
History Of Gods

At midnight of September 9, 18XX a whole village in the US was destroyed and thousands of its residents died a miserable death.

Following that incident, countless more news of similar destruction came to light all across the globe.

Villages, towns, and even cities were destroyed mysteriously within a matter of seconds. The government gave it the name of "natural disasters" but… that was a lie.

The ones behind the incidents were "gods".

Numerous humans with superpowers appeared all around the world and most among them chose to spread destruction with their newly found supernatural powers.

The world was in a state of chaos. Especially in the US where most of these superhumans started to appear.

That was until suddenly a man who referred to himself as "X" appeared and forcefully calmed them down. He, himself, was a superhuman… the strongest among them all.

In under five hours that man single-handedly stopped the chaos in the US and brought them all under an organisation he created on the same day- or killed those who refused to join him.

The US told the other countries what they did, and the other countries did something similar as well. All countries made their own organisation that was led by the strongest superhuman they knew in their respective countries.

That was how the end of the world was stopped within a day…

The "X" then revealed that all the humans that suddenly awakened a power were actually no longer humans… they had turned from a man to a god!

"And that's just basic information regarding us gods!" Michael said while smiling happily at Max.

"Wha- I… I have never been this confused in my entire life than this day…" Max said rubbing his forehead, "I think I am having a headache." He added.

"That's weird… we all just accepted our godhood very easily for some reason. For us it was very natural… but I suppose you are a dual-title and even a very rare god so you might be different from us…" Michael said, looking at Max with excitement.

"Wait- I have a question… actually many questions. I did hear there were a lot of disasters all around the world in 19XX- but it was all-natural, right? I was sure it was caused mostly by earthquakes and tsunamis and stuff-"

"You think the government will go around telling people that "Oh look there are superhumans going crazy with powers and destroying everything in their path!" Did you expect that?" Michael said with a disappointed look.

"I- don't look at me like that, man! I am going crazy with everything that has happened! I am really smart but it's too much! I haven't even drunk coffee or even eaten!"

"Yea… yea… let's just get out of this realm and we will discuss your future as a god together. We will offer you the best treatment possible if you come to the Godhead Foundation."

"Godhead Foundation?" Max asked with confusion, "Wait… is that like the organisation made by X or is it a different country's organization?"

"We are in the US so of course it will be of the one created by X. But… I won't hide anything from you." Michael took a deep breath and his playful expression turned into a more serious and professional one before he started to speak again.

"Godhead was originally the strongest organisation of gods but with time as new organisations appeared it was pushed down to 4th. The first is Devlok of India, the second is Tiān of China, and Takamagahara of Japan."

"But who is the strongest individual? I mean who is the strongest leader?" Max asked, getting curious about X and the organisation of gods.

"X. None is stronger than him. Even if we say the heads of Devlok, Tiān, and Takamagahara team up together to fight X he would still win. That actually happened once as well." Michael said proudly.

"That…" Max was not sure how to react but for some reason, his lips slowly formed into a wide smile of enthusiasm. 'I wonder… just how strong he might be to stop others easily who are at least able to destroy a city…!' He thought.

'What if I fig-' Suddenly the smile from Max's face disappeared in an instant and a look of confusion appeared instead '...I am going crazier every second, ain't I?'

"No, you are not," Michael said chuckling. "You might experience a lot of stuff right now. This may include power hunger- you know a mortal should never have a god's power to begin with."

"Maybe…" Max said softly, sighing to himself "Wait so I have a very important question. You called me a dual-title god… what does that even mean?"

"It basically means you have power over two domains. I inspect you to be a god of sky or lighting and dimensionality."

"Really? I will ask "it" about my title then." Max said, getting more and more curious.

"Um? Who will you ask?" Michael asked, confused.

"Oh- the ball thingy that follows me. It said it was going to explore the area. Once it returns I will ask it about my title-" Max answered with a polite smile.

"Okay…?" Michael said with his confusion growing. "I guess you have a unique power or something. Wow… you are getting more and more amazing."

"I- thank you but now what the hell is unique power? Wait- before that- don't tell me to be a proper god I will have to go through a school or something where I will learn all this. I swear if that's the ca-"

"No, no," Michael interrupted Max before laughing lightly "Don't worry that's not the case. I just know all this because I am an old god who witnessed all that and gained all this knowledge through experience."

Max let out a sigh of relief hearing that but just the next moment he flinched as he realised something.

"Wait… you mean- y-you are like-" Max was not even sure how to ask Michael what he wanted without making it appear rude.

"Haha, don't worry kiddo. I don't mind telling people my age. Yes, I am like- 200 years old. Once you become a god you become immortal. Only another god or demons can kill you."

"I am starting to like godhood for some reason now- and hey… I have a very- like- important question…" Max said a bit nervously.

"What is it…?" Michael asked with an eyebrow raised.

"If… if I become a member of the Godhead- will I be able to earn a lot?"

"..." Michael was unaware of how to react to Max's question at all before suddenly bursting into loud laughter making tears appear in his eyes.

"Oh man… aren't you a cute one?" Michael said as he wiped his tears, "Just so you know- we, gods, earn a lot more than anyone. Even my bank account is more than the official richest man's net worth."

"T-that's a bit of an exaggeration…" Max said, laughing nervously.

Michael said nothing but simply smiled in response, making Max gulp while thinking 'H-he has more than 400 billion dollars…? T-that's like twice the value of my company!'

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