

Although it doesn't seem much of a difference, however every single stat difference is infact quite massive.

For example a defender with 81 defending would find it quite troublesome to defend against a striker with 82 dribbling despite the gap between their stat being separated by only a measley one point.

In the same way now against those semi-professional players, Hiro who had the stat of professional players, he's probability of scoring from that freekick was more than 90 percent right now.

Meaning Hiro would miss only one shot out ten shots he fired right now.

It was as if a team from 3rd division of professional football league was facing against a player of first division.

Looking at the screen, Hiro subtly lifted the corner of his mouth and revealed a slight grin. At the same time, his eyes glowed with satisfaction as he let out a gust of turbid air.

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