
Chapter 0 - A Prologue, Gohan's first day at Tenbi!

It was a beautiful and sunny day up on Mount Paozu in Japan and it just so happens to be early morning when the sound of a proud mother shouting at the top of her lungs could be heard for miles.

"GOHAN GET DOWN HERE FOR BREAKFAST BEFORE GOTEN EATS IT ALL! I'VE GOT SOME GREAT NEWS!" Said mother was none other than Chichi, the matriarch of the Son family.

In response to Chichi's booming shout that reverberated throughout the household, Gohan fell out of his bed in shock and hit the floor with a thud. Following this, Gohan immediately got up out of his own heap on the ground and made his way downstairs to greet his mother.

Gohan is a young man of about sixteen years of age with black spiky hair, coal black eyes, a muscular body toned to near perfection from years of constant training, is about 5 foot 9 inches tall and was wearing just a simple white shirt and shorts.

As Gohan made his way downstairs he spotted his 7 year old brother Goten scarfing down his breakfast as if his life depended on it. Which it likely did considering he was half-saiyan and that meant he had an incredibly large appetite due to having a much higher metabolism than normal humans.

Goten could be described as looking exactly like their deceased father Goku with his spiky hair that went out in every direction. He was wearing an orange Gi that was exactly the same as their deceased father Goku.

"Dad... Why does Goten have to look like a carbon copy of you?" Said Gohan to himself with a slight undertone of melancholy.

Don't get Gohan wrong he loved his brother dearly, but it's just that every time he looked at him he was reminded of his father Goku. Who gave up his life in order to save the earth from Cell blowing it up by self-destructing. Which just resulted in Cell coming back stronger than ever with enough power to blow away the solar system. Luckily, with some help from everyone else he was able to completely overpower Cell's attack and destroy him.

"Gohan, why are you spacing out? Come to the table and have your dinner because after that I am going to tell you the great news." Chichi admonished, clearly eager to tell him something she thought was important.

"Okay mom." He replied obediently while thinking to himself. "I wonder what her great news is?"

After eating his breakfast that would be enough to feed ten fully grown men, Gohan looked at Chichi waiting for an explanation.

"Alright mom I'm done. Now can you tell me what has gotten you so excited." He asked.

"Well Gohan it's simple, I have gotten you enrolled in a high school, its name is Tenbi academy." She replied with a smile, knowing that he had wanted to go to a school for quite some time.

"Wait, you mean I am finally going to high school!" Gohan responded, his voice now filled with excitement.

"Yes Gohan, but I will tell you right now it is not an ordinary school." She replied, her face now having a smirk to it.

"What do you mean mom?" Questioned Gohan, a look of curiosity on his face.

"What I mean, is that Tenbi academy is a school that was, up until recently, an all-girl school that has now become co-ed. From what I found out about it other than that, is that it is quite a prestigious school that is hailed for its high standards in educating it's students into being amazing scholars! To add on to that, it's even considered to be one of the top five high schools in the world." She explained, sounding thrilled with each word that came out of her mouth.

"Wow, I'm impressed mom! How did you get me in there?" Asked Gohan in awe.

"I didn't do anything Gohan, it was the principal of Tenbi herself that requested for you to join as a first year in the school." She replied amusedly, her smile and gaze never giving away that what she had just said was only half true, but he didn't need to know that.

"Well that's convenient." Commented Gohan with a quirked eye brow, but none the less an accepting smile.

"Oh, and by the way Gohan, your first day is tomorrow so be sure that you're up bright and early okay." She stated.

"Alright mom, I will." Was Gohan's reply as he got ready to do some study and perhaps a bit of training.

Chichi wasn't done though. "And also, before I forget to tell you, this school is also a private school, which means that you will be living on the school's campus from now on until you graduate."

That came as a surprise. "Woah really? Well I guess that's something I'll have to get used to then." He thought to himself as he proceeded to go about his day as usual.

The following morning…

"Okay Gohan, are you ready for Tenbi academy?" Asked Chichi with a happy smile.

Gohan replied back with a happy smile of his own "Yeah mom. I'm ready for my first day."

Gohan was now wearing the standard Tenbi academy uniform which consisted of a tight white shirt which was straining itself against his muscular physique due to it having been tailor made for an average male student. A green tie, blue pants, and black shoes accompanying it as well.

"Gohan, would you like to take the nimbus or fly there?" She asked.

"Actually mom, I think I would prefer to run for a change." He answered, wanting to switch it up for once.

