those hands to work!" Bending over, she grabbed on to his arm without waiting for a reply, and with surprising strength easily pulled the muscular teen to his feet and dragged him towards the exit. "We'll do it in my room! Should be easier with a bed to lay on!"

As they watched them leave the room, or rather, Chacha hauling Gohan's ass out of the room, Kimi glanced over at Azuki. The look in her eyes the epitome of apprehension and flusteredness wrapped up in one neat package. "S-So… are we going for one too?"

"Hahh…" The low, grumbling sigh that came out should've been telling enough. "I suppose so…"

Meanwhile, Gohan quickly found himself inside a bedroom, which was obviously Chacha's, as she closed the door behind them. The girl having dragged him in here so quick that if he blinked, he would've missed it.

He'd already cleaned the room before, but hadn't paid any mind to what it looked like before. Now though, he found himself briefly take in the details of the room. Outside the trash can near the bed, the room itself had brown walls, a few posters and pictures darting over them. All the pictures having Chacha and Kimi in them, and a few including Azuki as well. The posters on the other hand were a mix-mash of things, including one showing off ninjas throwing shuriken and another that had pirates crossing swords with the navy. The floor being similarly coloured walls, with a mat laying near the edge of the bed, circular in shape, coloured the same shades of green and black as camouflage. A look off to the far right of the room, right across from the side of the bed, brought into sight an open wardrobe filled with a variety of different, and exotic outfits. One of which, thrown on to the rack haphazardly was the kunoichi outfit she'd worn when he'd first met her. Finally, there was the bed itself. A double, king-sized one with a light brown cover, pristine white sheet for the mattress, which ironically matched the contrast between her hair and skin colours, with a bunch of plush looking pillows who's casing each had different colours on them.

"Okay then!" She slapped him playfully in the back, grabbing his attention. "Time to get the show on the road!" She announced giddily, before walking forward with a sway in her full, wide hips that drew attention to her plump ass as it gave a light jiggle. Getting up close to the bed, with her back turned to the half-breed butler, she brought her hands down to the hem of her tube top, latched on to it, and quickly pulled it up over her shoulder.

Boing! Gohan's ears pricked up with immense interest almost as much as his cock did upon hearing the tell-tale sound of Chacha's humongous H-cup boobies bouncing down out of their confines. The boy thanking the stars that she was turned around and thus didn't allow any ogling, while at the same time cursing said stars for putting him in this position as she threw the top over to the side.

Crawling on to the bed from there, she didn't bother holding on to her huge, hefty breasts, which allowed them to sway from side to side as she got on the bed, semi erect brownish nipples tracing lines in the air as her coconuts moved, before those mouth-watering chocolate marsh-mellows pressed into the mattress as she laid herself out belly flat in the middle of the bed, pulling a pillow over to her, and propping her chin down on it as she crossed both of her slender arms an inch in front of her face. "Alright, I'm ready~."

Without question the longest, and hardest gulp Gohan had felt today fell harshly down his throat. This had disaster written all over it… the chances of him getting out of this with his sanity in tact were far from ideal. They were abysmal…

Tepidly taking a few steps forward, his gaze bared down on her nearly nude form. Eyes roaming up from her feet, gliding along her chocolate coated legs that seemed to travel up for miles, and looked positively scrumptious from where he stood… but not as delicious looking as what they ran into at the end. A perfectly round swell that made his heart race even confined within her short shorts, which did next to nothing to hide it's splendour. Both plump, firm cheeks pushing up like a pair of exquisite buns, with the line that separated them forming her eye catching ass crack, seamlessly pronounced through the thin, tight fabric as it moulded all over her delicious derriere like a second skin. Running up further, his entranced orbs detailed her wide hips yet again, tracing up her toned back all the way to her shoulders, before he found himself subconsciously tilting his head to the side, as his gaze fell down slightly. Finding it's mark spotting a part of her left choco-globe squashed down on the mattress. It's tender flesh trying to bulge outward anywhere it could.

Beads of sweat began travelling down his temple, cheeks flaring an intense, sun-kissed red as he felt the heat of his body shoot up through the roof! Right in tandem with his dragon, which twitched violently inside his pants, clawing, screaming to be let out!

"Wh-Where do you want me to start…?" He asked, ignoring the growing ache travelling throughout his entire frame, originating from his crotch.

"Where ever you want~." She replied back, and perhaps it was the light haze that was starting to cloud his judgement, but he could've sworn that held a husky tint to it.

