
A Hard Decision

Alex didn't care what was happening in the outside world, or on the internet after curb stomping Jung-Hyun's ex and his son. Instead, after entering inside the woman's home, which he had not been in for over a year now. He looked around and commented on the state of the world.

"Time sure flies by, doesn't it? It was a little over a year ago that I just moved in next door and you were trying to seduce me as I cleaned your pool and fixed shit around the house…. Don't you have any shame you damn milf!"

Despite the harshness in his tone, Jung-Hyun reacted with a simple giggle. She had already fled to the kitchen to pour some wine for the two of them, as she worked on the stove to prepare Alex with a grilled cheese like she had commonly fed him whenever he came home.

In addition to this, she made a comment about what had just happened, and about her current life as Alex's lover.


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