"Well alright then Gohan, just make sure not to go too fast down there as you have plenty of time before the meeting for the new students starts." She answered back.

"Okay then mom I'm going now, I'll see you again when I get the chance, bye!" He said, making to leave while waving at her as he opened the door.

"Bye Gohan!" She said while giving her own wave goodbye.

After exchanging goodbyes, Gohan finally left his house running down Mount Paozu, making sure he went at a much slower pace then what he can actually go at so he can see and enjoy the view of the scenery on his way to Tenbi. Within just a few minutes Gohan was almost halfway towards Tenbi lost in his own thoughts about the new chapter in his life when he accidentally ran into someone without looking, causing them both to fall over with Gohan on top of this person.

This situation was only made worse by the fact that, due to this collision Gohan's shirt that had been straining against his body, pretty much ripped itself in two, causing Gohan's muscular body to be exposed while simultaneously putting the person below him in a rather precarious position.

"Ouch, I'm really sorry miss..."

Gohan had to stop himself mid-sentence after seeing who he was on top of. It was a beautiful girl roughly a year older then him whose looks were more attractive than even android eighteen in his opinion. She was wearing the same uniform as him only it was the female version with a really short mini skirt that had been flipped up thanks to them falling over, revealing a pair of black panties and a pair of pantyhose underneath her skirt. What Gohan also noticed is that the girl had long purple hair held up in a single ponytail on the side by a red ribbon, while the rest of her hair fell unto her face in several bangs. Her most noticeable assets however in Gohan's mind would have to be her huge H-cup breasts that were by far the biggest boobs he had ever seen in his young life. Which, unfortunately… Gohan just so happened to be accidentally groping. His fingers melding and sinking into her soft tit-flesh from within her uniform as he gave them an involuntary squeeze, garnering a soft, pleasurable moan from the girl.

"Ahh, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

As he was making his apology with a furious blush on his cheeks, Gohan removed his hands from her sensitive breasts while still being on top of her. This caused the parts of her large, squishy melons that his fingers had sunk into to puff back out excitedly with a few jiggles.

As the girl below Gohan opened her eyes to meet Gohan's gaze, Gohan immediately knew he was screwed. What was that old saying again, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"? Because that certainly seemed appropriate given the glare of death he was being given from the clearly embarrassed girl beneath him.

Although, what Gohan failed to realise straight away was that the glare the girl had levelled on him had dissipated almost immediately as soon as it came. However, the blush of embarrassment remained on the girl's face, for a completely different reason.

"Holy cow, this guy is ripped. I've never seen a man this… built before in person… and he's on top of me RIGHT NOW!" The girl thought to herself in shock.

Any anger that the unknown girl may have felt towards our favourite half-saiyan had dissipated, along with the reason for why being all but forgotten. In their place was multiple highly suggestive and lewd thoughts that involved the toned, shirtless man on top of her. It was honestly getting her more aroused by the second. Gohan however, decided then was the best time to get off of her and apologise again to her, thinking that she was still mad at him.

The sudden movement of Gohan getting off of her and apologising in front of her again was enough to wake her from her, increasing lewd fantasies. The girl managed to get up on her own without a problem and shook her head to rid herself completely of her previous track of mind, whilst she was still a little turned on from the site of Gohan's bare chest.

"Again, sorry about that. My name is Gohan, it is a pleasure to meet you miss..."

Upon hearing the man's request of her name, who she now knew was named Gohan, the girl's eyes snapped up to meet his own as she responded, albeit with a stutter of embarrassment.

"Muh.. My name is Haruko. Ma-may I ask why you are dr-dr-dressed so indecently?!"

Gohan now had to look a little more embarrassed himself as he looked down and realised that his uniform had completely ripped in two and was unrecognisable.

"Ahh, well you see…" Gohan started awkwardly, taking a few seconds to think of how to explain his current predicament. "I, kinda ripped the shirt I was wearing for school in two because it wasn't my size I guess, hehe. In truth though, I most apologise to you again, I was not completely paying attention when I should have and thanks to that, I've ruined my uniform for Tenbi and even worse, I could have hurt you. Please accept my most humble apology ma'am."

Gohan then bowed to her in shame to complete his apology. This had the effect of flustering Haruko quite a bit.

"Oh no, no, Gohan! It's fine, really, I accept your apology! Now please stop bowing to me, ok? It's unnecessary."

Hearing her acceptance of his apology, Gohan smiled and rose back up to standing normally.

"Thanks Haruko, I appreciate your understanding."

