"[Beacon]. {Portal}."
From the four space doorways came the rest of my party. All of them were carrying pitiful looking corpses in trash bags. Naturally I also had a similar looking corpse. I had Pixie travel around all five zones via {Portals} and locate all the defenders.
Similar to George, they were all in gruesome states one would barely call alive. Nyda, Leo, Pixie and D took the bags and gently opened them up. While everyone knew that these corpses were Phantoms, we also knew that they still felt pain.
"Pixie, Treat them."
My {Vassal}, then switched magazines of both her pistols. Watching a teenager imitate my akimbo reloads was quite a spectacle. Her left pistol had {Disarm} rounds while the right were loaded with {Restore} rounds.
As part of her {Auto}, I intended to see if {Restore} could be used for medic duty. Together with {Disarm}, Pixie now had the ability to bring almost anyone back from the dead.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: