
Moving On

The day after Alex and Isabella slept together, the man awoke to find that the young woman was still clinging to him, almost as if she were afraid that the moment she let go, she would lose him forever. And thus, Alex had some difficulty climbing out of bed.

But eventually Alex broke away from Isabella's embrace, where she awoke and found herself pouting. Alex had so rudely broken away from her grasp, and she had to make him feel bad for it. Thus she sat silently in bed pouting at Alex until the man finally sighed and lectured her on her behavior.

"If you think you are going to shame me into climbing back into bed with you, you are sorely mistaken… Get dressed. Breakfast is probably already waiting for us..."

Isabella did not bother resisting orders from her new lover, and quickly did as he said before following him out of "their" room, and towards the dining hall where they found La Madre and Maria waiting for them.


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