Seeing Gohan smile because of her, caused Haruko to smile back in return at the ripped teen, before something Gohan said earlier finally registered in her mind.

"Wait a minute, did you say you were heading to Tenbi, Gohan?" She asked inquisitively.

"Uhh yeah, in fact I'm going there as a first year student. Why do you want to… wait, you're a student there, aren't you?" He asked rhetorically, having just now realised that she was wearing a uniform that looked almost exactly like his did.

"Yep, good observation Gohan, in fact, I'm going into my second year there. If you want, I could accompany you to Tenbi and show you around a bit before the first year induction ceremony." She remarked, offering him a chance to be shown around the school with her as a guide.

To say Gohan was pleased by her offer was an understatement. "Woah really? You'd do that for me? Thanks Haruko! You're the best!" He complimented appreciatively with a friendly smile.

That comment had Haruko glowing on the inside from his praise of her. Why did it feel so good for her on the inside when he complimented her?

"Alright then, what are we waiting for Gohan? Let's go to Tenbi." Said Haruko as she motioned for Gohan to walk with her.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I'm with you on that one. Let's go!" He replied.

As that conversation finished, Gohan and Haruko walked together to Tenbi, side by side. Before they reached Tenbi however, Gohan decided to strike up conversation with Haruko again, so that he could get to know her a bit more. Once he had her attention, he started off.

"Soo Haruko, may I ask what living in Tenbi is like for you?"

The question caused her to give a bright smile as she responded excitedly. "Ooh, it's great Gohan! The people there are really nice and they always made me feel at home. Speaking of home though, if it's not too forward, may I ask where you lived before you enrolled at Tenbi, Gohan?"

"It's not too forward at all Haruko, I lived up there." Said Gohan as he pointed towards a mountain in the distance. "On Mount Paozu."

"You really lived up on Mount Paozu?" She asked incredulously with a sweat-drop. "That's… an interesting place to live in."

"I know, right! It has a great amount of nature surrounding it and has one of the best views across Japan in my opinion." He remarked, missing the incredulous expression that was on her face.

"I bet it does, considering how high up you would be." She stated, choosing to give him the benefit of the doubt about him actually living up on Mount Paozu. She had heard much stranger after all.

"Yeah, unfortunately because I lived up there my mom decided not to enrol me in any school up until now and decided to home-school me instead." Haruko looked at Gohan in surprise at that. He had really never been to a normal school before? "Not that I'm complaining much about it, I mean she did give me a great education. It's just that, because of that I really don't have any friends my own age at all."

Haruko gained a sympathetic look over her features at that. "That's unfortunate Gohan, but don't worry! You won't be friendless anymore." Haruko said while blushing a bit. "Because I'll be your friend, Gohan!"

Her remark caught him off guard. "Really?" He asked in mild shock before a wonderful smile made it's way to his lips as he embraced her in a friendly hug. "Thanks Haruko! You really are the best."

Haruko, whilst blushing at the contact, responded back. "Its fine Gohan, really, you don't need to hug me for it." She said while thinking to herself that she wasn't complaining about it either, as the warmth he gave her by hugging her this close gave her a tingly feeling in her chest and gut that felt good. "Besides, we're here."

"Huh?" Gohan expressed in surprise as he detached himself from Haruko.

What Haruko said was true as the entrance to Tenbi academy stood before them in all its glory. Gohan had to whistle at the size of the school building along with the campus, it was huge. As they walked in, Haruko showed Gohan around the school for a bit and explained to him where he would have to go to be at the first year ceremony in a half an hour which Gohan was extremely grateful to her for.

"Thanks Haruko. You really have been a big help to me." He said with gratitude.

"No problem Gohan, I'll see you again when the ceremony starts, okay?" She replied kindly with a radiant smile on her pretty face.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you there Haruko." Was his own kind response as he smiled back at her again.

After this, Haruko walked off in the direction of the building hosting the assembly ceremony whilst Gohan decided to roam around the school campus for a bit before he went into the assembly building. As Gohan roamed about the campus, his hearing picked up what sounded like an argument which began to escalate into a fight.

"Hmm, maybe I should go check out what's going on over there. Sounds like something serious is going down."

With this said, Gohan made his way over to where the sounds were coming from. Once he reached their location, Gohan stopped by a tree near the altercation to watch what was going on.

