
Ch 40: More healing? [pt2] R-18

Kurina remained quiet at first but there was a flush covering her face. Her thick face only came out at such times and Alex knew that he had to force Kurina to speak.

As soon as Alex stopped moving, Kurina felt her body protesting. She wanted to move her hips and take Alex’s cock deeper into her body but Alex stopped her with a tight grip on her body.

“Kurina, if you do not follow my instructions, then I will not help you out. It hurts you when I do not allow you to come, right?”

Alex asked with a teasing voice. He rubbed his cock in a barely-felt circular motion that hit Kurina’s G-spot and it broke her resolve.

“I-It feels great, alright? Your cock is hitting all the right places and…. it’s so tight...I can feel it all inside. My pussy is gripping you tight and I want to pull you deeper…”

This was the first time Kurina had said all this out loud consciously so her face was a bright red. She was humiliated but her body seemed to unconsciously relax when she humiliated herself.

“Good girl. You did incredible. For this, let me make you come on my cock.”

Alex finally pulled Kurina and dropped her on this cock. Kurina felt ready to faint and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. All the nerves in her body sang and Kurina felt her release coming.

“I-I am about to come…”

Kurina cried as she tightened around Alex’s body. Her pussy tightened and milked Alex all around. It finally caused him to go over and he came inside Kurina’s body.

They both panted as the water filled up their wounds and energy once more. Pretty soon, they were both ready to get up once more.

“How are you feeling, Kurina?”

Alex asked once he dragged himself out of the water. He was lucky that he had managed to snag a pair or two of clothes from the city as soon as he realized something was about to happen to it.

He passed one of them to Kurina and she quickly wore those clothes. They were a lot bigger on Kurina than they were on Alex but they also covered all of her from the harsh desert.

“I feel like crap. I almost died and I was also abandoned. To add salt to the injury, I must now crawl back to that stupid party somehow or I will die.”

Kurina complained and Alex understood her plight. He was in a similar predicament.

“Do you have any idea where the others would have headed toward?”

Alex asked Kurina but she only looked sulkier at this question. Sher eyes flashed as soon as she remembered what had happened to her but she also knew that snapping at Alex was not going to get her anything.

“Of course, I do not know where I can find the others. Do you think I would be here if I knew where I needed to go?”

Kurina made some smart points. Now all Alex could rely on was his map. It showed an entry to the floor and the exit which meant that the other party must have gone in one of these directions.

“Should we head for the gate that leads outside the tower? I am pretty sure that they must be headed in that direction.”

Kurina almost hesitated to ask this question and Alex thought about it as well. Their party might have tried to break through the power gate.

But Alex also remembered what King Saar had said. There was no way out of this tower for the people who had taken in its essence. Trying to go outside would be a waste of time and effort.

“Instead of going in the outside direction, I think we should head toward the door that leads up. King Saar sounded confident when he said that we would not be able to escape this tower. I am willing to take my chances.”

Kurina still seemed to not agree with Alex but she had no other choice but to follow him. Not only did he show remarkable knowledge of this terrain, but going alone was not an option in the tower as well.

“If you are sure about this, then we should follow your advice. After all, we will both die if we did not meet Baron Luke in time.”

That was the only thing that kept Kurina going for the time being. She was not going to risk her life this time and follow Alex along.

“Great, then let’s prepare. We might need to head back to the golden city and take some supplies that will aid us in the long run. Once the sun sets, we can leave.”

Kurina’s body shuddered as soon as she heard Alex’s words. She did not want to go back to the city if she could help it, but it was in the same direction as their destination.

It would be a good idea to gather supplies at the very least.

Alex also seemed prepared when he brought out a few bottles and filled up the healing water into those small bottles. He looked prepared to face any situation.

“This water may very well save our lives in the future. I think we should gather as much of it as we can. If you have any bottles to spare, then you fill them up as well.”

Kurina had a few empty bottles she filled up and then they both left the pond.

The city looked ruined in about half a day. The luxurious palace that once stood tall was no more and all the gold seemed to have lost its shine.

‘Since the god’s blessing no longer runs beneath this land, it has lost its luxurious shine. It makes sense to me.’

Kurina had a sad look on her face when she looked at the city. This was the place where she had lost the most in her life - her first love. But it was also the place that had changed her the most.

“Huh, what the hell happened to this place? I came here because the records said that threw was a golden city on the tower’s first floor. But all I can see are the ruins.”

Both Alex and Kurina were startled when they heard a human voice. They looked toward the gate of the ruined city and watched a father-daughter pair enter the city.

The father looked relatively young and the daughter was only three years old. It was such a contrast to see them inside the tower.

“The golden city used to be here until yesterday. An accident happened and everything got uprooted. If you are looking for that city, then you are out of luck.”

Alex explained to the pair and the father looked shocked to hear it. It soon turned into a disappointment as soon as he heard those words. He cursed a little and then gave up.

“I cannot believe this…. all my hard work and for this? I cannot go home empty-handed like this or I will die and my daughter…she might be sold into slavery.”

The man looked torn between wanting to go back and continuing to keep on going forward. But in the end, he likely decided that there was no use going back home.

If his daughter was forced to live a life worse than death, then the pair might as well try and survive here.

“Hey, don’t throw your life away like this. Your daughter has so much to live for. Here, take this gem and go back.”

Kurina held the gem out. But as soon as it was out of her hand, it turned into a normal stone once more. It seemed to hold no value and she looked speechless.

The father looked disheartened once more but he did not blame Kurina for getting his hopes up. It was his fault for coming to this tower too late. He would have been able to save his daughter otherwise.

“You both should still head back. If you both are alive, you still have a chance to live somehow. In this tower, you would die for sure.”

Kurina warned the pair but it was Alex who brought her attention to the real problem at hand.

“Kurina, those two might want to go back but I don’t think it is even a possibility for them now. I think they might be in the same situation as we are.”

Alex reminded Kurina and her enthusiasm shifted to annoyance and then a resigned sigh. She had forgotten that there was no way to leave this place anymore.

“Ah yes, that is a possibility but they should still try and head back, right?”

Kurina asked but Alex only shook his head. Instead of going back, it would be better for the father-daughter pair to go forward and to the next floor. They might find a more suitable place for them to live.

When Alex shared his thoughts out loud, he knew that Kurina would protest. She had a good heart and she would not want to see the pair in trouble. But she needed to learn that there were things she could not handle and give up.

But from her expression, Alex could tell that Kurina would fight him if he said anything.

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