
Three P

Back in the circular hall, following Atticus' brutal punch, Magnus's hands gripping the chair handle he was sitting in tightened, cracks immediately appeared on the graphene made chairs.

It was obviuos to anyone watching that Magnus had controlled his strength a great deal; just a single clenching of the Paragon's fist was enough to crush most things in Eldoralth to oblivion.

Magnus was trying so hard not to jump up and join in on the cheers for Atticus. This boy was making him so proud!

In fact he was angry, angry that he had to watch watch this fight with the rest of the Paragons. 

He subtly cleared his throat, making sure that none of his actions were seen by the rest of the paragons. He had an image to maintain, after all.

But Magnus's worries were for naught as each of the Paragons had their complete focus on the screens, a hint of shock coloring their features as their mind raced.

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