

Just as soon as he arrived Uriel had left, leaving me to my own devices. I understood what he was trying to say, it was the same thing I've been told repeatedly. I need better control over my energy.

"Infinite energy huh?" I stood there looking at my hands.

I raised one arm in which a single energy sphere formed, then I raised the other; further adding to the intensity. A large ball of energy gathered above me. I looked up seeing nothing but the endless white void.

"How durable is this space?"

[It should be more than enough to handle your energy output alone]

"Perfect." He said in a hushed tone.

Then the gathered energy rocketed upwards through the endless skies, until in an instant it blasted directly on the spatial barrier which encapsulated this realm. It had reached the very edge of this world, and as it did it violently shook the barrier.

The energy did nothing but disperse randomly throughout the realm, seemingly serving no purpose. However, things are never as they seem.

Zephyr while releasing massive bundles of energy was also actively reabsorbing them through his breathing technique. His muscles strained as he forcibly multitasked his Qi usage. It's quite unclear what his final objective is for doing this, but it will certainly be something noteworthy.

"How efficient am I?" He asked, his voice tensed as his flesh strained under the pressure.

[Your output to input ratio is at 65% efficiency]

"That's still not fxcking good enough!" He yelled, releasing more energy and focusing more on the Separating Heaven and Earth technique.

Then he suddenly stopped, breathing heavily as sweat streamed down his face. Collapsing to the floor, he managed to land on his knees and hold himself up, sweat droplets falling to floor as he faced this challenge.

"I thought this breathing style was meant to be perfect? Why is the strain still this much?" I asked, confused.

[When I first introduced this newly formed style to you, you were just at the beginning of your exploration of martial arts. Certainly, you couldn't fully utilize a truly perfect technique, in fact it would surely have inhibited your growth]

"So, you gave me something less." I deduced.

[Exactly, but now as you have reached this level and are going towards this direction to gain strength, I suppose there is no need for that anymore]

[Initializing transfer of the perfect bodily Qi flow technique "Unionization of The Heavens Above, The Earth Between and Hell Below" into the mind and body of the host]

[Incorporating this new technique with the abilities of the Reverse Spin]

[New Technique Created]

[Perfect Qi Unionization]

[Description: A technique which allows the user to perfectly absorb and manipulate the energy around and within them, granting them infinite stamina, practically creating a form of perpetual motion]

Soon I got up from my knees, feeling all my energy return. Droves of information filled my mind in an instant, as a new sensation engulfed my being. Energy bundles were suddenly attaching themselves to my skin, before each individual Qi particle passed right through it, diffusing into my being and reinvigorating my cells with life energy.

"I never knew this was possible….. truly incredible." I said, astonished by this level of skill.

[Now you can absorb energy freely through your skin, putting less strain on your dantian for the flow of Qi. Through this method you now have two viable sources of energy, not including human metabolism]

"This, this is incredible!" He roared with his arms stretched out, practically soaking in the energy around.

Once again gathered divine energy in his hands, launching it upwards. This time however he struggled significantly less than just a few moments ago.

[70% efficiency]

[75% efficiency]

[85% efficiency]

[90% efficiency]

He maximized his power output, resulting in the violent shaking of the entire realm, while also maintaining perfect focus on his Qi absorption. Zephyr had managed to split his mind and thought process in two, giving a synchronized balance between his tasks.

Internally he struggled, he struggled with the thought of losing even more in his life, he struggled with the responsibility placed on his shoulders; but he knew that every step forward he took he'd get closer to the end of this madness.

[100% efficiency]

And then he did it, he had mastered energy itself, cementing his legacy as a God.

[Requirements for the second breakthrough have been reached]

[Understanding Energy-Complete]

[Controlling Energy-Complete]

[Mastering Energy-Complete]

[The 2nd of 4 stages of enlightenment has been reached]

[Opening Character Profile]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 17

Level: 46

Exp: 2,681,154,640.365/47,124,624,458.156.

Rank: SSS-class


Strength-150(+15) (+200)

Speed-140(+10) (+200)


Dexterity-140(+10) (+200)


SP: 0

QI: 37,000(-15000)

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 2nd stage (15000Qi)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Absolute Rejuvenation(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Perfect Qi Unionization, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts, Reverse Spin 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, The Devourer, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]


Within the shadows of the abyss outside creation, an enigma of multi-colored eyes watched over Zephyr, their presence encapsulating the annals of existence itself.

"Well done boy, I knew it was a good idea to intervene in the story." A prominent figure spoke amongst the sea of darkness.

His hair black hair was now a brilliant silver, flowing majestically in the outpour of power. His eyes were renewed with hope, hope for a better future, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds. Just the sheer pressure emitting from his otherworldly grace caused the entire dimension to rumble profusely, the power being so great that ultrasonic booms could be heard all throughout the realm.

The surge of power led to dimensional cracks and rifts opening up in space all throughout the realm, clear indicators of the unstable state of this world.

"I'm done here, it's time to go."

Then the glowing rectangular gate appeared before him. He returned to his base state and walked out, and as he did the entire dimension began to collapse, unbeknownst to him at the time.

He arrived in his room, taken away by its beauty as soon as he sees the décor. He then looked at his bed, daydreaming off the bliss it would bring him.

"A quick nap won't hurt anyone." He said before practically jumping into the bed, leaving his clothing to the side.

Sinking in its fluffiness he dose off instantly, sleeping much longer than intended.

Outside the confines of the celestial manor stood Uriel, by his side Circuitel and before them were hundreds of thousands of angelic warriors. They all kneeled before the duo, only rising when instructed to do so.

Uriel bore a pleasant expression, visibly pleased with the coming events.

"My brothers and sisters!" He said aloud, garnering their attention.

"For too long have we left our duties to creation, for too long have he hidden from the gaze of the enemy, AND FOR TOO LONG HAVE WE TUCKED AWAY OUR WINGS IN FEAR!!!"

The angels' eyes widened as his message struck deep, damaging their pride directly. Suddenly many intense gazes focused on the last archangel.

'That seems to have gotten their attention'

"Our Lord has returned to as he promised, and as to uphold his last instructions we will reopen the portal to the mortal realm, and perform our obligations as celestial beings."

They raised their weaponry and roared with passion.

"Prepare yourselves for in the next 24hrs we will reclaim our rightful role as the protectors of creation!" He roared.

Afterwards the angels flew away, beginning their preparations for another war.

Then the tinkerer turned to the wise man.

"You know, once we vanquish our fallen brethren, and start deterring raids he will begin to act." Circuitel stated.

"Oh, I know, but before that happens, we'll be ready."

"And how are you so sure? There isn't anything particularly holding him back." Circuitel retorted.

Before responding Uriel spread his wings and flew off, gesturing for the aged angel to follow suite.

"You didn't answer me." He calmly said.

"I don't know what to say, but I simply have hope, hope that our Lord will save us when the time comes." Uriel said with a smile as he soared towards the gates to the heavens.

"Hope huh? Well at least it's better than nothing." The elderly angel shrugged.

"True, and even if Zephyr isn't strong enough, we have no choice but to fight. I simply cannot remain at ease with myself while millions suffer at the hands of our own kind. Whether or not we win or lose, I will defend my fathers' greatest treasure."

"Well, you certainly have a way with words."

They both chuckled at this remark as they arrived at their destination.

They were over a large oceanic amass of water, within which are tropical islands sprinkled all over it.

Then a bright blue beam of light shone towards a certain direction.

"Have you found him?"

"Yeah, even though it took extra effort since I don't personally know him, he should be right there." Circuitel said pointing at the island right below them.

Landing swiftly, they were met with the sight of a young, handsome individual with scruffy orange hair. He was under a coconut tree, doing handstand pushups nonstop, being completely oblivious to his surroundings. Right next to him was a meter long wooden staff wrapped in string. Then he heard a loud flapping sound as the two angels landed before him.

Noticing this he stopped, positioning himself to sit properly, and as he did his sweat drenched body was revealed. He looked up gently, showing his pupils which were the color of autumn maple leaves. He then raised his hand.

"Sup." He said nonchalantly, not caring for their statuses.

"Arvin how are you enjoying this place?" Uriel asked.

He thought to himself before answering.

"It's pretty ok, now what do you want?" He said without a care in the world.

"Well, there's someone we want you to meet."

He simply nodded, acknowledging their request before standing up, dusting the sand of his backside as he turned away from them.

"Ugh, didn't you hear him?" Circuitel asked bewildered by his reactions.

"Yeah, I did, just gotta do something real quick." Arvin said with both arms behind his head as he walked away, picking up the stick.

