

"Did you like the lasagna?" Ian asked over the video call, taking a bite from his own plate as Erasmi sprawled on the couch, basking in the afterglow of food and sex.

"It was incredible. Thanks for sharing the recipe," Erasmi replied, his voice a little drowsy.

Ian chuckled through the screen. "Oh, Ava's sworn to secrecy on that one. If you think you can get it out of her, good luck."

Erasmi smirked, rolling his eyes as he shifted on the couch. "Why bother? I can just make you cook for me."

"You do realize you live hours away, right? And I'm definitely not starting a food delivery service," Ian shot back with a grin, shaking his head at the idea.

Erasmi shrugged," We'll be moving back once Cai's semester is finished."

Ian coughed and spluttered as he heard the news before staring at the screen," Erasmi Frost! I can't believe you are sharing the news like this! This is amazing! Is Ava really okay with moving here in that old house?"

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