
Chapter 131

As the best friend, he knew he was obligated to help his friend in this situation. He could tell that Farrah was up to no good, and it was up to him to step up and stop her before she caused tremendous trouble for the couple.

Of course, Travis would have preferred to pair up with Thalia or someone other than her, but Thalia refused. And it seemed he was stuck with her.

"We could have won if you did not act like a Primadonna, diva," Travis expressed frustratedly to his partner.

Just like his friend, Damon, he was always competitive. Since they had become friends, they had been competing in almost everything. 

But he had never been a sour loser, accepting defeat with dignity as long as the playing field had always been fair. But in this case, he was given the shorter end of the stick. He was bound to lose.

"I am not ruining my clothes over this stupid game." Farrah stood her ground when she refused to jump into the pool and finish the game.

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