
How do you think [1/2]

You could practically feel the battle fervor of the women in front of me. Many would mistake them for weak flowers in need of protection. But not known to most. These girls were some of the most hard-core people Hellsend ever managed to produce. 

The wolves participated in every "Song of the Siren" operation as a commando unit. They fought Andromalius and defended against South America. They even have funny names. The monikers they called themselves had their own story. 

The war freak sisters and the ball smasher guild created a strong impression. In terms of violence, the Wolves were one of the, if not the most aggressive of my soldiers. Claire aside, they moved like special forces and had balls bigger than most men's. 

"Wolves, this man here is a prince of Africa. We have to save him, as he will work for us soon. He currently has a demon inside him." 

"Oh! Then he is like Evelyn, Patron?" Yvonne chirped with excitement. 


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