
Ch 50: The messanger [pt3]

“No thanks. I don’t think your offer is as good as you are making it out to be. Besides, I am not that interested in your god or his power.”

Kurina refused Sherman’s offer outright. Alex did not say anything but the expression on his face said that he agreed with Kurina as well. He did not know where the goddess that lived in his head had gone, but she was someone who saved Alex’s life.

Alex did not know the extent of Kratos’s power, but he was certain that it would be as much as the goddess in his head.

“You…are refusing my gracious offer? You insignificant people dared to refuse the offer made by me in my god’s name? Certainly, you all do not deserve to live. I will make you perish in the name of my god.”

Sherman sounded certain of his power. He smacked his cane on the ground two times before Alex felt something slam into his side. He clutched his side as soon as he felt it hurting and found himself bleeding when he pulled his hand back.

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