
Nightly Trip, Part 2

Kazuki raised an eyebrow, smirking, "Baseball my ass? What's with that cheesy line? And can't you see we're in the middle of-"

"BOSS!" One of the henchmen interrupted, eyes widening in recognition. "That's him! He's the guy who hospitalized four of our men when we targeted that Haruto kid! He might've grown his hair out, but it's unmistakably him!" He pointed accusingly.

"So... He's the backup that Haruto bitch called back then? I expected someone bigger..."

"I wouldn't call myself backup. I'm a self-appointed shit-beater. Yours." Yuuto retorted with a straight face.

"... Man, you suck at these one liners." Kazuki added, "Well, I ain't sure what you intended to do here, but even wit' that bat o' yours, you can't deal with 20 people... Well, 19 at the same time. And most of these people brawled their whole lives." Kazuki pointed at Yuuto who stood alone in the middle of their circle of 20. 

Kazuki's smirk deepened, his tone taking a darker turn. "... Or did you come for the ladies? Get a whiff of them, did you?"

'Quick, say something cool!'

"... Why, you jealous? I always cum for women."




"... You REALLY suck at these one liners, cosplayer..." Kazuki sighed, "Well, you hit our eunuch... It's only fair you get your fair share of beating... Mitaka, take him to a hospital." Kazuki uttered, signaling the group with a breeze of his hand.

Yuuto looked around, his grip on the baseball bat tightening as he saw the circle of 20 men beginning to close in on him. The eunuch was evacuated by another member outside of that place amidst the tension.

'It's 18 now. What an idiot, he miscalculated.'

"And you seem kinda young... Bet your mommy and daddy are waiting for you at home? After we're done with you, we'll pay them... especially your mommy, a special visit." A malicious, lecherous grin spread across his face, prompting cautious yet mocking chuckles from the men surrounding Yuuto.

But Yuuto, being the character he is, had a reaction slightly different than what Kazuki expected. One that is true to his delusional nature...

'Classic NTR Antagonist line. Man, experiencing this in real life gives me goosebumps... I've written hundreds of ANTI-NTR scenarios just for moments like these!'

"My mom's really fat, so you'd better bring a harpoon if you're planning on being a whale hunter."


Kazuki's eyes narrowed, looking down as he placed two fingers against his upper nose.

With a sigh, he ordered "Just fuckin' murder him already." .... We sure Kazuki's the villain?

'Don't even joke about it... He's the worst, next to Kyoya.'

Yuuto stood firm, sizing up the mob that surrounded him. Eighteen menacing figures, each armed with a melee weapon, from crude wooden clubs to gleaming sharp knives, loomed ominously. The dim light of the barroom created eerie shadows that danced around them.

'... And he's gonna wish he was born male.'

With a grunt, Kazuki signaled his gang forward, and like a tidal wave, they surged toward Yuuto. The distinctive metallic clink of the baseball bat as Yuuto gripped it reverberated in the room.

However, the first attacker lunged, aiming a haymaker at Yuuto's head. In a flash, the bat met the attacker's ribcage, producing a sickening crunch. Yuuto moved with swift precision, striking down foes left and right. But the sheer number of assailants started to overwhelm him.

'FUCK. There's too much light in here... They're all experienced and can see me. But it's fine! I have my bat-'

In the midst of the chaos, an enemy with a chain managed to wrap it around Yuuto's bat, yanking it from his grasp.


The loss of his baseball bat seemed to signal a turning point in the battle. Yuuto's confidence waned for a moment, and the mob, sensing this vulnerability, pressed their advantage. Two large thugs charged him, driving their shoulders into his chest, and with a grunt, Yuuto went down hard, the wind knocked out of him.

The rough wooden floor scraped against his skin as they began to swarm him. It was a savage frenzy, with boots and fists reigning down upon him. Each thud, each jolt of pain, seemed to blur into the next. His vision swam, the bright flashes of pain rendering everything into a swirling haze of colors and shadows.

Amidst the onslaught, Kazuki, satisfied that Yuuto had been neutralized, turned away with a triumphant smirk. "That'll teach you," he sneered, turning around to go back to the big leather seat, where there waited him that girl

On the ground, Yuuto's world had narrowed to a tunnel of agony. Every ounce of his being screamed at him to protect himself, to curl up, to surrender to the overwhelming force bearing down on him. 

