
Chapter Twelve: Seeds of Tension

Chapter Twelve: Seeds of Tension


POV: *Lavender*


No one seemed to notice me at first. Each man sectioning off with cliques of their own. Each had conversations that distracted them from me standing by myself.

Slowly, trying not to draw attention to myself, I tried to find a wall. Something to put my back against as I looked for a way out of there.

I felt silly. I wasn’t stuck in a room with wild animals. Even if the room smelled like pure man and s*x. Yet, something in my most basic instincts told me I was in danger.

I should have listened to them.

My back hit the wall, and I took a relieved breath. A premature breath. That was when I smelled him.

I caught a whiff of rotted skin and something sickeningly sweet. It had a sour-after bite similar to spoiled meat. I looked around for it like an idiot. That was when I met eyes with the tattooed attacker from the alleyway.


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