
The struggle of attrition

Unfortunately, this made his reserves even smaller. The battle of attrition was increasingly fierce, and the skulls were in dozens outside Thomas's bubble, continuing to attack without any rest.


Kayden searched every corner of this floor and, even so, could not find where the cursed object that bound the lich to eternal life was. Time was running out for his companions.


"Thomas!" Kayden screamed and made everyone realize he was still there. "The main skull is the cursed object. Let's use a joint attack." This time, everyone took Kayden seriously.


The boy proved that he understood the situation when he talked about Gnar. The regret of not taking his words seriously was still strong in everyone alive.


"Light my way." Thomas detached the bones again and launched a giant flash at the lich. Its light burned to the immortal and destroyed the mist on the way like it was nothing.


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