'...This... Might be bad...!'

As another kick landed on his ribs, "Gaahh!!" Yuuto's hand was cut against something sharp on the floor, something that didn't fly or was swung at him. Glancing through swollen eyes, he saw it: a broken piece of plate, its jagged edge glinting menacingly in the looming darkness.

'Right... There are other weapons... Besides a baseball bat!' His eyes widened.

With a renewed burst of energy, Yuuto grasped the shard and lashed out, catching the nearest thug by surprise. The sharp edge cut deep into the man's leg, causing him to cry out and stumble back. This created an opening, a brief moment of respite, and Yuuto seized it, propelling himself to his feet with the determination to turn the tide.

'And.. I'll use them...!!'

Quick as a cat, Yuuto scooped up an ashtray, hurling it with brutal force into one man's face, momentarily blinding him. Darting between tables, he grabbed a half-eaten plate of food and threw it at another attacker, the ceramic plate broke on his face upon impact, shards penetrating his skin and eyes.

'..-AND USE THEM...!!'

As two more thugs closed in, Yuuto smashed a bottle of alcohol on his head, then stabbed the leftover sharp bottle into the shoulder of the other, giving him time to snatch away the attacker's knife as he headbutted him into the realm of the unconscious.


A large guy rushed Yuuto, but with a swift and precise motion, Yuuto stabbed him in the thigh, incapacitating him. More attackers closed in, but Yuuto kept moving, using every bit of the environment to his advantage. Tables were flipped to create barriers, chairs were swung like clubs, and the shards of broken bottles became lethal tools in Yuuto's hands.

Yet, for every enemy he took down, it seemed two more took their place. Blows began landing on Yuuto — a punch to the face, a club to the ribs, a knife grazing his arm. Blood stained his clothing, but his resolve only strengthened. Every attack, every ounce of pain, only further ignited the burning fire in his eyes.


Finally, amidst the turmoil, Yuuto managed to reclaim his baseball bat,


Now wielding his trusty baseball bat in one hand and a knife in the other. With a warrior's scream, he lunged at the remaining foes. The next few moments were a blur of adrenaline-fueled violence. By the time the dust settled, the floor was littered with groaning, incapacitated foes and blood that gradually grows to a pond.

Yuuto, battered but unbeaten, stood amidst the wreckage, chest heaving with exertion.

'How's that... For delusional...?'

Worse. A maniac with brute strength. Which is a known recipe for disaster.

'There is... Just no pleasing you, huh?'

Yuuto chuckled weakly in between his panting, every breath he took stinging like a thousand wasps from his battered body as he stumbled into the dimly lit room, filled with bodies, remnants of blood mixed in with alcohol, giving a foul stench of iron and booze, spilled food and ashtrays. Each step he took was agony, but his sheer determination kept him moving forward. Shadows danced around the periphery of his vision, but his eyes quickly settled on the bastard sprawled on his leather seat.

Kazuki looked the picture of smug contentment, a glass of whiskey half-raised to his lips. Beside him, the same young girl from earlier, her eyes wide with terror, curled into the seat, trying her best to make herself disappear. Kazuki's arm draped possessively around her.

Seeing Yuuto, a smirk curled on Kazuki's lips, as he taunted, "You think this will be enough to-"

But he didn't get to finish his sentence. Yuuto's battered body was driven by pure, raw emotion, and with a speed that belied his injuries, he swung the baseball bat with all his remaining strength. There was a visceral thud as it connected with Kazuki's head.

Kazuki's eyes widened in surprise for just an instant before the sheer force of the blow sent him flying off the leather seat, the glass he was holding shattering upon impact with the floor. The room echoed with the sound, but for a moment, all was silent, save for Yuuto's heavy breathing and the terrified whimpers of the girl.

With a weary yet determined voice, Yuuto declared, "Yes, I do." He then approached the inert form of Kazuki, his hand automatically reaching for the man's phone. Now, the fiery determination in Yuuto's eyes had been replaced with a look of profound exhaustion.

As Yuuto scrutinized the phone, the gathered women watched him hesitantly, huddled together for comfort and safety.

"Hey," Yuuto began, trying to get their attention. When they remained in their protective cocoon, he raised his voice, frustration evident, "LOOK AT ME!"

