
Decisions Decisions

"So, you are saying that you are from a world where super powered individuals don't exist?"

"So far as I knew, but I wasn't high on the need-to-know list." I pointed out

"Then you were killed, while someone stole from the Museum you worked for." Devil Bat continued.

"Last thing I remember was being run through, so I assume I died." I continued

"And this all happened on Earth. The same planet as the one we are on now, just in a different plain. Proving the Multiverse theory." Devilbat continued like he was going over a list.

"Well, I also heard my planet is called Tera in some circles. Think some people just didn't like the idea our planet was called dirt." I wasn't trying to sound frivolous, well not really.

"Now go over this Cosmic flow for us again." Devilbat pushed.

Letting my impatience show through just a little I point out, "I have gone through my series of events word for word nine times now over the past six hours. What more can you gain from me repeating it once again."

Pausing as if to consider, Devilbat says "You may leave Mr. Logan. Though until the counsel comes to a decision you are to remain on the Watchtower and in restriction green areas only."

As if released by the school bell I got up from my chair to leave but paused looking at J'onn J'onzz, "I will be going for something to eat, I am ready to talk when you are."

J'onn looks at me for a moment then says, "I have notified M'gann that you are free and need a guide for the Watchtower."

With no comment on us talking I assume it will take some time for him to come around. More than willing to give him room I headed out the door to wait for M'gann.

After about 10 minutes she arrived with two other people. One was an average height teen male I could instantly peg as Superboy and the other made me feel very weird as it looked like a younger me.

Superboy was talking to M'gann with some intensity, "Just as I don't use too much strength to hit someone you should also go easy on their mind is all I'm saying."

"Enough Conner, we can talk about it more later!" M'gann says with finality in her voice.

Turning her eyes to me she said, "Heard you were done and looking to get some food, it will be dinner time here in an hour or so if you want to do a quick tour while we wait?"

We Should do introductions first I think M'gann. I look at Superboy and offer my hand, "Hello I'm Garfield Logan, sorry to have put M'gann in danger with calling her but I don't think I would have made it without her, and her teams help."

Taking my hand, he replies "She prefers Megan to M'gann here on Earth."

"Sorry, I think most of my instinct is Martian, so I lean that direction in my thoughts. I'll try and keep her preferences in mind."

"I don't mind either way." M'gann intercedes, "It's a bit nostalgic to hear that name so easily pronounced."

Glad that he didn't try to prove how strong he was with his handshake, though Superboy still went a little overboard with his grip. Mostly I assume it was due to the argument they were having as they approached.

Looking at the other figure I see a green boy about 10 years old looking at me intensely. "I assume you are Garfield Logan senior." I say as I shake his hand.

Looking at M'gann I say, "Let's get this tour started!" With a sly glance I look at Garfield and then smile towards M'gann and Superboy. "Lead the way, Dad!" speaking to the young Beast boy.

Back in debriefing room 4.

"Your Thoughts?" Devilbat asked the room.

"Though I did not lay the lightning of truth upon him I felt no lie in his words, but a wariness was evident. I did see some recognition in his eyes as he looked at some of us also." Wonder woman spoke.

"These Clones are getting out of hand Matt; I'm just starting to come to terms with my own clone and Kara won't even discuss her clone. Not that I'm blaming her, it did try and kill her after all." Superman said

Charles offered, "A very untrained mind but a powerful one. His way of speaking and the emphasis he places on some thoughts show a very wide experience that could allow him to use his powers in unexpected ways. He is barley scraping the source of his potential and he knows it."

"We all saw how he placed the back of the chair between us and himself. He was not uncooperative but clearly, he will not trust us unconditionally." Charles finished his thought.

Devilbat turned his head to his left, "Nelson?"

Kent Nelson, the former Dr Fate looked up from his devices. "The DNA scan shows Garfield Logans DNA mixed with Miss Martian's and then the DNA of Martian Man hunter."

Looking at J'onn "I don't know how to classify the results as he shows a blending of M'gann and the Logan boy as one set but yours as just yours. I will have to run more tests and see if he is willing to offer more of a sample than just a scratch from a watch."

"I am just as interested in his mind as his origin." Devilbat broke in. "Remember that Conner and Roy had trigger phrases in their mind that allowed them to be manipulated."

Kent finished his thoughts. "There is also the fact that tell now, all the clones have been products of Cadmus. But this one came from Queen Bee. From the mission logs I am guessing the sample for this clone was taken just after Miss Martian gave the transfusion to the young Logan boy and I have no idea where they got the DNA sample from J'onn. If we go with the time M'gann gave the transfusion to now, the clone went from concept to what appears to be a 16-year-old evolution in just 2 years."

Speaking for the first time since asking to be present, J'onn spoke. "I can search his mind for any triggers left by the cloning process, but we know from past experience that the Genomorphs are responsible for inserting information into the cloning process, and he says there were none in the room he woke up in."

"He has shown no aversion to mind sharing with M'gann but you must realize that this is just a surface sharing. He would need to allow a more thorough search to see if there were any triggers implanted. Perhaps this discussion will start the 'Getting to know you' process I understand I will have to initiate. Maybe I should first check with any leaguers with parenting experience."

"Mayhap you should first speak with the boy to see if he will see you as a father figure J'onn. His mental age would suggest a maturity that would more appreciate a friend or sibling than a perceived father figure. Hera knows that if Superman ever tried to take a fatherly role with Conner, then Hades would have to move his realm at least a mile further underground due to the resulting explosion exposing the roof of his realm to daylight." Wonder woman offered with a smile.

J'onn hesitated, "But his age is still many years under M'gann at 49 this year and I still offer her a paternal role as her uncle. Is it not the same with Earth children?"

"You forget that at Miss Martians age most earthlings are middle of their lifespan J'onn. But we are moving from the purpose of this board. Do we allow this clone freedom or is there a chance he could be a danger to the world?" Devilbat says.

"I do not see a simple shape shifter power as anything to worry over, and his mental prowess is still young and untrained. Between myself and Mr. J'onzz here he would prove little threat to the level you are referring to Mr. Wayne" Voted Professor X

Kent Nelson, "I spent too much time as Dr Fate playing with people lives as they fit into the 'Big Picture'. I say let him be but make note of him."

Superman, "Though I am seriously getting fed up with people cloning everyone they can, I am not against the clone itself as long as it follows the laws."

Wonder woman, "I will hold no ill will towards a child that shows no aggression to me or mine."

"I think it would be prudent to keep a close eye on him for the short term. Instead of just releasing him to the population. Perhaps some training in Gotham would prove invaluable to both us and him." Devilbat said.

"Enough about him specifically, what about his claims of being from another universe and the Cosmic Flow?" Devilbat said.

Superman said, "Well we have known about the multiverse since the Justice Lords arrived years ago and scared the government into trying to come up with control devices for all of us. I am sure Kent knew about the Cosmic Flow as an Agent of Order." Kent nodded to this.

Kent spoke, "It is interesting that the Cosmic Flow has started working through human agents and even I didn't know they had their own plane of existence. But still, I see nothing to concern us at this point."

Devilbat spoke after Kent finished. "I will put a brief summary of this encounter into the Watchtower database. If there is nothing else, I conclude this board."


Your thoughts and ideas work wonders to motivate this budding author, i thank you all and hope you understand we are just starting this journey. Thanks again.

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