
Get Out of Your Head

The soft lips against his lips made everything a little better, but Xu Feng was more concerned with other things. Even the reassuring smile on Xuan Yang's face was only a little calming

"Did something happen…" Xu Feng asked again, this time the question trailed off with the unsaid words hanging in the air.

Even unsaid, the rest of the sentence was obvious to both parties. 'Did something happen to Xuan Jian?'

The other man wasn't there. Not that Xuan Yang and Xuan Jian were always together. They had some shared interests and a lot of downtime over winter, but they both were unique individuals.

Xuan Jian was also a scholar. He'd only sat for the Xuicai exam and received the title, but that wasn't because he wasn't intelligent or ambitious enough to continue sitting for the Juren and then Jinshi examinations.

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