"Where ever I want…" His gaze flickered down to her apple bottom, one of his hands instinctively slithering up to the hem of his pants, while the other began to hover towards her short shorts. That was until he realised what he was about to do, and quickly shook himself out of it. The ache of his body only increasing from his defiance. "I-I'll start with your feet then…"

Getting a hum of acknowledgement, he used this as his opportunity to pull his blasphemous eyes away from the booty that called to his first-mate, and pulled both his hands toward her right foot, raising it up as soon as they caught hold of it. His fingers already moving along the sole of her soft, blemish-less foot through muscle memory. Copying what he did before with Azuki. "I-If I can just keep my eyes away from them… I might be able to get through this…"

"Oohohoo…! that feel's nice…" She cooed under his touch. Gohan doing what he could to block out whatever noise she'd make from his ears, lest he be tempted anymore than he already was.

Minutes ticked by, and Gohan's hands worked their way through her dainty foot, before he took to the rest of her curvaceous leg. His breathing having to be controlled through intense concentration, as his hands and fingers ran along, and around her luscious, silky smooth leg.

"Mhmm!... so good…" She moaned into her pillow, feeling his strong hands grip all over her caramel leg. Fingers just as dextrous on it as they were with her foot.

"Dende help me…" He pleaded inwardly, unable to block his hearing as well as he was hoping.

The minutes ticked by again, and Gohan found himself damn near cursing the young namekian's name as his hands came dangerously close to the plump part of her anatomy he was trying to avoid, as his fingers massaged around her inner thigh close to her glutes. The sides of his fingers grazing off the thin fabric of her shorts. Him having to, rather comedically, tilt his head away from where his hands were near, to stop his eyes from inching back up where he didn't want them to go.

Patently ignoring her growing moans of bliss as his skilled hands ruffled out the tension in her bodacious body, he moved to the other leg, starting at the foot. Over the course of roughly ten minutes, he slowly rubbed down every inch of her other, equally sexy leg all the way up near her glutes, stopping just as his finger grazed her tight shorts once again. His head once again cocked to the side when he reached there.

Once he finished with that leg, he found himself pausing for a brief moment. "Guess her back is next… man, this is way harder than it has any right to be…" No use dwelling on his rampant sex drive anymore than he already had. He was about halfway done now! He could get through this… All he had to do was avoid the rounder parts of her hour glass figure and he could get this out of the way.

And then… he'd possibly have to go through a similar routine with Azuki and Kimi right after this…


"Hmm? What's the hold up?" he was snapped out of his mind's musings of how screwed he likely was by Chacha, who'd turned her head enough to look behind her, right at him. Her grin having remained on her face despite being displeased with his sudden stoppage.

"Oh… it's nothing! I uh… just zoned out is all! Sorry about that…!" He replied a little too quick. His tone being equally nervous as it was apologetic. Wouldn't be the first time he'd zoned out like that today…

"If you say so~." She shrugged, choosing not to press it. "I hope you don't make me wait much longer, Gohan-kun. You've got some magic hands on ya, and I'm luvvin it!" She praised as she turned her head back around.

Had this been in another situation, and Kimi had heard her friend butcher her words like that again, she'd face-palm from just how silly she sounded at the end.

Even though he knew it was futile, Gohan found himself praying inwardly to Dende one last time, in hopes this didn't go south. Like it did every other time…

Sucking in a breath, Gohan got as close to the edge of the bed as possible and leaned forward, making sure that his gaze never dropped past her lower back into her rotund rump, his hands falling down to the small of her toned back.

"Mhmm!... Oh Yeah… that's the spot…!" She moaned elatedly, feeling the tension and stress of her lower spine melt away as his fingers and thumbs pressed down on them. Her eyes closing in the heat of the moment as she relished the feeling of his hands freeing her muscles from strain, sending bolts of pleasure up and down her body as they danced along the sea of light chocolate skin that was her back. That in particular was a weak spot for her, thanks to her huge tits. As much as she took pride in them, she couldn't deny that they did put some genuine strain on her back with their added weight, which led to her having to deal with back pain from time to time. Especially in her lower spine…

Minutes more passed by as his digits rubbed up and down, pressing in to her sensitive pores… Boy did it feel good to have it alleviated like this! This massage thing was definitely one of the best ideas she'd ever had!

Hell, she was even starting to get a little turned on…

Meanwhile, as Gohan reached about halfway up her back, he came to a conclusion that unsettled him.

He couldn't reach any further than he was now, from his current position… He'd have to get closer… which meant either going over to the side of the bed, which risked him getting distracted by, and over-exciting his primed cobra with her side-boob, or getting on the bed with her…

Of course, there was the third option of using his ki to float over her, and cheat his way through this, but alas, like had happened before, his hormones blinded him from recognising such an option existed.

