
Limitless Lore Cheat sheet (Spoilers)

Definition of terms.

Reaper - a spiritual entity brought back from the dead. Typically born from humans who died full of regrets they are granted {Fates} to serve as their power. They are given the task to protecting the living from the dead.

{Fate} - a family of abilities given to a Reaper; the abilities are based on the Reaper's greatest regret when they were still human. 

Formless - Reapers whose {Fates} does not possess shape nor form. 

Manifested - Reapers whose {Fates} have tangible forms.

{Kindred} - Term used for Reapers who join themselves as spouses. {Kindred} Reapers can use each other's {Fates} even should their partner pass.

{Vassals} - Term used for Reapers who subordinate themselves to another Reaper for all eternity. {Vassals} gains the ability to earn souls from the kills of their Lord. 

Hellsgate - The gates of hell. a battle ground that has existed for as long as the Earth did. Serves as the final bastion that separates the living from the dead.

Battlefront - a forward operating base that resides in Hellsgate under the protection of a Revenant.

The North - Term used to refer to the kingdom of Reapers from the Antarctica continent. They are not known to humans and are one of the biggest secrets kept by Hellsgate from the rest of Humanity.

Zone - A purified section of Hellsgate that is free from malice. Zones are always under assault and are assigned Reapers for their defense. The main Phantom in charge of the zone is called the Defender.

Floor - Term used to denote the level separations of Hellsgate. Shared across continents. 

Souls - Soul energy that Reapers are able harvest in the presence of death. Used as currency, an energy source and necessary material for Reaper Ascensions. 

Soulgem - The crystallization of a human soul. Appears as a solid black marble on every Reaper. once destroyed the Reaper will cease to be alive.

Soulgear - Armaments or equipment created from the soulgem of a fallen Reaper.

Soularms - Weapons that are reinforced by soul but are not made from Soulgems.

Descendants - Special humans, who are borne from two Reapers. Once they die and join the ranks of the Reapers, they typically wield power greater than 1st generation Reapers.

Soul forms - Adaptive transformations that change a Reapers body or mind to manifest their desires. 

Shifters - Reapers who use Soul forms. Primary combat doctrine of the Africa. 

Soul Champion - Summoned entities created from soul. Their appearance and abilities are derived by the abilities and preferences of their Summoners.

Summoners - Reapers who use Soul Champions. Primary combat doctrine of South America.

Astral - Fallen Heroes/Villains from history and alternate realities that grant their power to their Linker.

Linker - Reapers who use Astrals. Primary combat doctrine of Europe.

Enhancer - Reapers whose primary {fates} revolves around temporary augmentations. Separated between Augmentors who buff and Attenuators who debuff. Primary combat doctrine of Asia. 

Zenith - Constitution that imbalances the soul allocation within the body of a Reaper.

Chaser - Reapers who have Zenith constitutions. Primary combat doctrine of Australia. 

Soul Oath - Contracts made against {fate}. Oaths must be comprised of a sacrifice and the payment. 

Keepers - Reapers who use Soul Oaths. Primary combat doctrine of the North. 

Ethos - belief or code that shapes the actions and thoughts of Reapers.

Rulers - Reapers who form a {fate} around breaking a law of the universe. Primary combat doctrine of North America. 

Administration - One of the six professions for Reapers. Tasked with maintaining the Battlefront.

Production - One of the six professions for Reapers. Tasked with creating soulgear or soularms or items needed by Defenders. Comprises the majority of non-combat reapers. 

Saints - Special Production reapers who are able to summon holy or benevolent energy.

Fortification - One of the six professions for Reapers. Tasked with creating fortifications and defenses needed by Defenders. 

Academics- One of the six professions for Reapers. Tasked with learning about {Fates}, Undead, Monster and Demonkin ethology and weakness. 

Adventurers - One of the six professions for Reapers. Tasked with miscellaneous tasks needed by the battlefront. Includes but is not limited to chartography, corpse retrieval, hunting requests and assassination.

Mercenaries - One of the six professions for Reapers. Tasked with Zone reclamation and reinforcement. Also known as the Death Seekers. 