As it turned out, it was two girls fighting each other in what most men would call a 'cat fight'. From what Gohan could piece together from the brief banter exchanged between the two was that the girl with shoulder length red hair with fighting gloves on her hands and a band-aid on her nose was called Azuki, while the blue-haired girl that had her hair done up in a pony-tail that went all the way down to the middle of her back was called Garret. They were both wearing the same uniform that Haruko had worn which meant they were also students here.

Gohan was about to attempt to stop the fight and find out why they were fighting in the first place until he heard some chatter going on in the tree he was standing below. As Gohan pulled his head up to see who was talking, his met the figure of a petite, blond haired girl that had her hair done up in twin-tails held by small green spherical ornaments and was wearing the Tenbi school uniform as well. She was currently hanging upside down from the tree branch that was well above Gohan's head. This position she was in had her skirt flipped down with her which caused her white panties to be seen by Gohan.

This sight caused Gohan to blush and remember the position he had found himself in with Haruko earlier today. It was at that moment that the girl in question discovered Gohan's presence below her and, following where his eyes were realised he was looking at her exposed panties. With an embarrassed blush on her face, the girl attempted to cover her lower half frantically only for her to lose her balance on the branch and fall off.

Gohan, noticing this in time, managed to catch her by circling his arms around the girls form before she hit him and halted her momentum completely whilst remaining on his feet. This however, left both Gohan and the girl in an interesting position as their lips had been smashed together in a searing kiss that sent goosebumps surging through both of them. After about a solid five seconds lip-locking, the girl finally broke the kiss, and subsequently, out of Gohan's grip.

The petite girl had an incredibly flustered look on her face from the kiss, Gohan himself was doing no better as his cheeks were blushing up a storm. Neither of them were currently able to think properly after that for a few minutes, their minds needing time to figure out what just happened.

Gohan however, was the first to wake up from his stupor as he addressed the girl in front of him. A blush still firmly visible on his cheeks.

"Uhhh, are you ok miss? That looked like it could have been a nasty fall, hehe." Gohan laughed awkwardly.

The girl now out of her stupor as well having realised what just happened, looked up at Gohan in response to his question, about to level him with a glare for taking her first kiss. The glare never came however, as the girl's eyes widened at the sight that greeted her.

It was a boy who appeared to have been chiselled out of granite, with perfectly defined muscles across his naked chest and arms with fully defined six-pack abs. She couldn't help but blush a deep crimson red, all thoughts of making whoever stole her first kiss pay forgotten momentarily. She was now staring with obvious lust in her eyes at Gohan's physique.

Gohan noticed her staring, while being utterly ignorant for now of the lust that came with it, at his chest as he looked down to find his exposed upper body. Crap, he forgot to cover himself with something earlier. How could he forget that!?

Thinking quickly, Gohan decided at this point, it would be best if he got out of here quick and got something to cover himself up. With his mind made up, Gohan dashed at fast speeds past the petite blond as well as the two girls fighting to get into the nearest building, effectively halting their fight as the wind picked up around them from Gohan's speed. This caused their skirts to blow up into the air, exposing Azuki's and Garret's white and red panties and leaving nothing but an after-image behind him.

Whilst trying to keep their skirts down, both girls yelled out simultaneously in shock. "WHAT THE HECK! WHERE DID THIS WIND COME FROM?!"

The wind then died down leaving two very confused girls wondering what had just happened. As they turned in the direction the wind had come from, they noticed someone standing next to the tree. It was Kodama Himegami from their year, and she appeared to be clenching her fists at her sides with an amazing blush adorning her highly embarrassed face.

"What the hell just happened?" They both thought in complete bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Gohan had now made it inside the building that Haruko had told him would host the welcoming ceremony for the new first-years. Once Gohan had completely calmed down, he used the materialisation technique that Piccolo had taught him. With it, he was able to make a new Tenbi school shirt that actually fit him and put it on. He didn't want a repeat of what happened out there to happen again any time soon after all. Or did he?

As much as Gohan was trying to play it off and move on, he couldn't get over that feeling he got throughout his whole body when he and that girl kissed. He had, to his own surprise, felt more alive in those five seconds of lip contact with that girl who he didn't even know then he had ever felt in his life. In those meagre five seconds, Gohan felt like he could've taken on the whole universe without any issue.

Gohan had to shake his head of these thoughts, if he didn't he might get lost in his own thoughts and he couldn't let that happen or else he might miss the ceremony. Speaking of which, it was about time he went to the assembly hall for it. He had wasted enough time already.

