

Elena had succumbed to her overwhelming emotions, losing control and slipping into a state of fragility. Derek, fully aware of Elena's delicate condition, was wracked with concern, wondering how to best care for her in her vulnerable state.

'Elena is too frail,' Derek thought, reflecting on the warnings from Lucy, who had emphasized the need for careful attention to Elena's well-being. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Derek, as he grappled with his limited ability to provide the support Elena needed.

Desperate to bring Elena back from her momentary stupor, Derek drew her close and implored, "Please open your eyes, Elena. Someone bring water."

Pom rushed to their side, bringing the requested water to help rouse Elena. The room was filled with a sense of urgency as Derek acted decisively. Without hesitation, he supplied oxygen to Elena mouth to mouth, determined to bring her back from her distressed state.

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