The Awakened - monsters who have chosen to ally with the Reapers.

Malice - Negative emotions left behind from souls. if taken in large amounts will cause a Reaper's soul to collapse. 

Reborn - term denoting beings in between the living and the dead. They are comprised of the undead, the monsters and the demonkin. Anyone who is a native of Hellsgate is considered part of the Reborn.

{Entropy} - Reborn equivalent for {Fates}. Requires malice to evolve and develop.

Soul Collapse - A mental breakdown phenomenon when a Reaper take in more malice than he or she is capable of controlling. Often results to a Reaper going insane. 

Sacreds - Standards ammunition blessed with holy or "benevolent" energy.

{Bestow} ammunition - Hellsend created rounds empowered by {Fates}. 

Devil's Remains - Artifacts that are extracted from undead who are blessed by holy energy. Can only be recovered by a Saint. Devil's remains are pieces of the souls of benevolent individuals.

Benevols - Consumable equipment created to protect a Reaper from Malice. Requires at least at least one Devil's remains to create. 

IRIS - Also known as "Eternal Watchers". A mysterious group of Reapers who have repeatedly witness the end of the World. They act to ensure that the lessons learned from the pass are not forgotten.

Trinity - Also known as the "Illuminati". A mysterious group of Demon Sympathizers who wish to push the world into destruction. They act to reduce the Reapers created by making the world a better place.

Lore Review

Hellsgate Continental Floor diagram. 

Hellsgate Floor Diagram. 

A human must give up his life to join the Reapers. A Reaper begins as a Wraith and then evolves to a Phantom, Specter and finally a Revenant. A Wraith must part with his humanity to become a Phantom. A Phantom must part with his Memories to become a Specter. It remains unknown what the cost to be Revenant is.

Continental Battlefront Differences.


North America (Battlefront 1)

Most abundant Reaper class: Rulers

Revenant Combat Style: Creation Ruler (David Thomas)

 Front line: Floor 52

 Average Purification rate: 59.58%

 Standing Population: 7,500 approx.

 Active Assault teams: 35. (250 individuals)

 Date of last floor clear: June 2021


South America (Battlefront 2)

Most abundant Reaper class: Summoners

Revenant Combat Style: Legion Summoner (Simon Guevarra)

Front line: Floor 37

Average Purification rate: 65.76%

Standing Population: 5,500 approx.

Active Assault teams: 28. (224 individuals)

Date of last floor clear: December 2010


Europe (Battlefront 3)

Most abundant Reaper class: Linker

Revenant Combat Style: Accept Linker (Clive Zanardi)

Front line: Floor 39

Average Purification rate: 98.27%

Standing Population: 9,400 approx.

Active Assault teams: 19. (152 individuals)

Date of last floor clear: April 2015


Africa (Battlefront 4)

Most abundant Reaper class: Shifters

Revenant Combat Style: Tyrant Shifter (Hannibal Mandela)

Front line: Floor 54

Average Purification rate: 97.47%

Standing Population: 17,600 approx.

Active Assault teams: 41, (328 individuals)

Date of last floor clear: September 1560


Asia (Battlefront 5)

Most abundant Reaper class: Enhancers

Revenant Combat Style: Boost Enhancer (Li Wu Di)

Front line: Floor 50

Average Purification rate: 41.82%

Standing Population: 59,400 approx.

Active Assault teams: 147, (1176 individuals)

Date of last floor clear: February 2023


Australia (Battlefront 6)

Most abundant Reaper class: Chasers

Revenant Combat Style: Limit Chaser (Peter Vujicic)

Front line: Floor 21

Average Purification rate: 37.82%

Standing Population: 600 approx.

Active Assault teams: 3, (27 individuals)

Date of last floor clear: October 1945


Antarctica (The North) (Battlefront 7)

Most abundant Reaper class: Keepers

Revenant Combat Style: Harmony Keeper (Erik Odinson)

Front line: N/A, (Battlefront breached)

Average Purification rate: -15%

Standing Population: 5000 approx.

Active Assault teams: N/A

Date of last floor clear: N/A


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