
Chapter Two Hundred And Forty-One:Latest Parents In Town.

"She will be awake soon!"

"Don't worry, Giovanni."

"Stop being dramatic, Giovanni!"

Marissa could swear she heard Amrita hit Giovanni, while he yelled in pain which made a smile graced her face, but when she felt the pain in her stomach, she whimpered before slowly opening her eyes to meet Giovanni's worried ones.

"Hey baby girl." He cooed, coming to stay at her side, while pushing her hair back to pat her face.

She smiled at him.

Until she remembered where she was, what happened in the last few hours before everything went dark.

She knew that she escorted his family to see Alina's parents, then she found out from Vladmir's crazy ass that he's her brother. She tried to sit up at that revelation, because now that she was clear headed, she was ready to talk things out with everyone until she came to the most crucial ones.

Her babies.

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