Startled, they all jerked their heads towards him. Holding up Kazuki's phone, he explained, "He's been using pictures to manipulate you all, hasn't he?" Without waiting for their nods of confirmation, he proceeded to remove the SD card, making sure they witnessed the act.

"You're free now, this goes to the police." he announced, his voice firm as he inserted the SD card into his pocket, "Leave, and don't look back. Or I'll baseball your asses too."

The heavy atmosphere of the room seemed to lift slightly as Yuuto's declaration settled in. Hesitantly, the women began to move. Picking up discarded clothing and personal items, they navigated the maze of fallen men and broken furniture, each step taken with a mixture of trepidation and urgency. The grim tableau of the aftermath, a testament to the violence they had just witnessed, was hard to take in.

The last woman, the one who had been seated next to Kazuki earlier in the evening, paused at the exit. She looked over her shoulder, her gaze lingering on the unconscious form of Kazuki.

However, her moment of reflection was sharply interrupted by Yuuto's commanding voice. "LEAVE!" he ordered.

Startled, she snapped her head forward again, her heels clicking hastily against the floor as she quickly made her exit.

After ensuring the women had left, the adrenaline that had fueled Yuuto began to ebb away. The toll of the brutal brawl, both physically and mentally, suddenly caught up to him.

His breath came out in short, ragged gasps, and his legs, shaky and unstable, faltered beneath him. Without the strength to hold himself upright, Yuuto collapsed to the floor, the cold, hard ground making stark contrast with his burning, aching body.

Every inhale was a labor, every exhale a sigh of exhaustion. His body sprawled amidst the chaos he had wrought, and the weight of the night's events pressed heavily upon him. The dim light from the overhead fixtures painted his bloodied form in a harsh, unforgiving glow.

He laid there, panting, trying to collect himself amidst the stillness of the aftermath.

"Haaah... Haaah... I'm a mess... I'm like my shitty old man after a single kick to the rib..."

Yuuto's hand trembled as he reached for a nearby phone, holding it close. Using an unconscious thug's abdomen for support, he dialed the police.

"I'm a criminal... Been blackmailing, assaulting, raping... Got a whole operation going on 4th Blank Street, Tokyo. You might wanna check it out... I'm real prideful and all that." His voice was barely above a whisper, each word punctuated by a labored breath.

Without waiting for the bewildered response from the other end, Yuuto hung up and tossed the phone carelessly to the side.

'Need to split quickly... Before these assholes regain their senses or the police arrive. No back exit, so my best bet is to jam the front door shut.'

With every ounce of strength he had left, Yuuto shakily got to his feet. He grabbed a nearby bloodied baton, heading towards the exit. Once outside, he wedged the baton in the door handles, ensuring no one inside could follow him.

He saw the same girl who had been seated with Kazuki. She lingered outside, a mix of apprehension and determination in her eyes.

"Why're you still here?" His voice held an edge of warning.

She hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "I was leaving, but... I just wanted to thank you. What's your name?"

He shot her a tired, wary glance. "That's not your concern. Go back to your precious boyfriend."

She flinched at his response but persisted, "I'm Miki. Just wanted to know the name of my savior."

"Then... Get used to being disappointed. NOW GO!" He brandished the baseball bat menacingly. She took a step back, clearly about to turn and leave, when he called out.

"Anti-NTR Man."

She paused, confusion evident in her eyes. "What did you say?"

"My name. Anti-NTR Man."

A soft chuckle escaped her lips, and with a final nod of gratitude, she said, "Thank you... Anti-NTR Man." With that, Miki turned away and vanished into the night.

'That does not sound good at all coming from other people.'

Yuuto thought, not realizing it doesn't sound good even coming from him.

'I'll drop the SD card to the police as an anonymous tip later. Given these thugs' code of silence, they won't rat out Kyoya... They'll try to cover for him, destroying any evidence they find in the little time they have. Fortunately, I've already backed up Kazuki's message history to an email account. Paired with the SD card's photos, it should be enough to put them behind bars for a very long time.'

'... But not just yet.'

His grip tightened around the baseball bat, his heart pounding in his chest with a surge of fury - as sirens rang in the distance, closing in on his position,

"Didn't I make myself clear, Kyoya Guuji? This is personal. Everything will go to the police..."

'... After I baseballed your fucking ass.'

Here we go, the final SHOWDOWN UP NEXT!!!!

Hazy_0832creators' thoughts
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