Out of nowhere he got into a running position, focusing intensely on the ocean view.

Then after a moment the opportunity he was waiting for came, as a large ripple could be seen spreading across the ocean. He grinned.

He then sprinted towards the ocean at superhuman speeds, turning the sand beneath his feet into molten spew as he approached the shore. Upon reaching the seas he kept on running on the surface of the water with no sign of slowing down, when the silhouette of a large beast arose.

From the murky depths of the ocean rose the leviathan, a creature of myth and nightmares. Towering and monstrous, its dragon like form covered from head to tale in greyish-blue scales, each with jagged spines protruding from its colossal frame. Its pupils were light blue slits, while its gaping jaw was filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth. Massive tentacles writhe and coil round its body, each one tipped with pointed blades, which acted as its limbs.

It roared with a haunting sound that reverberates through the water, swimming forward as it found its prey.

Arvin vanished from sight in a blur, reappearing right before the beast, swinging his staff. The impact of the direct hit caused the head of the sea monster to jolt backwards as it was sent flying, splitting the seas in half as it did.

He landed on the wet seabed before sprinting across it towards the shore before the waves came.

"My, my, that was impressive. But is there really a need to do such? It's clear it was here for the fish." Uriel added.

A loud splash was heard as the two halves of the sea reunited, splashing some water on the island.

Arvin came forward, visibly unfatigued as if the task didn't affect him.

"Yeah, but I like eating the fish, and he keeps taking more than he needs. Eventually they would've been wiped out." He revealed.

'Hmm, what an educated assessment. How could he know of the dwindling population from above the water, without the ability to sense Qi' Circuitel thought.

"Plus, it's a good way to gauge my strength. How else can I become an angel?"

This came as a shock to both.

"So that's your endgame." Uriel said.

"Yup, if I'm an angel that means I can leave this place and watch over Earth, right?"

Uriel simply nodded confirming the boy's beliefs.

Angels didn't appear out of nowhere after all. A vast majority were crafted by the Lord, however there are a few who were mortals that mastered their control over divine Qi. Whilst it is clear he is strong, that's simply surface level strength he attained by training in his new celestial state.

(A/N): Remember souls are mortal Qi which can be affected by the spin of other energy types. People in the heavenly realm are celestial spirits, while those in chaos are demonic spirits. Both of which can evolve through intense training due to them being superior to mortal Qi.


If he truly wants to become an angel he'll need proper guidance.

"Well, who wants to see me?" He enquired.

"Oh, that'll be a surprise, just know they are important." Uriel said.

Arvin nodded and shrugged.

The archangel then placed his hand on the boy creating a field of Qi that'd drag him across the skies as they flew up above.

"Right, there's no more time to waste."

A few hours later the three of them arrived at the celestial manor, a structure which even impressed the usually nonchalant Arvin. Circuitel went to do his own tasks, leaving the two behind. The two then went into the depths of the building, passing through many walls and hallways till they reached a pair of golden doors.

"Damn, this is something else." Arvin commented, genuinely impressed.

"Well, it's the bare minimum for someone of his status."

"This can't be God, right?"

"It is, and he'd be delighted to see you."

This sudden info placed a heavy weight on his shoulders, as he certainly wasn't prepared, wearing only a shabby brown trouser with a white shirt.

Uriel knocked on the door so loudly that no one would be able to sleep through it. This gesture put even more shock in the teenager.

"He'll be up in a minute, so I'll be on my way. There's far too much work to do." He said before zooming off, leaving the boy there dumbfounded.

"What the hell does he want me to do?" Arvin said panicked.

Zephyr awoke from his slumber, still in his undergarment he stood up from the bed sluggishly. Grabbing a robe from one of the wardrobes he went to open the door. Then he saw who was at the door. At first, he thought he was still sleepy, but after repeatedly pinching himself, he knew this was real.

Arvins jaw dropped as his mind went blank.

"The fxck!" they both shouted.

Arvin however was obviously the more confused of the two.

'Wait, wait, this has got to be some sorta trick right. Like maybe people see God as the person they're closest too, right? Yeah, that makes sense' He reasoned.

"Ugh, so this is gonna sound crazy." I said, chuckling as I did.

We went into my room, and I called for some refreshments using the phone.

(A/N): Of course they have phones for long range communication, look at their tech.

After an hour long explanation with some wine on the side there was an awkward silence in the room.