Throwing caution to the wind, Gohan kneeled on to the mattress, pulling his muscled frame forward till his pelvis was just above the girl's knees as he reached down to get the rest of her back. Pressing, rubbing, and twirling all ten of his digits along her upper back with as much tenacity as he could muster. The tenacious will of his sexual organ to bone the girl beneath him who continued to moan incessantly into her pillow at his ministrations with pure elation notwithstanding.

After several minutes, he came up to her shoulders. The rational part of his brain taking solace in the fact it was almost over as he went to finish the job. Leaning down further, he made to finish the job. His hands rubbing over every millimetre of her shoulders with impressive precision for someone who'd simply just copied what to do not even an hour prior.

That didn't matter to him though, what did was that he was almost finished, and he'd managed to keep his focus from slipping to her erroneous areas as well!

Well, that wasn't entirely accurate… Consciously, he'd done so alright. But one need only look at his current position above the laid out lass to realise that his subconscious actions were a different ball game entirely, where his body had edged forward without him noticing. His pelvis now hovering dangerously near her round, juicy ass, being only a scant two centimetres above it. Legs bent over on either side of her shapely hips. Combined with how his upper frame leaned over to the point where it looked like he was about ready to pounce on her, and one wouldn't be remiss for walking in on the scene and thinking he was about to go down on her.

"Just a little more…" Mouthed Chacha, putty in his hands, literally, by this point. Her head tilting to look behind her again at the boy's face. Giving him a glossy eyed gaze as she bit her lower lip in anticipation. Feeling a certain dampness in her short shorts from arousal. This massage was actually starting to get her worked up now.

That worked up feeling only increased as Gohan unwittingly leaned down just a little more to finish the job, running his seamlessly over her relaxed shoulders as his pelvis dropped down down far enough to cover the insignificant distance that existed a few seconds ago between it and her bubble butt. Chacha immediately feeling something hard press down on her tender derriere, and she didn't need to look back to know what that was, given that he was hunched over her.

"Guess I'm not the only who's getting a little too excited here…" She thought foxily, feeling herself shiver as said 'hard' thing started grinding over her plump ass, and his hands simultaneously slithered over her collarbone as she rose her head up, coming ever closer to her squished down globes, all without their owner seeming to realise. "Looks like I'm headed for a wild ride after all…"

Sadly, that was not meant to be. "Oi! Are you two done… yet…"

Gohan stiffened as soon as he heard that voice, as did Chacha to a lesser degree. Both slowly turning their heads to the side, looking behind them to find the voice's owner, Azuki, staring wide-eyed like a deer caught in the headlights at them, cheeks burning a furious red in an instant with her hand still resting over the door handle after she'd opened it up to check on them.

Kimi standing right behind her with her face such a brilliant shade of red, that made each other time she'd been red faced look pale by comparison.

Azuki's stunned purple eyes running over what she saw. Gohan on top of Chacha, his hands suspiciously close to her mashed down, large bosom, without her tube top to obstruct him, whilst his crotch had found it's home perched snuggly over the caramel toned beauty's bubbly booty, the boy perfectly positioned over the prone girl to go doggy style…

Gohan had followed her gaze, and finally took notice of just how compromising his position over Chacha looked, especially as he felt his cock screaming at him to let go, his primal instinct for carnal pleasure clawing at his psyche with unprecedented tenacity to give in to his manhood now resting over the very hindquarters it wanted to plunder, as well as allow his hands which had veered off course and were now falling towards her compressed chest to claim those squishy melons for himself, along with the rest of the young woman…

"Wh-what the hell are you two doing!?" Azuki spluttered out, her face exemplifying abject shock and disbelief, even despite what she'd said earlier in her tirade about something like this happening.

Meeting her gaze eye to eye, shocked purple meeting mortified, yet highly aroused coal black orbs, Gohan did the last thing his rational mind bellowed at him to do, before his hormonally charged side began to smother it…

He managed to pull himself off the bed, and by extension Chacha, who eyed him as he stood on the floor once again… His body shaking as he used every ounce of will power he had to temper his bestial side back…

And then he bolted from the room. Passing out a flabbergasted Azuki and Kimi as he sprinted over to the apartment's door, swung it open, and dashed out into the open air, the wind knocking against his face as he ran down the stairs and shot off like a bullet towards his own apartment, leaving a dust trail behind in his wake, not daring to look back even once, for fear of temptation to gnaw at him and bring him back there, so he'd lose himself to his primal instinct all over again…


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