
Don't You Forget It!

Over the course of the next two weeks, Alex spent almost every waking hour with Carmen. And like he had planned, after wining, dining, and fucking the mature beauty, she had not only been fully conquered, but had also reached Tier II affection, maxing out her overall affection rating in the process, and become a beauty whose only equals in this world were Alex's other women who had reached such a state.

And by the time Carmen had fully embraced Alex as her man, she was ready to do exactly as he said, being shipped off back to America with some form of excuse, like being captured by the Zetas in order to get back into the good graces of the DEA.

Once Carmen was safely back north of the border, Alex approached La Madre, who had been keeping tabs on him and Carmen since she first found out that the DEA Agent had attempted to kill the man. But when she saw the man smiling as if he had just conquered the world, she couldn't help but ask what had made him so happy.


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