"This story is straight out of a cultivation manhwa." Arvin jokingly said, as he finished his glass of wine.

"For real, just over a decade ago most people didn't even believe in a God." I replied.

"Now look at the world without the God they believed they didn't need, now it's all turned to shit." He said a little droopy with sluggish movements.

Both of them had finished over a two dozen bottles of wine, making it quite clear what happened here. Afterall God is no stranger to alcohol, and whilst Zephyr has some resistance to venom and toxins, the quality of heavenly products supersedes the abilities of the system in this matter.

"So, you wanna become an angel, why?" I asked.

"So, I could watch over you guys and keep y'all safe." He replied.

"And what if we were already dead?"

"Nah, you promised me you'd keep them safe and live on remember? I haaaad ab-ab-solute faith in you-" He said before drifting off into slumber.

Arvin had fallen asleep one side off the bed, and Zephyr left him be. He stood up, the effects of the wine slowly dissipating due to the actions of the skill detoxify. He stepped out of the room, fully dressed in a simply dark-blue trouser and black shirt.

He wandered round the manor, taking in as much of its beauty as he could. He then bumped into Uriel and Circuitel, accompanied by other angels in a rush. They greeted him and he decided to follow them. Sometime later he found himself at the gates of heaven, on the other side of the realm.

They were massive golden gates which stood amongst the clouds, they opened up to reveal an endless line of souls, who await judgement. Infront of the line was a strange silver platform on top of which each person would eventually stand. There were legions of angels guarding this space, to prevent anyone trying to avoid rightful judgement. Depending on your lifestyle you'll be allowed to pass the platform and enter the rest of the realm, while others would be teleported to the torturous planets of Chaos. Although the good people could also ask to be reincarnated at any time they wish, and it would be granted.

Some may ask why judgement occurs past the gates? Well, it's to show the sinful a glimpse the opportunity they missed before stripping away all hope.

Above the line stood a massive army of angels, whose gathering was all but normal. They greeted the three high ranking official vehemently before ceasing.

"So, you're sending them to war." I stated.

"Not only that. There are many soldiers here, but also messengers. They have the task of bringing back the miracle of prayers."

"How so?" I wondered.

"As much as we praise our Lord his greatness, he wasn't omnipresent. So, we as angels listened and answered prayers on his behalf, though some of the more precedent matters would require his attention."

"I think it's about time I leave." I stated.

"Hmm, well it certainly is not unexpected; but what about your friend. You two just reunited after all."

"I'd prefer if I didn't have to say any goodbyes."

Uriel was satisfied with this answer. He then summoned a strange key, using it to open two portals leading out of the heavens. The angels left without hesitations, giving a joyous battle cry as they did, before the portal closed.

"Well, then I suppose this is the end of your stay here." The archangel said.

I simply nodded, turning to both my beneficiaries and bowing my head. Then with nothing else left to do I went towards the portal.

"Circuitel, tell my parents not to worry too much, I'll be fine." I said with a smile before heading off.


"He certainly made things interesting, didn't he?" Circuitel asked rhetorically.

"He did, but we have no time to rest." He said with a stern tone.

"Is the blessing ready." Uriel enquired?

"Of course it is." Circuitel replied.

"Good, then I believe it's time you paid Earth a visit."

"Of course." Circuitel confirmed.

I appeared on a random world, which somewhat disoriented me. There was nothing all round, just mounds of sand and stone.

"What the hell?"

[It seems that the new portal system is not as efficient as the original]

To this I simply sighed.


"Of course it is, at least there's oxygen here."

[As you are now do you really need oxygen?]

Alex asked.

"Maybe not, but it feels normal." I responded.


Wherever I spawned in' it didn't seem like there was any civilization nearby, when suddenly my attention was taken by the message that arrived.

[The host has been given a new mission]

[Opening Character Profile]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 17

Level: 46

Exp: 2,681,154,640.365/47,124,624,458.156.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 0

QI: 37,000

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 2nd stage (15000Qi)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Absolute Rejuvenation(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Perfect Qi Unionization, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts, Reverse Spin 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, The Devourer, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Find the last Thornshrade and beat him in a spar

Rewards: 20,000,000,000exp

Punishment: None

Time Limit: 48hrs

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

"Well, this'll be interesting." I said, my head practically swelling with annoyance.

Finally the next saga can begin.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CRSTALkingcreators' thoughts
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