
Chapter 3- Contract Of Becoming A Guardian

"For you to know that you have to sign this contract." he said.

With these words, a contract materialized in front of me out of nowhere.

Before giving the contract any glance, i clenched with determination and said to will that,"You have to tell me first and i will sign the contract after that."

"You are quite good at bargaining, aren't you. I am okay with telling you that, but i will only answer one question. So, select one question from your two questions." Will returned my question with question.

"I want to know what is the reason of you choosing me." I said.

"Because you kind of have the intellect and ideas needed here in this whole thing. Ad that's it. You may not know but you have gone through many trials for selecting the person needed." Will replied to me.

After getting my answer, i looked over to the materialized contract and started reading it.

[Contract of World's Salvation]

[Parties Involved:] The Will of the World (henceforth referred to as "the Will") and [Contractee's Name] (henceforth referred to as "the Contractee").


Whereas the world faces impending annihilation from the Chaos Beasts, and the Contractee possesses the potential to safeguard the last surviving parallel world from the looming threat.

[Article 1: Obligations of the Will:]

1. The Will shall transport the Contractee to the last surviving parallel world, designated "The Sanctuary," before the Chaos Beasts' invasion commences.

2. The Will shall endow the Contractee with a unique set of powers and a specially designed system, known as "Virtual Extraction," enabling the Contractee to grant powers and facilitate the evolution of individuals within The Sanctuary.

[Article 2: Covenant of Non-Interference:]

1. The Contractee shall not directly influence events within The Sanctuary, except for the administration of powers and guidance provided through The Virtual Extraction.

2. The Contractee shall refrain from revealing their true identity, nature, or the existence of this contract to any inhabitant of The Sanctuary.

[Article 3: Powers and Responsibilities of the Contractee:]

1. The Contractee shall use The Nexus to bestow powers upon individuals in The Sanctuary, enabling them to combat the Chaos Beasts and their minions.

2. The Contractee shall employ discretion while imparting powers, ensuring a balance of abilities to foster unity and collaboration among individuals.

3. The Contractee shall foster resilience, strength, and hope within the inhabitants of The Sanctuary, guiding them through challenges and empowering them to stand against the encroaching apocalypse.

[Article 4: Limitations on Interference:]

1. The Contractee shall not directly intervene in conflicts or events within The Sanctuary, allowing its inhabitants to learn and grow through their experiences.

2. The Contractee shall avoid altering the natural course of events, preserving the free will and choices of the inhabitants.

[Article 5: Dual Role of the Contractee:]

1. The Contractee shall act as the source of power for all abilities granted within The Sanctuary, whether directly or indirectly through The Virtual Extraction.

2. The Contractee's role is pivotal, as their presence will maintain the equilibrium required for the inhabitants of The Sanctuary to overcome their challenges.

[Article 6: Timing and Invocations:]

1. The Contract shall become effective immediately upon signature by both parties.

2. The Contractee may invoke The Virtual Extraction at their discretion, granting or enhancing powers in accordance with their understanding of The Sanctuary's needs.

[Article 7: Termination of Contract:]

1. The Contract shall terminate when the Chaos Beasts target The Sanctuary, signaling the impending invasion of the Contractee's origin world.

2. Upon termination, the Contractee shall return to their origin world to confront the Chaos Beasts and thwart their apocalyptic designs.

[Article 8: Confidentiality:]

1. The Contractee shall maintain the confidentiality of this contract, refraining from disclosing its terms to any third party, both within The Sanctuary and their origin world.

[Article 9: Consequences of Breach:]

1. A breach of any article within this contract may result in the withdrawal of powers granted to the Contractee, rendering them powerless in The Sanctuary.

By signing this contract, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the obligations, responsibilities, and limitations set forth herein.


[Contractee's Signature]

[The Will of the World's Signature]

I read the whole contract and got shocked internally many times in between by the information mentioned in it regarding the chaos beasts, and last surviving parallel world and all.

Although i didn't let out any kind of expression of being shocked on my face, but still composed my inner self after letting out a deep sigh.

"I read you contract and i agree to sign it, But i need an assistant to assist me with this. So, do something about that." I replied in a little tired manner after getting kind of mentally exhausted with such horrifying information.

"Oh! i completely forget about that to mention to you. There is an assistant kind of feature in your system that will serve your instructions." Will mentioned to me.

"Now, that everything is done. Tell me how to sign this contract, and don't joke with me that to sign it with a fu*king pen." I said with mentioning the last line as to not have any jokes or funny things from this blue ball.

"I can't believe how funny you are, of course, how can it be signed by pen? To sign this contract you have close you eyes, and imagine the contract there while planting you hand on it, and it connect your soul to contract with appearing your handprint on it. So, do it. And it does work and not bullsh*t with me that you don't have eyes because of being soul and all. It's all possible in this realm." A mocking reply came in voice of Will.

Then i did as will told me to do so, closing my eyes, and leaving a print on contract.

Seeing me sign, will of world done his part os signing completing his part of work.

After that I felt a new force entering my body. With that force stabilizing, i started vanishing from there like i was being teleported to my destination.

At this moment, i heard the will of world chuckling, and saying," You should know pen for doing signature is real, because it use a part of use soul energy as the ink to sign. Now enjoy your journey, and saving the world."

Author Note:- Guys support the story with power stones.

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