
Good Riddance

Killing Donan, a Larnak Captain, was quite the big deal in current stakes. It was a feat no one else at the scene had achieved quite yet. Not even the Renan Captains.

There was a tonal shift after that.

Somehow, close enough to see Donan's lifeless body fall to the ground or not, the Larnak Knights were faced with their imminent loss. They were faced with the realization that they were only delaying the inevitable.

Some looked at their fallen comrades in despair. The zeal to fight was gone. They never had a chance and that was only becoming more apparent the more of their men fell and yet, they struggled to say the two words that might have caused a ceasefire. The two words being; We Surrender.

The Larnak forces, like a tortoise retreating into its shell, pulled back and spilled into the Larnak Estate grounds. They looked upon it as some form of sanctuary but their despair remained when their foes followed them in.

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