

<pov Ela>

Many things have happened in the last few years. It have been 3 years, In 1988 we finally decided to act.

I officially took my seat in Wizengamot for house Amberheart as one of sacred 29. After that I have been making connections with gray faction. At first they were not very willing to let me lead them but using some money, muscle power and some blackmailing I was able to be the voice of gray faction.

Using that as a springboard I opened a newspaper named *The magic and magical" which is being run by Bree solely.

The minister obviously tried to stop it, instigated by dark Lord's faction, but knowing how incompetent Fudge is, I directly controlled him.

Dumbledore also did not like my intrusion into British Magical community and using his power as chief warlock and leader of light faction tried many times to suppress me, which seriously made me consider killing him directly but no, he needs to be destroyed thoroughly.

But still seeing him trying to outsmart me, instead of focusing on expanding my business, I decided to focus on gaining power inside the ministry as one of its employee. Collecting solid evidence against Umbridge, I made Amelia arrest her and made Fudge appoint me as his senior undersecretary.

I also visited Narcissa Malfoy and listening to her opinion I made it as if she died from illness and gave her a new body. now she is living with us happily. She also decided to pursue her dream of being a healer and opened her own private clinic and is now known as Madame Naomi in Diagon Ally.

"Bree, call everyone to meet me at the meeting room"Seeing that we do not have much time left before dinner I convened a meeting and summoned everyone relevant.

" message has been sent to everyone, Amelia is at a ministry meeting and will be able to come in half an hour"

that's right, Bree has also developed a unique method to connect, protect, guide and control( if necessary) everyone. It is a tattoo on heart, that looks and shines like an Amber gemstone, made using Megitech and my Godly powers.

Normally it is hidden as it is literally made on heart but if you want it looks like a shining tattoo on the skin just above the heart. Those who have that tattoo, will know if someone else also has that near them. It was made keeping in mind every kind of situations like even if some can disable technology he will not be able to do anything because tattoo is not entirely reliant on technology. same is with magic.

As I was thinking about everything and waiting, my girls came first along with Marlene and Narcissa. Both of them have expressed their will to become my wives but I knew that what they are feeling right now is not love. They just need someone dependable and they are feeling gratitude. So I did not accept it stating my reasons. They were disappointed but also surprisingly stubborn about pursuing me.

"Ela you called for a meeting? " asked Lilly

"so are you finally gonna accept us? " Asked Narcissa with a seductive grin shared by Marlene.

" ahem, It's not about that. lets wait for the kids, Amelia and others and then we will begin."

After waiting for about 15 more minutes Everyone was gathered finally.

"So what's it about? " Amelia asked tiredly

"Today Alice told me about something that we all failed to consider"

"and what is that?" inquired Bella

"We decided on our own that kids will not go to Hogwarts and we will replace them, but we failed to understand that they are kids and they need to interact with people of their own age.

As you all know that I generally dont use my powers on you all, as a respect to your privacy, but just now I decided to let go of this limitations because that's what they are- limitations. And now I can clearly feel that they feel as if they are in prison.

It just that they are all very mature and understanding, so they never told us about it. Is it not right kids? "

"No.. that... we.. "

"You dont have to be afraid or nervous, it is not your fault. Infact you are all very smart and good." seeing Luna panicking I comforted and made her sit on my lap.

"So we will let the kids join Hogwarts, and it is my final decision"

"but Ela, isn't it too risky. They will be alone and Dumbledore will not let any chance go" said Augusta worriedly.

" Now who says that they will be alone, infact I just had a wonderful idea."

"Dont keep us in suspense, tell us now" Pandora clearly did not like my deliberate pause.

"Okay, tell me what is it that Dumbledore cares about the most? "

"I dont know" after thinking about it all shook their heads.

"It's his image. He wants to be known as someone greater than Merlin, that is the reason of his public persona."

"okay, so what of it? " asked Alice confused.

"now tell me, after watching the movies and reading the novel, who do you think is the one that Dumbledore hated more than anyone in the world? "

"This I know, It's Umbridge" answered the always astute Morgan.

"What?.. How can you say so? " questioned Merlene, not understanding how we came to that conclusion.

"You see, Hogwarts is Dumbledore's most important resource. He can take anything but to let go of his headmaster position is not something he can tolerate.

But Umbridge, she first removed Sybill Trelawney, where he intervened by keeping her inside the castle, then she even snatched his beloved position."

"Hmm, you are right. but this time you indirectly helped him by removing Umbridge." Said lilly pouting.

"hehe, It is his destiny to be suppressed by the senior undersecretary of minister. This time I will be going to Hogwarts to cause chaos." Ela smiled mischievously.

"But that will happen during their fifth year so how will it benefit us? "

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