Walking around for a bit, Gohan found a set of double doors that he knew led to the assembly as he made his way up to them and pushed them aside, revealing the sea of students in front of him standing around and waiting for the ceremony to begin. Being as inconspicuous as possible, Gohan made his way in to join the crowd of fellow first-years gathered in waiting.

They fortunately did not have to wait long as a woman came on stage in front of the mic stand to address everyone.

She introduced herself as Minori Rokujo, the principal of the school. Minori had long dark pink or magenta hair that was kept in a high ponytail by a black ribbon. She wore an orange-like tracksuit with white stripes on the sides that covered her insanely large I-cup bust that was bigger than even Haruko's and a pair of slippers. She did not appear to be good at public speeches as she decided to cut the formalities and get straight to the point as fast as possible. Gohan paid as much attention as he could to her speech. What caught his attention was the mention of Maken's and duels. Gohan had no clue what a Maken was but he was aware of what a duel was.

"So we're allowed to fight each other on campus huh? Well that explains why those two girls from before were fighting each other." He thought to himself.

As Minori continued, she decided it would be best to give a few demonstrations for the first years. She ended up naming Azuki and Garret from class 2-B, the same two Gohan had witnessed fighting against each other no less than a dozen minutes prior, to be the first demonstration. It was who she named for the second one that caught him by surprise.

"For the second demonstration, we will have Kodama Himegami from class 2-A and the new comer to this school, Son Gohan!"

"Wait, me? There's no way that's a coincidence." Thought Gohan in suspicion.

As Gohan looked up to Minori once his name was called, he spotted a sly smile adorning her face as she looked right back at him. Ok, she clearly knew something about him, that's for sure. Steeling himself for what was to come, Gohan walked towards the stage where he would fight this Himegami girl and end it as fast as he could, preferably with minimal injury to her.

As Gohan got on the stage to face his opponent, he couldn't help but have his eyes widen in shock as he realised that Kodama Himegami was the cute, petite blond haired girl he had shared an accidental kiss with.

It seemed as though Himegami recognised him as well, if the deep blush she sported across her face was any indication.

"Yu-yu-you, from before…" Himegami stuttered as she recalled their kiss from before, which caused her to gain an angry expression on her face. "You stole my first kiss…"

Himegami then went silent for a few seconds and Gohan began to sweat, he had seen his mother get like this before, and whenever she did it always meant something bad was about to happen.

Gohan was proven right as Himegami looked at him in the eyes with a death glare. If looks could kill, then that look she was giving him would easily kill a hundred men. What drove it home the most was Himegami telling him that she was going to kill him for what he did. Ohh boy, things were escalating a bit too quickly at this pace for Gohan. He hadn't even been in this school for a day and he already had someone who wanted him dead. Great.

Before Gohan could begin wondering if his luck could get any worse, he noticed a familiar face standing next to Minori on the side-lines. It was Haruko, and she was currently looking directly at him with a worried expression on her face. He couldn't help the small smile that graced his face as his ears picked up on her saying that he didn't have a Maken yet, and thus should not be fighting as he could get seriously hurt. Oh, if only she knew of the enemies he had had to face in the past, she would know that someone of Himegami's power was nothing to him. That being said, it was nice of her to be that worried over his safety, it meant a lot to him to already have a friend his own age who cared about him that much.

Gohan then turned his head in the direction of the platform opposite of his own to see the conclusion of the Azuki and Garret fight. The fight concluded with Azuki managing to get past Garret's defences since she had lowered her guard and was about to hit her with a nasty round house kick before she stopped her kick merely an inch away from Garret's face as Minori declared her the winner.

Gohan had to sweat-drop though as he found out the reason they were fighting was because of a teddy bear of all things. Though Gohan did have to chuckle a little at how comical the whole situation was getting as Azuki tried to shut Garret up before she could reveal any more embarrassing secrets about her.

Gohan then turned his attention back to his own platform as Minori announced the duel between himself and Himegami was next.

Before the fight began, Gohan looked on in surprise as a tiny person no taller than two inches appeared above Himegami's right shoulder and started conversing with her. This little sprite had bright gold hair that was in a flaming hair-style that reminded him of Vegeta and was wearing an orange Gi.

"So, what exactly are you planning milady?" Asked the sprite.

"Isn't it obvious fire spirit? I'm going to make sure that man over there dies for what he did." She replied with a dead serious tone as she gave it a sideways glance.

The now named fire spirit replied back with confusion. "You mean when you fell off the tree on top of him and ended up kissing him? Forgive me milady, but how is that his fault exactly?"

