
Episode 10.8 Daddy's method

Cheerful laughter filled the lawn of Shen Yuan's home, and the once still and empty playground was now bouncing with five little boys ranging from four to five years old.

Yanyan and his friends, Xiaolun, Xiaojin, Tiewa, and Haoran, are especially fond of the slide and the pool ball, so this is presently the base of their rambunctious activity.


"Bwahahaha! Xiaolun looked funny when he dived into the pool. He's like a startled monkey."

"Bah! Who are you calling monkeys? You're the monkey, Haoran. Take this Moonstar Shooting Ball!"

"No, you take this! Super duper ball punch!"

Accidentally, Yanyan was hit by a plastic ball.

"Aww! You hit me, too! Don't hate me if I throw my White Fluffy Fox Tail Fireball! Ah! I hit your forehead. Are you okay?"

"Bullseye! Yanyan is so good! He headshot Haoran."


And a war of plastic balls ensued after that.

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