
Ch. 158 - Angry ROB

"You vile demon! Father should've eradicated your filthy race long ago!" ROB yelled in anger, unconsciously mentioning his father through his mouth. Who else could this father be but God himself?

"Not my problem." Jin cracked his neck for a small warm-up before using his enhanced senses to their full extent and tried his best to dodge all the dangerous soul ripping lightning bolts using either his flexible body or teleportation.

Nonetheless, Jin was successful in dodging everything and keeping his ass from having his soul ripped apart.

"How did you avoid it all?!" From the shocked tone of ROB's voice, Jin could once again stimulate that his eyes probably widened in surprise.

"Skill issue." Jin shrugged his shoulders and teased, though that's his mistake as ROB got more angry at his nonchalant attitude and wished to change it by punching his stomach as soon as he appeared in front of him.

Even though Jin managed to react, he failed to dodge in time. So he could only harden the muscles on his stomach and wished for the best that his physical endurance would help him this time.


Unfortunately, Jin is fighting a literal universal God here and their strength isn't the same as his previous enemies.

The entire area behind Jin was blown away into pieces just from the sheer force of ROB's punch that travelled from his body across the air, hence why the area suddenly exploded by an unknown force.

As for Jin? His eyes were red in surprise and pain as his regenerative properties were doing its job to ensure he would be able to regenerate back to his peak so he could continue to fight.

But for some reason, his regenerative properties don't seem to respond as if it was shut down like Microsoft Windows.

"Confused? Fear? Do you know why Devils are the weakest race? Because all of them have natural weaknesses unlike the other race!" While Jin was standing in his place, ROB patted his shoulder and came close to his ear as he whispered before continuing.

"Devils have a natural weakness to holy light. A power that can be easily replicated by us, gods. I just sent a miniscule of holy light energy inside your body to stop your body from healing. I know devils have the most incredible regenerative abilities. You're finished, Devil." After ROB was finished, he was about to send one last low to finish him off when suddenly, his fist stopped just a few inches away from Jin's shocked face.

Before ROB could contemplate what was happening, Jin's shocked face slowly morphed into a smirking one as he says.

"That would seem to be the case if I was a normal devil." Jin said after flashing the smirk.

Jin then floated backwards while spreading his arms forward.

"I admit, first I was impressed by your abilities as a God and then after that, I realized that your abilities are just simple. It's like a child holding the powers of a God." Jin thoroughly explained his observations.

"But that's it. The red lightning bolts might be impressive but come on, as a God of a universe, lightning bolts are already overused. I was expecting more of an invisible force that would sweep me away and kill me immediately. But no, you decided to monologue like a common villain and even went as far as explaining my weakness as a demon, which I already know. And last but not the least, you underestimated me."

Jin then finished and stopped talking as his psychokinesis powers started to come to life.

"I'll show you what real power looks like." Jin muttered to himself which was loud enough for ROB to hear.

'...What!? I can't control them anymore!' Just as ROB was confused on what Jin is about to do, he suddenly realized that his control over the folded blocks and world disappeared.

In return, Jin was now manipulating it instead of him.

The folded ground then tilted and floated off the ground, or whatever it can be called anymore as everything in the surroundings is almost as if Minecraft has taken over the world.

Seeing everything floating off from the ground, ROB was shocked and tried to use his God's Authority to seize back his control over the surroundings.

But would Jin let him do that?

He unleashed the full force of his psychokinesis, using sheer force in order to fight over the control of the surroundings.

At the same time, he looked at his template system. Which shows the current percentage he already has with Tatsumaki.

[Tatsumaki: 97%]

The constant use and practice of his template has raised it to a whopping 97%. It wasn'tthat hard to be honest as Tatsumaki is a simple character and almost shares the same characteristics as Jin. Which is to become the very best in the world. Or in layman's terms, have a mindset that you're the strongest in the world.

With that simple mindset which is truly the same as Jin, he only needs to practice his psychokinesis skills and think of being the very best to increase the percentage.

"H-how are you doing this?!" ROB's hands were shaking as he exploded his God's Authority to forcefully take back his control over the surroundings and although he was successful, that doesn't mean he can fully control it, unless Jin stops fighting for control.

"Simple really." Jin said before stopping, letting the intense emotion swirl on ROB's chest.

"I'm stronger and I'm better." Jin answered with a smirk.

[Tatsumaki: 98%]

[Tatsumaki: 99%]

[Tatsumaki: 100%]

As soon as the percentage reached a hundred percent, Jin could feel the overwhelming psychic power inside him. Threatening to burst out and if held any longer, it could possibly explode like a nuclear.

"This is what power looks like!" Jin then laughed maniacally, he looks insane and borderline Devil if you add his current looks.

As soon as Jin yelled, ROB's control over the surroundings was fully cut off, leaving the control entirely to Jin himself.


Just like what Jin said, he really showed ROB what power looks like by lifting the entire continent, including the seabed itself!

"Holy moly!" Although Rapunzel can't see what Jin was doing and how he lifted the entire continent including the seabed, but feeling the tilting of the ground she's stepping on, she was amazed as there was only one answer in her mind on who was doing this.

"Jin!" Rapunzel unconsciously yelled his name, making Jin turn his attention to her.


Taking the chance of this distraction, ROB quickly jumped towards Jin and smashed his fist towards his chest.


ROB might have lost his God's Authority over the surroundings, he still has his sheer strength. As a matter of fact, if Jin was only a resident of his universe which means he was born here, ROB could've used his God's Authority to directly kill him on the spot, similar to what he did to Thomas, by reincarnating him in this world, his soul has already been recognized by his universe as a resident in this universe, hence he was able to pop off his entire body with a mere glance.

Unfortunately, Jin is not a resident in this universe, so he can't do anything to him except use his powers to physically eliminate Jin by himself. Which is also the reason why ROB has to use a reincarnated person to locate Jin, because Jin is not under the scope of his eyes, therefore ROB has been blind to whatever Jin was doing in his world.

And mind you, this is the first time he has used his powers like this. ROB was used to fixing problems by killing them using his God's Authority.

But the problem this time is out of his universe.

Jin coughed out blood as soon as the fist connected on his chest.

ROB might not be on the same level such as One Above All and other Gods, but he's still a force to be reckoned with as long as he's in his own universe.

"Die! You're destroying everything! First, I can't get into the alliance and now, you're ruining my universe! Just when will my bad luck end!" ROB kept punching Jin's chest, barraging it with blows after blows, as Jin allowed him to do it.

That's because Jin was occupied with his thoughts about what ROB just revealed to him.

First, about the alliance which he guessed is somehow related to the alliance of the Gods where they will overthrow God from his seat.

While the other one is about being unlucky. Which reminded Jin of Jeff, who he left in the human world.

*Bam!* x20

Seeing that Jin was being punched several times. Rapunzel got worried and wanted to help him out when she heard Jin's voice.

[I'm fine. Stay in your position.]

Rapunzel froze and abided by his order, staying in her position.


Giving Jin a one last punch on the chest, Jin suddenly went and caught it as if his chest wasn't caved in by now.

"You're done now, right?" Jin smirked and asked.

Before ROB could respond, he suddenly saw a red blade with chains appear on Jin's hand.

ROB reacted too late as the Blades of Havoc had already stabbed him on his chest.

'Siphon.' With one simple command, Jin used the blade's siphoning ability to absorb his energy and used it to heal his caved in chest.

"My turn."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 159 - Killing a ROB]

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