The fire spirit's retort caused Himegami to clam up as she narrowed her eyes at the fire spirit.

"Are you saying that it was my fault?" She said, giving the fire spirit an angry pout.

At that moment another spirit appeared above her other shoulder, this one had lightning bolt shaped hair and was wearing a yellow Gi. Considering the one with flame shaped hair was called fire spirit, Gohan just hazarded a guess that this one would be called lightning spirit due to its hair.

"I believe what fire spirit over here is trying to say is that you are overreacting to this whole thing. Besides, you weren't complaining about it when it happened, I might even add that you seemed to be…"

The lightning spirit didn't get to finish what he was saying as Himegami turned on him with a glare that could frighten even the toughest man, which caused him to shut his mouth in fear of what his mistress might do if he continued.

"Uhh, who are you two?" Gohan asked, a curious look splashed over his face.

Himegami, along with the spirits blinked in confusion, as they turned towards Gohan with surprised looks on their faces.

"Wait, you can see us?" Questioned the fire spirit with a stunned expression.

Gohan nodded his head in confirmation. Given his response, he could hear them as well.

"Well, this is interesting, so does that mean you have been listening in on the conversation this whole time?" Chimed in the lightning spirit with a look of interest.

"Hehe, yeah, sorry about that, I really didn't mean to. You guys are just so close to me that my ears were easily able to pick up on your chat." Stated Gohan honestly.

"If I may, how exactly are you able to see us?" Questioned the fire spirit.

Gohan simply gave him an apologetic look as he replied. "Truthfully, I don't know, but I gotta admit it's not every day you see cool looking spirits like you guys pop out of nowhere."

"Cool? He thinks they're cool?" Thought Himegami as she looked incredulously at Gohan.

"You think we're cool?" Both spirits muttered in surprise before they turned their heads towards Himegami with bright smiles adorning their faces. "Milady, we like this guy, you two should be friends instead of fighting." They requested, having taken a liking to Gohan already from his sincere compliment.

Himegami growled in annoyance at the two spirits. Who's side were they on anyway? Her right eye was twitching in anger from this turn of events as she pointed at Gohan before speaking in a threatening tone.

"Prepare yourself Gohan, you're gonna regret what you did soon enough."

Gohan just sighed at Himegami's behaviour. man was she stubborn! He just hoped that once this duel was over she got a little more laid back. Hell, if it made her feel better, he'd let her hit him because right now he really was not in the mood to fight. Especially against Himegami.

It was at that moment that Minori chose to chime in.

"And now for the second and final demonstration for today, Son Gohan versus Kodama Himegami, BEGIN!"

At the sound of Minori's signal, Himegami charged forward at Gohan, her right hand lighting up with electricity. If Gohan was surprised by this, he didn't show it, nor did he, to Himegami's curiosity move an inch from where he was standing. This sight had Haruko starting to panic a little as she wondered what in the world Gohan was doing?! If he didn't move to dodge right now then he would get seriously hurt!

It was then that something shocking happened. Another girl jumped unto the duel stage in between Gohan and Himegami from out of nowhere and proceeded to block the attack with what looked like a claw shaped golden gauntlet. The force from the contact made by Himegami's lightning attack into the girl's gauntlet was enough to push her back a little as her skirt and Himegami's blew upwards from the air current produced by the collision. this caused Gohan to see Himegami's white panties once more along with the new girls orange panties, causing that weird feeling from before to stir up within him once more. Wow, master Roshi would be proud.

As Himegami's attack fizzled out, she took a few steps back to appraise the newcomer. She had short shoulder length light brown hair that had an x-shaped small hairband on a left-side tuft near her face, brown eyes and was wearing the Tenbi girls uniform. She also, to Himegami's ire, had an ample E-cup chest size as well and stood at about 150 centimetres tall.

Once the girl was sure that Himegami wasn't going to attack again, she turned around to look at Gohan with a bright smile on her face, right before she started to collapse. Before she hit the floor in a crumpled mess, Gohan caught her as she was falling and held her up in a sitting position on the floor as the girl was still smiling at him.

"My, my, Gohan, you're even more handsome then I thought you'd be in person." The girl said.

This caused Gohan to blush slightly at the compliment to his looks. Before Gohan could respond and ask the girl what she meant by that, he noticed that she had fallen unconscious.

Gohan had honestly no clue what had happened just now, but as the medics of the school rushed toward their location in order to help the girl he was cradling, there was only one thought in Gohan's mind.

Just what had he gotten himself into by coming to this school?


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